"Brother, is it true that the more souls you have, the more powerful you are?" Xia Chaoyang asked curiously.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou replied: "Theoretically, but the more extra souls you have, the more you will consume your energy. Anyway, senior brother doesn't want to have one more, and these nine souls will be enough in the future."

"Senior brother said that in the future, if junior sisters practice soul-splitting, they will also have to condense the Nine Dao. If a big monster comes to the door, there will be a crash, and the nine-dragon clone will definitely be able to calm the scene, haha..."

Immediately, Baiyunlou explained the details of condensing the soul core and soul divisions to the two junior sisters in detail, so as not to condense the soul divisions as soon as they broke through. If they only condensed two soul divisions, it might be a big loss.

Junior sister Xia nodded again and again, but Zi Yan's eyes lit up, and she secretly remembered the elder brother's words.

Moving on to put away the rest of the souls, Bai Yunlou smiled and nodded: "Brother, I just tried it at the time, but I didn't expect the souls to have such a wonderful effect. The younger sister only needs to concentrate on doing one thing at that time, and don't have to worry about being too busy. gone."

"That's great..." Xia Zhaoyang was completely relieved and cheered. Suddenly, his left shoulder sank slightly, and he turned his head to see that it was Xiao Hualing, who greeted him with some embarrassment: "Little Hualing, you're awake..."

Xiao Hualing nodded in response, pondered for a while, and said quite seriously: "Brother's method of practicing to the fullest is indeed unique, Sister Chaoyang, you can practice according to this method in the future..., it's just for fun. , just don’t let yourself go too far.”

"I know that little sister Hualing is the best, don't worry, my sister won't be too playful..." While speaking, Xia Chaoyang stretched out his hand to hug Xiao Hualing.

Little Hualing was frightened and fled into the Sea of ​​Consciousness Flower Palace.

"Uh..., this little flower spirit, what's so embarrassing about hugging it..." Xia Zhaoyang scratched at nothing, scratched twice in the air with some disappointment, and said sullenly.

It seemed that he hadn't hugged the little flower spirit. Xia Zhaoyang always felt a little empty in his mind, and then he turned around and hugged Senior Sister Ziyan's slender arms, and asked with a smile: "Sister Ziyan, we have almost cultivated now. Are you going to go to Kunlun Immortal Realm?"

Zi Yan pondered for a while, and said softly: "Today..., I can't go for the time being. After the fairy formation is transmitted, it needs to absorb the spirit energy for seven days. Today is the sixth day, and I can only activate it until tomorrow morning." Send the fairy array."

"Seven days, do you have to wait seven days to return after going to Kunlun Immortal Realm?" Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but feel a little worried when he thought about the schoolwork at the academy.

"That's not necessary. According to the inheritance, the fairy world is full of immortal energy, and you can return to Kunlun Cave at any time."

"That's good. I'm going back to the academy for class in four or five days. I can't delay the poetry class." Xia Chaoyang began to think seriously.

"Chaoyang, you actually like poetry class so much. It seems that this trip to Donghai and Haoranzong has gained a lot." This is not Xiao Chaoyang's style, and Zi Yan couldn't help but praise.

"When it comes to poetry, Xiao Chaoyang made a great contribution this time. In the Bamboo Sea Cave of the Haoran Sect, he stitched together hundreds of poems..." Baiyunlou did not hesitate to praise.

"Uh..." I was a little embarrassed to be praised by my senior brothers and sisters, Xia Zhaoyang said a little bit: "Actually, my junior sister just wants to finish poetry class early..."

"Well, it's better to go back to the academy earlier, the poetry class really can't be delayed..." Baiyunlou replied casually, and immediately changed the subject, and asked Junior Sister Xia with some doubts: "Chaoyang, your Dharma Body Realm seem…"

Hearing senior brother ask about this, Xia Zhaoyang immediately got excited, and said with a somewhat smug smile: "Hey, even senior brother didn't see it, this little fairy has already cultivated the body of an earth immortal, so what teleportation?" The Immortal Formation can't trouble this Immortal...how about you, Senior Brother?"

Baiyunlou praised in surprise: "It's amazing, it's amazing. I didn't expect Chaoyang body training to take another step forward. Senior brother, I have only cultivated to the innate Dzogchen... but the Rijin Wheel has been refined into a high-level spiritual treasure. Enter that teleportation The Immortal Formation should be enough."

Seeing Xiao Chaoyang's questioning gaze, Zi Yan said with a smile: "Senior sister, my talent is limited, and I have just broken through to innate Dzogchen... But don't worry, Chaoyang, senior sister, I have the Lingbao Moon Golden Wheel. If you can protect me for a while, tomorrow I will accompany my brothers and sisters to the Kunlun Immortal World."

"That's great, it's fun to travel together... Sister Ziyan, your cultivation talent is often inferior to that of senior brothers, how could it be worse..."

The three of them chatted for a while, Xia Chaoyang yelled to go to the small world in the pagoda, saying that he hadn't played with his brothers and sisters for a long time, and that he could go to the small pagoda to warm up when he was free today.

The word "warming up" sounds novel, of course Baiyunlou will not refuse, and it happens that he also wants to meet Hua Xiaojiu who has realized the sword intent of cutting the virtual.

Baiyunlou raised his hand to call out the Linglong Tower, and the three of them reached out their consciousness at the same time, followed the entrance of the small world of the tribe, and escaped into the tower.

Somewhat unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the small world in the tower, Taling Linglong was standing pretty at the entrance waiting for the three of them.

"Fellow Daoist Linglong, last time I left in a hurry, I haven't had time to greet you, how are you doing?" Bai Yunlou asked with a salute.

Linglong floated in the air, and replied shallowly: "My lord, you don't need to be too polite. Everything is fine with Linglong. I came to meet you to remind you of some trivial matters."

"Junior Sister Linglong, just say..." Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and changed his address in a flash.

"My son and the two senior sisters have both condensed their soul cores. As long as they have condensed their soul cores in the small worlds in these towers, they can enter directly through any entrance of the small towers." Linglong said crisply.

Hearing this remark ~www.readwn.com~ Baiyun Tower couldn't help being startled, and asked suspiciously: "Soul core..., the soul core can actually affect the consciousness that penetrates into the small world in the tower?"

Linglong nodded and replied: "That's right. The soul core is actually the crystallization of the soul and the consciousness. Although the young master is just a ray of consciousness penetrated into the small tower, he can call the power of the soul at any time."

The three of Baiyunlou tried it immediately, and sure enough, as Linglong said, this time without borrowing the transformation form of the divine consciousness, they can call the power of the soul at any time, and even directly use the power of the soul to condense the sword.

Within a few breaths, a brand new pure yang sword gang was condensed and formed, and the powerful breath vibration shook the void.

Looking at this pure yang sword, Baiyunlou faintly sensed it, and then asked: "Junior Sister Linglong, in this way, this small tower on the first floor, and only this small world of this clan can carry the power of the three of us. ?”

"Young master is right. In the small tower on the first floor, only this small world has been condensed many times by my junior sister. However, with the current strength of young master, it is better not to use all the strength of the sword, and wait for this small world to accumulate for a while. In time, it shouldn't be a big problem."

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