A trace of the five elements, wind, thunder, yin and yang true meaning was drawn out of the chaos, and along with the innate true energy, circled around the nine soul divisions.

Driven and condensed by the innate qi and the power of the soul, these true intentions gradually gathered together to form a new chaotic true qi. Observing this cloud of chaotic true energy, Baiyun Tower was overjoyed, condensed the first ball, and the rest will be much easier.

Just as he was about to incorporate this qi into his main body for refining, a sudden change occurred.

The chaotic void suddenly vibrated, and in an instant, a dazzling light cluster escaped from the void.

After concentrating on it, seeing the true form of the light group, Baiyun Tower secretly heaved a sigh of relief, thinking about withdrawing the nine pure yang swords that were released at the same time.

Kunlun order!

In the chaotic boundary wall of the Fierce Sun Wonderland, the second Kunlun Token can be seen unexpectedly.

This Kunlun Token is exactly the same shape as the one refined by Junior Sister Zi Yan, but this Kunlun Token contains an extremely pure Lieyang True Fire, which is particularly dazzling.

Sensing the intention of the Kunlun Token, Baiyunlou immediately let go of the soul seal, allowing the newly condensed chaotic true energy to be absorbed by the Kunlun Token.

Incorporating the Kunlun Order of Chaos True Qi, the aura gradually stabilized, and the celestial light of the Lieyang True Fire within it was mostly covered by the Chaos True Qi.

When it was completely stable, a brand new Kunlun Token appeared in front of the souls of Baiyun Tower.

Nine souls formed a circle, and took a thorough look at the blue-gray token hanging in the void.

From the translucent Kunlun order, the light of the scorching sun and real fire faintly shines out, exuding a mysterious aura.

Appearance is no longer important, what really surprised Baiyunlou was that the Kunlun Token was unintentionally refined by him.

The Kunlun Token is the status token of the headmaster of Kunlun, and now there are two, the one of Junior Sister Zi Yan can control West Kunlun, then this one...

East Kunlun... Although it is only a few hundred miles in radius, it is still a fairyland.

In fact, Baiyun Tower didn't really care about the Immortal Realm. What really made him happy was the fact that he and Junior Sister Ziyan could jointly control the Kunlun Immortal Realm.

In the blink of an eye, Baiyun Tower thought of a lot...

In the ancient Kunlun fairyland, due to the dispute over the great road, the east and west Kunlun parted ways, and the Xuanbing line flourished, resulting in the prosperity of yin and the decline of yang.

The balance of yin and yang is called Tao, and since she and Junior Sister Ziyan have a chance to control the entire Kunlun Immortal World, then why not re-establish yin and yang, and then develop the Tao.

Isn't the original intention of my own practice just to deduce the way of the operation of all things, and now there is a complete fairy world to help deduce, so it is not a happy thing.

What's more, it's deduced together with Junior Sister Ziyan...

Thinking to this point, Baiyunlou suddenly had a feeling in his mind, and immediately regained his senses, and recalled the nine sub-souls and the Kunlun order from the chaotic atmosphere.

Opening his eyes, looking at Zi Yan's surprised eyes, Bai Yunlou smiled slightly and said, "Why did Junior Sister wake up, could it be because of this..."

While speaking, Baiyunlou shook the Kunlun Token in his hand.

In an instant, Zi Yan seemed to have figured out the reason, regained a little indifference, slightly curved the corner of her mouth, and said softly: "Why do you wake up? I'm getting closer to my senior brother, and I was thought of by my senior brother, so I thought there was something important , naturally wake up from the practice."

"Uh..." Bai Yunlou couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, this junior sister is really transparent.

It seems that when Junior Sister Ziyan is practicing in the future, she still has to pay attention to one or two things, as long as she uses her spiritual consciousness to stabilize the Qi mechanism, it will not affect her cultivation.

While I was thinking about it, I heard Junior Sister Ziyan say: "But this Kunlun Token is really surprising. The second Kunlun Token is not mentioned in the inheritance of West Kunlun."

"This Kunlun Token seems to have been refined by senior brother, so this East Kunlun..."

Bai Yunlou nodded and said: "Exactly, this is the Kunlun Token of East Kunlun, which was accidentally refined by senior brother."

Zi Yan smiled and said: "Congratulations, senior brother, who is in charge of East Kunlun, Zi Yan doesn't have to worry anymore..."

"Junior Sister is joking, how can the mere Kunlun Immortal World make Junior Sister panic?" Bai Yunlou's words were slightly joking.

Zi Yan straightened her face slightly, and then said: "Brother, although this Kunlun Immortal Realm cannot be compared with the Immortal Court, it should not be underestimated. Being invited by the Immortal Court to eliminate demons must have its extraordinary background."

"Senior sister said, brother, remember that this Kunlun fairyland is very suitable for cultivation, maybe this fairyland is the only chance to exterminate the demons."

"The only chance..., that's not necessarily the case, brother, do you still remember the words left by the fairy in the jade slip?" Zi Yan pondered for a moment, then replied.

Hearing this, Baiyunlou immediately became interested: "Oh? Did Zi Yan decipher the words of the Great Dao Xiyin?"

"That's not true, but after coming to Kunlun Immortal Realm, I gained a lot of knowledge and figured out some reasons."

After a slight pause, Zi Yan continued: "Senior brother can also see that the mortal energy in this Kunlun fairyland is extremely thin, if you don't use the field, the voice will be difficult to reach."

"Thinking about the Immortal Courtyard, it is thousands of miles away in the sky, and there may be no trace of mortal energy. No matter how far the immortal sound is, we have to use another method to advance research."

"So that's how it is..., my junior sister's calculation should not be bad." Bai Yunlou replied with emotion.

"It's a pity that my junior sister has been busy deriving the way of swordsmanship and practicing these days, so I haven't had time to study the inheritance of immortal sounds left by the great elder in the Kunlun cave."

Sighing a bit, Zi Yan then murmured: "Why don't Zi Yan do some research in the past few days? Maybe she can deduce the sound transmission of the fairy's jade slip."

After a little thought, Baiyunlou replied indifferently: "Ziyan, this matter is not in a hurry. Besides, junior sister, you may not need to study those fairy sounds."

"Junior Tianyin has already studied it thoroughly. If you have free time, let's go back to Qingyunmen together. With the help of Qingyunmen's cave power and sword field, we can develop a fairyland. With what Tianyin has learned, maybe It will be able to decipher the jade slip left in the sound."

Ziyan replied softly: "Brother is very thoughtful~www.readwn.com~Since that is the case, then let's continue to practice, brother. Ziyan has been practicing in this Lieyang fairyland for a while, so she went to find Chaoyang. After all, Yaochi fairyland is more suitable. Ziyan is practicing."

After Baiyunlou answered, he greeted Junior Sister Ziyan, regained his composure, escaped into the chaotic boundary wall, and began to cultivate with concentration.

After this practice, Baiyun Tower has truly experienced what it means to make a rapid progress.

In a few days, the chaotic true qi condensed from the cultivation base piled up to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

In the past few days, Baiyun Building has not only improved its cultivation, but the number of meteorites sitting cross-legged has changed to the eleventh one.

The reason why the meteorite block was replaced was to borrow the celestial light of the scorching sun to refine the innate body.

After the innate body breaks through to the state of Dzogchen, the previous body training methods and means are no longer enough.

And this Fierce Sun Wonderland, with a brand new method of body training, Baiyun Tower did not use the Sword Domain, nor did it use the Sun-Golden Wheel, relying purely on the body to persist until the eleventh meteorite.

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