There is nothing left or right, Baiyun Tower intends to go back to Zhuhai Dongtian to see the derivation of those poems and prose, some mysterious poems and prose have only been deduced halfway, and I am quite concerned about them.

Hearing this, the little fat man took a sneak peek at Luo Li, then got up and wanted to follow into the cave.

But Baiyun Tower stopped the little fat man, and said that there was already an arrangement for deriving the poems, there was no need to go in to join in the fun, if he couldn't sleep, he might as well find a secluded place to discuss with Luo Li.

If you are really interested in the poems and essays in the cave, and you will handle the affairs of the envoys tomorrow, and go to the cave to observe at any time, then there may be many poems written.

"Elder brother is more thoughtful... Xiao Li, how about we discuss together?" The little fat man hurriedly said.

Luo Li nodded, got up and left with the little fat man.

Returning to the Bamboo Sea Cave Sky, Baiyunlou flashed to the platform at the end of the mountain path, and swept across the small bamboo building, the junior sister was already asleep, and the poem "return after all the money is gone" was only half deduced.

Baiyunlou was too lazy to worry about it, and had no intention of cultivating for the time being, so he simply took out the sacred tree raised by the sea of ​​consciousness and looked at it.

There are several mysterious auras contained in this sacred tree, which should be the residual energy of the big ancient tree, but the amount is too small, otherwise refining it into the sea of ​​consciousness may balance the energy of the five elements in the sea of ​​consciousness.

While thinking, Baiyun Tower summoned a thunder light from the sea of ​​consciousness, and shot it down on the sacred tree.

As a result, not only was the divine tree safe and sound, but the thunder light did not seem to dissipate, it was just absorbed by the divine tree.

Baiyunlou picked up the sacred tree with his hand, waved it casually, and the thunder light contained in the sacred tree came out and fell to the bamboo sea below.

With the thought of bringing the thunder light back into the sea of ​​consciousness, Baiyunlou couldn't help but look at this piece of sacred tree with admiration.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being safe and sound under Aunt Xia's purple thunder. Its texture is dense, and when it is lightly tapped, it emits the sound of metal and iron.

It is a good fairy material for refining weapons. Thinking that Aunt Xia has the supernatural power of thunder, but she can't show her full strength with that rather ordinary spiritual weapon, a low-level magic sword, so Baiyunlou came up with the idea of ​​refining a spiritual weapon .

That Luo Li also didn't have any magic weapons, it seemed that not only Luo Li, but even the demon cultivators in Qingqiu didn't have a few magic weapons.

At most, it is to cut a branch from the holy tree as a weapon, but it seems to be used smoothly.

But since there is a lot of fairy material, it shouldn't be a big problem to refine two spiritual weapons and magic swords.

Nowadays, there are a lot of high-level treasures in Sea of ​​Consciousness, and there are still many stocks of Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce. After all, they are all their own treasures, and they are not used casually...

Although this branch has the characteristics of fairy material, for Baiyun Tower, refining it is relatively easy.

With the help of the Pure Yang Sword Gang that contained the True Fire of Samadhi, it didn't take long to refine the two-foot-long Shenmu into two sword embryos.

With the forging of the powerful Yangshen power, all kinds of fairy materials and treasures were forged into the sword embryo, and the halo of the spiritual weapon had already come out through the body.

On a whim, Baiyun Tower inscribed the Thunder Gathering Formation onto the jaw of the sword, and even engraved two divine patterns as the needle eyes of the Thunder Gathering Formation.

Although I don't know if Aunt Xia used it smoothly, at least when it became a sword, its grade had already broken through to a high-grade spiritual weapon.

Another spiritual weapon, the magic sword, Baiyunlou didn't condense any magic circle, and didn't even add much other auxiliary materials, except for tempering the sword body, which basically preserved the original characteristics of the Shenmu.

Even so, this sword embryo was still refined into a middle-grade spirit weapon, the magic sword.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyun Tower condensed a sword intent and sealed it in this middle-grade spirit sword. There was no reason, anyway, after sealing this sword intent, the mind became much clearer.

Putting away the two dharma swords, Baiyunlou could not help but twitch his mouth when he thought about looking towards the small bamboo building with lights in the distance.

It seems that when he was concentrating on refining the magic sword just now, Xiao Chaoyang had already woken up and went downstairs, seeming to be quite busy.

"Okay, stop arguing, Second Senior Sister is here, Second Senior Sister, come and read these eight poems, and see which combination of the two is the most suitable?" This is Xiao Jing's voice.

As I said before when we were grouped, each group of eight people can choose at most two combinations for each poem.

As a result, there are many verses, not only affected by the four confusing verses, but even the verses themselves may be reversed. After some discussion, there are more than two combinations.

"Let me choose, can you do it..., Eldest Brother is not here..." Xia Zhaoyang was a little bit unconfident when Eldest Brother was not there.

"Why not? I just heard from Green Ant that the song 'Green Ant's New Fermented Wine' was composed by the second senior sister, and it was highly praised by the senior brother." Nangong Xiaojing sighed.

"Oh, that poem was indeed developed under the guidance of the elder brother. The elder brother said that as long as he feels it, he can find the most suitable poem." Xia Chaoyang thought of the words of the elder brother while speaking, but it was A little more confidence.

"Then senior sister, help me to read this poem. Which two combinations are the most suitable?"

"Then let's take a look..." While speaking, Xia Zhaoyang had already started to take the bamboo slips and start fiddling with them.

"Okay!" Without much effort, a poem has already been spelled out, with eight neat sentences.

Nangong Xiaojing slightly aligned the bamboo slips, seeing that there was no reaction, she couldn't help saying: "Second Senior Sister, what about another combination?"

"Another kind? This big brother didn't mention it, this one is enough..." Xia Zhaoyang looked at the poem and read it through, and the more he read it, the more pleasing to the eye, isn't it just the feeling.

"But..., but this bamboo slip didn't respond..." Xiao Jing reminded in a low voice.

Xia Zhaoyang fiddled with the bamboo slips for a while, and said with a puzzled look: "It doesn't make sense, this poem is obviously such a combination, how could it be wrong..."

At this time, the green ant stepped forward and whispered: "Sister Chaoyang, this poem seems to be reversed..."

"So that's how it I'll just say it, haha..." Xia Zhaoyang suddenly realized after receiving the advice, and hurriedly rearranged the bamboo slips from right to left, and finally there was movement.

The eight bamboo slips vibrated together, and finally formed a blue light, sinking into the cliff where Baiyun Tower was standing.

An ancient poem appeared on the cliff not far from Baiyun Tower. There were eight sentences in the poem, which were catchy to read, and two of them made Baiyun Tower's eyes shine.

There is a confidant in the sea, and the end of the world is like a neighbor.

It is another poem that can be passed down through the ages. It is obviously a farewell poem, but it expresses lofty aspirations and an open-minded mind.

It is not difficult to imagine that the two poems will surely be circulated in the Great Xia for a long time in the future.

After sighing, Baiyunlou's figure flashed, and with the light of the waning moon, it turned into a rainbow and fell back in front of Xiaozhulou.

"Senior Brother, Junior Sister has spelled out another poem, this time it's eight sentences..." Xia Zhaoyang's small face was full of complacency when he saw the figure of Senior Brother falling down.

"Senior brother saw it, there is a confidant in the sea, and the end of the world is like a neighbor, the talent of the younger sister's poetry selection is really a godsend..."

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