Looking at Xiao Hualing's joyful expression, Xia Chaoyang faintly felt that something was wrong, secretly thought that he could practice while sleeping before.

But in an instant, he put this thought behind him, nodded and said: "Since that's the case, then I will start to practice, Senior Sister, maybe I will achieve a small success in the cultivation of Soul Refining Art in four days, hehe..."

Xiao Hualing nodded repeatedly and gave a few words of encouragement.

Looking at the figure of the little master sitting cross-legged on the flower vine and earnestly cultivating, the little flower spirit felt unprecedentedly relaxed, and a feeling of incomparable happiness welled up in her mind. After relaxing, she gradually fell on the little cloud bed, with a sense of joy fell into a deep sleep.

When Junior Sister Xia was determined to cultivate hard, Master Bai was not idle and was busy refining the distracted body in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Two days ago, Baiyun Tower originally planned to condense the soul core, and the practice of soul refining art would be the end of it. Who knows that this practice is not so simple.

Now the soul of Baiyun Tower has broken into the state of distraction, and it is not enough to condense a soul core.

Moreover, after the five elements were balanced, the sea of ​​consciousness transformed, and the power of the soul skyrocketed. As soon as Fang started to condense the soul core, the distracted body that was being refined split apart by itself...

After the metamorphosis of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, it is actually not difficult for Baiyunlou to condense the soul core.

According to the guidance of the divine formula, under the full condensing, only half an hour, a crystal clear soul core crystal was completely refined and formed.

As soon as it was refined and formed, the soul core immediately released bursts of fluctuations, and it was this bursts of fluctuations that split the body of the divided soul.

The split soul was floating, originally without form, it gradually condensed into shape in a moment, and since then it has transformed into a third soul split.

The three sub-souls glanced at each other and waved their hands at the same time, Baiyunlou secretly sighed, the original two sub-souls hadn't adapted yet, and finally created a third one.

Looking at the three souls with divine sense, Baiyunlou suddenly realized that the three souls might not be the end.

In any case, let's start with these three soul divisions first, and then we can decide on the direction of further cultivation after exploring.

The three sub-souls seem to have the same appearance, but they are actually different. The soul sub-soul that has refined the soul core has become more and more solid under the shaking and refining of the soul core, and it seems that no additional sub-souls will be separated for the time being up.

The split soul that was condensed by itself when the body of the Yang God was transformed in the Zhuhai Cave of the Haoran Sect seemed to be quite stable. It should not be a big problem to directly condense the soul core, and it seems that the chance of splitting the soul again is not high.

But the other soul-splitting just formed is completely different, its aura is strong, and it is very vain. It is precisely because of the abnormality of this soul-splitting that Baiyunlou thinks that it should be able to condense more soul-splitting.

However, Baiyun Tower was not in a hurry to condense more souls, but tried to fuse three souls.

The result was quite unexpected, the two souls that could have been fused together could not be fused, and the vain soul that was just separated could not be integrated into the soul with the soul core again.

On the contrary, the two separate souls without soul cores can be fused at will, and can also be divided at will.

It seems that it was the fluctuation of the soul core that changed the aura of the soul, so that the sub-soul that condensed the soul core could not fuse with other sub-souls for the time being.

After some exploration, Baiyun Tower roughly figured out the direction of future practice.

Now that the soul has cultivated to the state of split soul, then adapt to this state as soon as possible.

Engraved divine patterns on the hidden points between the brows of other souls to condense the same soul core, and more importantly, condense all the souls as soon as possible.

It may be that Baiyun Tower has recently become accustomed to focusing on the way of cultivation, and does not want to condense too many souls.

My spirit is already strong, if I go to the Kunlun Immortal Realm and get some chance to separate hundreds of souls, that kind of situation is terrifying.

At the same time, what is the difference between refining a hundred souls and raising a hundred babies? Who am I and what am I doing...

Rather than doing that, it is better to concentrate on refining several souls, not only is each soul more powerful, but also the energy can be concentrated.

After figuring this out, Baiyun Tower was about to start refining, when suddenly there was a feeling in his mind, and then he withdrew his mind, and his consciousness returned to his body in an instant.

Opening his eyes from the ice crystal lotus platform, he happened to meet Zi Yan's pair of clear eyes. The two exchanged a glance, and at the same time they jumped up and landed on the waterside corridor of the small bamboo building.

The two nodded slightly as a salute, walked into the small bamboo building side by side, and came to Zi Yanniang's bamboo couch in the inner room.

"Mother's soul is getting tougher, but that obsession is also growing quietly..." Zi Yan watched for a moment, then sighed softly.

"Our cultivation base is also increasing. Let's go to Kunlun Immortal World together in a few days to see, maybe there is something like Wangyou Xiancao, and we will eradicate this obsession directly." Baiyunlou comforted.

"Wangyou Immortal Grass..., Kunlun's inheritance really exists, let's look for it then." Zi Yan nodded and replied.

Hearing this, Baiyun Tower couldn't help being startled, and just said casually, there really is Wangyou Xiancao...

"Zi Yan didn't joke with senior brother this time. It was mentioned in the inheritance that Wangyou Immortal Grass is a unique thing in the Kunlun Immortal World. I think you should be able to find some." While speaking, Zi Yan turned and walked out of the inner room to the front. Sitting down in the hall.

"So that's how it is..." Bai Yunlou also came to the table, took out two plates of spiritual fruit snacks, and boiled a pot of tea. Also sat down.

"Senior brother casually mentioned the name of the Wangyou Immortal Grass, so he must have cultivated some magical powers to penetrate into the unknown..." Xu Shi's cultivation base has improved a lot, and he will go to Kunlun Immortal Realm soon, Zi Yan also relaxed a lot, and Senior Brother Bai made a joke.

"Don't talk about the ability to see into the unknown, senior brother, I have lost even a little ability to see through fortune and misfortune..." Bai Yunlou laughed at himself, and then sent a chanting to Junior Sister Zi Yan, briefly saying the word "willing".

"In this way, senior brother can be regarded as a great relief..."

"It's not a big relief~www.readwn.com~ It's just that I got the opportunity left by my predecessors and took a step ahead..."

Immediately, the two chatted about their respective achievements in cultivation, and also talked about their respective experiences during this period of time.

Baiyunlou took the academy disciples all the way around the East China Sea, went to Haoranzong, and finally went to Qingqiu. Ziyan's eyes flashed with splendor after experiencing all kinds of opportunities.

Facing Ziyan, Baiyunlou didn't hide anything, and even told everything about Junior Sister Qingshuang, Ziyan couldn't help smiling.

Zi Yan also talked about her experience in Jinghu Cave during this period of time. In fact, although Zi Yan stayed at Dongtian, the twists and turns she experienced were no less than that of Master Bai.

During this period of time, in order to comprehend the way of swordsmanship, Zi Yan spent most of the time immersed in the small worlds of the Linglong Tower.

When you are interested, go to find those evil demons and kill them. If you are successful in enlightenment, go to find those evil demons to try your sword.

Occasionally going out of the tower is basically to test the sword.

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