"The Novel of Xianlou in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

Head Master Bai couldn't bear to see it any longer, his face straightened, and he taught: "Junior Brother Luo, although the master has told about Chanjuan's meaning, he also said that the words are clever, with one heart in mind."

"From the point of view of the whole poem, the meaning of Chanjuan here should refer to the bright moon, and the meaning of the last sentence..."

At this time, a clear voice came to mind: "Brother Bai understands clearly, the last sentence is to hope that all relatives are safe and healthy, even if they are thousands of miles apart, they can share this beautiful moonlight..."

While speaking, a figure rose up into the cloud of smoke, it was Chen Qingshuang whose divine consciousness had just transformed into a primordial spirit.

When everyone was talking just now, Chen Qingshuang had already completed her transformation. Hearing the interesting words of the academy disciples watching Yuntou, she couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth and jumped into the mist.

"Congratulations to Junior Sister Chen for condensing the primordial spirit..." Bai Yunlou folded his hands and smiled.

"Compared to Senior Brother Bai, it's nothing at all. What's more, Senior Sister Caiwei and Junior Brother Bai Zhan seem to have broken through their souls, congratulations..." Chen Qingshuang turned to look at several academy disciples.

"Ah, senior sister also made a breakthrough?" Luo Yu said happily.

"Ganghua Xing, I'm about to give Ayu a surprise, hehe..."

"Junior Brother Bai Zhan is also very good. This spirit transformation is quite unique, but it is more and more in line with the sword intention..." Bai Yunlou nodded and said.

Bai Zhan replied quite calmly: "Actually, my junior brother didn't think of transforming into the person who came, but when I used the immortal energy to refine the soul, on a whim, I imitated the elder brother to integrate the sword intent into the soul, but I didn't expect to actually transform It has formed a golden light sword soul."

"That's also because the younger brother's soul is strong enough, otherwise he wouldn't be able to truly transform into form."

Turning his head to look at Xiaojing who was somewhat frustrated, Baiyunlou went on to say: "Xiaojing, in fact, the strength of your soul is also very strong, but your cultivation base is still a lot worse, so you haven't really transformed. If you The cultivation level has broken into the foundation building, and it will not be too late to try to transform."

"Oh..." Xiao Jing replied a little sullenly.

While everyone was talking, a Buddha's voice seemed to come from the void. The disciples who were in front of the cliff didn't seem to notice it, but the people in Baiyun Tower felt it clearly, and they all looked at a cliff.

"Junior Brother Tianyin... It seems that studying in the academy is not in vain, and you can break through by reciting poems. That old monk Juehai has nothing to say now, haha..." Baiyunlou muttered with a smile under his calm.

Xia Chaoyang asked in amazement: "Senior Brother, Junior Brother Tianyin has also condensed the Yuanshen? It doesn't look like it, just the golden light that is bigger than mung beans..."

"Junior Brother Tianyin is practicing Buddhist exercises. What is condensed is not the primordial spirit. The golden light is called relic, but it has the same effect as the primordial spirit." About the relic, Baiyun Tower still knows about it. Almost half of his skills were drawn from Tianyin's mouth.

"Junior Tianyin's buddha-nature is natural, and that poem is really suitable for the occasion..." Chen Qingshuang sighed.

Hearing these words, everyone looked at the poems on the cliff.

Entering the ancient temple in the early morning, the first sun shines on the high forest.

The winding path leads to a secluded place, and the flowers and trees in the meditation room are deep.

The mountain light pleases the nature of the birds, and the shadows of the lake empty the hearts of the people.

Everything is silent, but there is still a chime sound from the bell.

"Brother, this poem really looks like the scenery of Xuanyin Temple. No wonder Junior Brother Tianyin is touched... Junior Brother Tianyin...wouldn't you want to go back to be a little monk?" Xia Zhaoyang suddenly thought of this and was surprised asked.

"Junior Brother Tianyin's ambition is not to become a young monk..." Bai Yunlou said leisurely.

