Looking at the appearance of the patriarch of the Haoran Sect, Baiyun Tower couldn't help but understand. It seemed that the patriarch had the same expectations for the smooth cliff face as he did.

Although all the poems and prose have been researched and researched, the smooth cliff face remains unchanged, which can only explain one problem, that is, the order of these poems and prose is correct, but there are still problems with the choice of verses.

It is also complicated and vast to re-deduce the confusing poems, the patriarch of Haoran Sect sighed lightly, ready to arrange the re-derivation.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou said aloud: "Sovereign, maybe Yunlou knows where the problem is. If you don't mind, can you let this junior try a thing or two."

Hearing this, the Grand Master of the Haoran Sect's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile on his face: "You can try it in Yunlou, and if you need the cooperation of the disciples of the Haoran Sect, just order it."

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and was not in a hurry to act, but said with a smile: "Actually, this junior was reminded of the problem by his junior sister."

"Our vision is trapped by this small world. If we get rid of the familiar cognition of the human world and taste these poems again, we may be able to discern the difference."

Seeing the expressions of the members of the Haoran Sect who seemed to have realized something, Bai Yunlou turned to Junior Sister Chen and said, "Junior Sister Chen, do you still remember the three poems you developed half a year ago?"

"Brother, are you talking about the song... the old man West Citing the Yellow Crane Tower?" Chen Qingshuang seemed to understand the meaning of what Senior Brother Bai said.

Bai Yunlou nodded and replied: "Exactly, in that poem, the Yellow Crane Tower and Yangzhou are not owned by the Great Xia Kingdom, and they are even unheard of in this small world..., but they are depicted in the poem as if they are in front of us. "

"Maybe the Yangtze River really has its own name, just like the great river in the Great River Kingdom..." Chen Qingshuang couldn't help but follow Senior Brother Bai's words.

"Yes or no, you will know once you try it." Bai Yunlou nodded and said.

"Eldest brother, it's Xiaojing who is troublesome." At this time, Nangong Xiaojing who had been listening quietly said aloud.

"It's okay, senior brother, I just realized something." Bai Yunlou smiled and waved his hand.

While speaking, Xiao Jing raised her hand to attract a cloud, on which were firmly supported dozens of piles of bamboo slips, and reassembled the bamboo slips under the amazed eyes of Haoran Sect disciples.

Xia Zhaoyang was a little confused at first, but when he saw the bamboo slips brought by Xiao Jing, he immediately understood. It seems that the senior brother and Xiao Jing both thought that the poems he had chosen were correct, and immediately stepped forward to chat with each other cheerfully. Xiao Jing put together the poems together.

Don’t you see it, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, and it will never return to the sea...

The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains, amidst the vast sea of ​​clouds, the wind blows tens of thousands of miles across the Yumen Pass...

Chaoci Baidi among the colorful clouds, thousands of miles of rivers and tombs return in one day...

There were only more than thirty poems in total, and it didn't take long for them to be re-spliced, and blue light gradually sank into the corresponding cliff walls.

It's just that when the last ray of blue light sank into the cliff, there was still no movement on the smooth cliff in front of them.

Just when everyone was puzzled, they heard Baiyun Tower recite calmly: "The sun is behind the mountains, and the Yellow River flows into the sea..."

It turns out that I missed this short poem. This short poem has long been researched by the Haoran School, so it was excluded early this time. Eight bamboo slips were drawn.

As the blue light sank into the cliff again, there was finally movement on the smooth cliff face, and a row of handwriting slowly appeared, but as the handwriting appeared, the smooth cliff face immediately began to crack.

The complexion of Baiyunlou changed, and more than ten sword lights were sent out at the same time, and more than ten sword fields were deployed at the same time, protecting this cliff and the land with a radius of tens of feet, Yangshen used all his strength.

Aunt Xia also deployed the Thunder Field, covering an area of ​​tens of zhang, and Master Ziyang also used his sword to display the Yin-Yang Sword Field.

With the joint efforts of everyone, they managed to barely protect the cliff face.

It's just that the power of this shattered rule is too strong. The dozens of epee domains in Baiyun Tower and the domains of two Nascent Soul Realm monks can't stop the cracking of the cliff face, they can only slow down the cracking trend. many.

Everyone immediately knew that what appeared on the cliff face was definitely not trivial, and they all focused on the handwriting that appeared.

"My remnant soul has lived in this small world for hundreds of years. I have realized the Dao, seen through the void, and want to go to other small worlds to find my roots."

"The original world that I'm going to find has no spiritual energy, and everyone, high or low, has a life span of only a few hundred. Although there are many wars and chaos, there are endless heroes and loyal people in troubled times."

"Although there is a lack of heaven in this world, most of the human race live and work in peace and contentment. I hope you will cherish and protect this peace."

"There is a peerless demon soul in Nanzhou, which is a catastrophe for this small world. If you cross it, you will increase the luck of this world."

"At the time of parting, leave a legacy of poetry and prose, and you need to understand it yourself before you can be recognized by the Dao of Heaven."

"I can't intervene in the matter of the demon soul, I hope the poems and essays left in these remnant souls can help a little."

"The original world of the remaining memories also has the Kunlun Mountains. The name of Mount Tai here is what I ordered. If I see a small world with these two mountains in the future, there may be a time to meet each other. You should cherish it."

In just a few words, not only did he explain where he was going, but he also placed hope in this small world on earth, and left an extraordinary inheritance.

After these words were manifested, the cracked lines became denser and denser. With the appearance of the last inscription, the entire smooth cliff cracked and shattered in an instant, and the outermost mountain rocks turned into powder and drifted away with the wind.

Although it only flashed for a moment, Baiyunlou could still see the vigorous inscription——Wen.

It turned out that Senior Wumingzi still had a name, but he couldn't leave a mark on this small world.

Just after sealing this word in the depths of the sea of ​​memory, a kind of blissful response appeared in Baiyunlou's mind, and a divine thought penetrated into the cracked cliff in an instant.

In the chaotic space inside the cliff, I came across a thought without any fluctuations~www.readwn.com~ That thought only had two words, one for 'give up' and the other for 'gain'.

With the touch of thoughts, the thoughts in the cliff immediately disappeared. Since then, Wu Mingzi's aura in this small world has disappeared, but hundreds of poems and essays have been left behind, shaking the academy and the school all the time. The hearts and minds of Haoranzong disciples.

"Being willing..." Baiyunlou muttered to himself, these two words were very familiar, but he didn't know why Senior Wen took these two words so seriously and hid them so deeply.

What surprised Baiyunlou the most was that these two words sank into the depths of the sea of ​​memory by themselves, and then gradually merged into the sea of ​​memory, turning into an invisible aura. The existence of machines is really mysterious.

There is still such an opportunity, although I don't know what use it is...

All of a sudden, Baiyun Tower felt a sense, as if the future related to him became complicated and confusing, and the little sense of bad luck and good fortune that could be sensed before would gradually disappear without a trace.

Not only was Baiyunlou not upset about this vision, but a little bit of joy was revealed in his mind.

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