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"Finding those three ancient poems was not the work of Qingshuang alone, but deduced from the achievements of the seniors of the sect."

"In fact, most of this sea of ​​spiritual bamboos are illusory things, and half of them are transformed by bamboo slips. Each bamboo slip is engraved with a poem. If you want to find and see through these bamboo slips, you need enough patience and understanding."

Chen Qingshuang paused for a moment, then continued: "Over the past hundreds of years, through the groping of countless Haoran Sect disciples, in addition to the thirty or so poems on the cliff, hundreds of scattered poems have also been found, which need to be placed under the corresponding Lingzhu. Marked."

"That's why Qingshuang had the opportunity to stitch together those three poems. Therefore, this is not the credit of Qingshuang, but the result of the hard work of countless seniors."

"Sister Qingshuang, which three poems did you find?" Xia Zhaoyang asked curiously.

"Those three songs..." Chen Qingshuang smiled slightly, raised her hand, and more than twenty streamers escaped from the bamboo sea, and came in front of several people.

Chen Qingshuang raised his hand and caressed, and these streamers showed their true shapes one after another, they were bamboo slips about a foot long, and each bamboo slip had a line of poetry imprinted on it.

Following the little sister of Hao Ranzong's fingers, more than twenty bamboo slips were scattered and divided into three groups.

"Chun Mian doesn't know dawn... Senior brother, look at this poem, my sister still remembers it... It turns out that sister Qingshuang found this poem, it's amazing..."

"Sister Qingshuang, that's not right. Isn't this poem only four lines? Why are there eight lines here?" Xia Chaoyang still remembered this short poem clearly, and asked very puzzled.

"Chaoyang is right. There are only four lines in this poem, and the other four lines are redundant, but the auras of these eight bamboo slips are very similar. Sister, I also deliberated for a long time before deciding on these four lines." Chen Qingshuang said calmly. Said.

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang was surprised immediately, and exclaimed: "It's so troublesome, there are still extra lines to confuse the audience, what if the spelling is wrong?"

"It doesn't matter if you spell it wrong, it's just that the disciples of Haoran Sect like to pursue the ultimate beauty, and they must find the most perfect lines before they are willing to give up."

After pondering for a while, Chen Qingshuang continued: "After years of exploration, I have found some rules, for example, the number of confused lines is always four more than the original lines, and these similar lines are very close, and even the artistic conception is very close. It’s hard to tell right from wrong.”

Looking at the familiar four lines of poetry, Xia Zhaoyang stepped forward, wanting to touch it.

"Sister Chaoyang, give it a try. Just put the four bamboo slips together, but be careful that the poems must be stitched from right to left..." Chen Qingshuang reminded with a smile.

"Okay..." In response, Xia Zhaoyang immediately moved his hands, moved one of the eight bamboo slips suspended in mid-air, picked out four of them and spliced ​​them in order.

At the moment of completion, the four bamboo slips resonated, emitting a cyan light that penetrated into a cliff. The corresponding position on the cliff, the four poems carved in seal are exactly the one: Spring sleep without awakening...

"Brother, it's fun..." Junior Sister Xia smiled happily.

"Well, Chaoyang remembers it very well, very good..." Bai Yunlou praised, but his eyes stayed on another poem.

The old man left the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, the fireworks went down to Yangzhou in March, the lonely sail was far away, the blue sky was gone, and only the Yangtze River flowed in the sky.

I saw this ancient poem on the cliff in Baiyun Tower just now, and I was very impressed, but there are a few doubts in it that have been lingering in my mind.

I have never heard of the Yellow Crane Tower, and what kind of state Yangzhou is. I have heard of Xizhou and Mingzhou, but I have never heard of Yangzhou.

The term "Yangtze River" doesn't mean anything at all. The long and long river can be used to describe the past. Now we will see another poem, only seeing the Qianjiang River flowing in the sky... It seems that the Qianjiang River is more appropriate.

There are two other sentences, the old man Xici Baihe Tower is more appropriate, Baihe Tower is an ancient building on the bank of the Qianjiang River that has gone through thousands of years of wind and frost.

Qiongzhou is the best place for fireworks in March. Qiongzhou is in the south of Daxia. Using this word seems to be more fluent.

"Junior Sister Chen, you must have heard of Baihe Tower, Qiongzhou, and Qianjiang, right?" After pondering for a while, Baiyun Tower still couldn't help asking.

"Ah, senior brother asked this, and now I know." I didn't expect that senior brother Bai, who can develop poetic illusions, would care about and ponder over such details.

"You already know it now? When did the junior sister know about it?" Bai Yunlou asked curiously.

Chen Qingshuang thought for a while and replied: "Qingshuang grew up in the Haoran Sect since she was a child, and she was a little ignorant of the world. It was not until the last time she participated in the Cultivation Conference that she saw the world outside the sect. From the geographical map presented by the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce Only then did I realize how big the world is.”

"The Cultivation Conference... So, these three poems were found by Junior Sister Qingshuang before participating in the Cultivation Conference?"

"Exactly, Senior Brother Bai, is there any problem with the artistic conception of this poem?" Chen Qingshuang asked with some doubts.

"That makes sense. Oh, there's nothing wrong with this poem. It's a good choice. It seems to be more poetic, especially the word Yangtze River. After thinking about it, it seems to have more charm than Qianjiang." Baiyun Tower commented.

Chen Qingshuang nodded and replied: "That's exactly the case. After returning from the comprehension conference, my junior sister pondered over this poem again, and I still think the four lines on the stone wall are more suitable."

Hearing that the elder brothers were almost finished chatting, the little fat man interjected: "Senior sister Chen, just now I saw that there are more than thirty poems and essays on this cliff, and there are sixty or seventy poems and essays outside the cave. There are as many as a hundred poems, which are enough to be bound into a volume and to print a collection of poems and essays."

"The collection of poems and essays... the more than 30 poems in this cave are okay, but the poems and essays outside the cave are just written by the disciples of the Haoran Sect on a whim, and the artistic conception is a bit worse." Chen Qingshuang pondered.

"Senior Sister Chen is worrying too much. In fact, there are sixty or seventy poems mixed in~www.readwn.com~ This will allow the poems to be passed on better."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Unexpectedly, in the face of such an astonishingly talented poet and prose master, he could also speak up. The little fat man was quite excited, cleared his throat, and then said: "Although the younger brother does not have a high understanding of poetry and prose, from the perspective of ordinary students From a visual point of view, the more than 30 poems in this cave are indeed gorgeous and exquisite, with lofty artistic conceptions, but they must be set off to show their uniqueness."

"In addition, the poems and essays outside the cave, in the eyes of the younger brother, are actually very good. It is easier for ordinary students to study, and they have more confidence in their study. The elder brother said that perfect poems are rare."

"You can't ask for it... that's a good point." Chen Qingshuang nodded and replied, agreeing with Baiyunlou's words.

"Senior Sister Qingshuang, what do you think of the collection of poems of the Haoran School? If you have any suggestions, feel free to offer them." After the conversation, the little fat man gradually gained confidence, and took out the prepared collection of poems for Senior Sister Chen to read.

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