Before Junior Sister Xia could react, Baiyunlou laughed and said, "Junior Brother Tianyin has always aspired to be a great monk who is proficient in Buddhism..."

"Ah..., isn't that still a monk, haha..." Halfway through the conversation, Xia Chaoyang laughed out loud at being teased by the elder brother.

Caiwei looked at the figure in the distance with a faint Buddha light around him, curled her lips slightly, and felt relieved in an instant, turned her head to look at Airang beside her, her eyes were full of smiles.

At this time, two figures came flying and landed on the cloud, they were the little fat man and Luo Li.

"Finally finished memorizing..." The little fat man put away the photo jade plate and let out a long breath.

The little fat man originally wanted to memorize it with his spiritual thoughts, but it took half a stick of incense to memorize a few poems, so he had to give up and record it directly on a jade plate for pictures.

Fortunately, after the baptism of the immortal energy just now, the primordial spirit has become a little stronger, and it is much easier to record these hundreds of poems.

"Feiyang, what happened to the envoy?" Bai Yunlou asked casually.

The little fat man patted his firm chest and said, "Elder brother, don't worry, everything has been done, and the relevant seal documents have been prepared, and we can leave for Qingqiu tomorrow morning."

"Well, after sunrise tomorrow morning, leave immediately..."

"Senior brother..." Xia Zhaoyang gently tugged on the sleeve of senior senior brother.

Bai Yunlou couldn't help but curl his mouth, knowing that this little junior sister would follow, but he still asked with a smile: "Chaoyang, even if senior brother agrees, Senior Aunt is old..., Senior Aunt will not nod in agreement."

"Auntie agreed a long time ago, hehe." Xia Zhaoyang said with some complacency, narrowing his eyes with a smile.

"It's all okay..." Baiyunlou turned his head and looked around, but he didn't see Aunt Xia. At some point, Aunt Xia and Uncle Ziyang had already escaped from the Bamboo Sea Cave.

At this time, Junior Sister Xia's sound transmission came from his ear, and Baiyunlou couldn't help being dumbfounded, and felt relieved while sighing.

"Senior brother, look..." Xia Zhaoyang turned around while speaking, and the aura around him was restrained. The originally powerful Golden Core cultivation base had changed into the appearance of the initial stage of foundation establishment.

"Little Hualing's celestial powers... are really extraordinary, even my senior brother can't see through them." Baiyun Tower couldn't find any flaws in the operation of Tianyan, so he couldn't help nodding and muttering.

After pondering for a while, Baiyun Tower still accepted the matter of junior sister Xia going out together tomorrow.

Xia Chaoyang was so happy that he couldn't control himself, and shouted: "I'll go to see that big tree tomorrow, hehe... Brother, let's go practice now."

It was rare for Xiao Chaoyang to take the initiative to cultivate, and Baiyunlou immediately greeted a group of disciples, put them back on the mountain path by the cliff, pulled up Junior Sister Xia and fled back to Xiaozhulou.

The night passed in a hurry, Xia Chaoyang practiced earnestly all night, and Baiyunlou has been comprehending the way of swords~www.readwn.com~ Perhaps when Junior Sister Ziyan's comprehension of the Dao Slashing Sword Intent is closing, under the induction of divine sense, From time to time, the misty aura connected to Junior Sister Ziyan sent bursts of sword sense.

Baiyun Tower simply condensed the latest poetry that he realized on the cliff tonight into a sword intent, sealed it in his thoughts, and passed it on to Junior Sister Ziyan who was thousands of miles away.

In the middle of the night, he was deeply comprehended, and a penetrating meaning came from the ethereal aura, and Bai Yunlou's heart was free. It seemed that Junior Sister Zi Yan finally understood the meaning of Dao Slashing Sword, and she could use it as she wished.

The bamboo sea caves to the sky, the top of the small bamboo building, and the Baiyun building stand tall, looking at the early sun in the sky, with endless pride in their hearts.

"Chaoyang, go to Qingqiu with senior brother..."


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