There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 656: The beauty of thought

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The pure yang sword gang is condensed from the soul and pure yang energy. If the supernatural power of breaking thoughts is used, the solid sword gang will be much stronger than before when it explodes.

And now he has also practiced the Ember Burning Immortal Art.

On the top of Kunlun Xu Peak, the Baiyun Tower stands in the sky, and in a thought, nine pure Yang swords escape from the void and hang in front of him.

After concentrating for a while, the nine sword gangs turned their blades and pointed at a small mountain dozens of miles away.

With a wave of Baiyunlou's sleeve, the nine sword gangs rotated, and each of them transformed into nine sword gangs.

Ninety-nine eighty-one swords floated in the air, and the light trembling of the sword resonated by itself, causing the void in front of him to be slightly distorted.

Then, with a pinch of the Baiyun Tower Immortal Art, the eighty-one sword gangs exploded in an instant.

Ember Burning Immortal Art!

Wan Jian Jue was activated, and the eighty-one pure yang swords turned into streaks of crimson streamer with a shocking aura, piercing through the hill in an instant.

The shock wave from Jian Gang directly collapsed the top of the hill, and the embers on Jian Gang also ignited several mountains.

This is the fairy mountain in the Kunlun Immortal Realm, and its strength is stronger than the floating mountain in Qingyun Cave. Baiyunlou is very satisfied with such an effect.

It's just that Jian Gang escaped too fast, when he broke into the mountain, most of the immortal fires on Jian Gang were completely extinguished, only a few immortal fires barely ignited the mountain.

After all, the Ember Burning Immortal Art has just started, and it is not bad to have a momentum.

Dodging to the sky above the hill, Baiyunlou raised his hand and put away the remaining fairy fire on the hill.

A celestial light shone from the Kunlun Order, and the hill returned to its original shape amidst the rumbling sound.

Standing in mid-air, Baiyun Tower looked back at Kunlun Xu.

This time, the cultivation in Lieyang Wonderland has come to an end temporarily, and I plan to go to Yaochi Wonderland to practice casually for a day and a half before returning to the human world.

Anyway, I have saved enough immortal energy this time, so I won't be subject to the seven-day limit when I come back next time.

Huo Ling'er has been sleeping and practicing in Lieyang Immortal Territory, and she doesn't know when she will wake up.

A Li seemed to be a little frightened in Qingqiu, this time he practiced extraordinarily hard, but it was also fruitful.

The progress of body training was beyond A Li's expectation, and he was overjoyed that he declined the invitation from his elder brother's colleague, saying that he would practice for a while longer in Lieyang Immortal Territory, and wait for Huo Ling'er to wake up by the way.

Baiyun Tower left behind a Lingzhu Sword, which is convenient for Ah Li to communicate. If there is an emergency, let him directly ignite the Lingzhu Sword, and the head of Bai will feel it.

Nothing else happened, Baiyunlou didn't hesitate, turned into rainbow light, and fled towards the fairyland of West Kunlun Yaochi.

A rainbow light fell in front of the ice crystal pavilion on the top of the main peak, and the corners of Baiyunlou's mouth twitched.

Not to mention that Mei Lao reincarnated as a plum tree, but the most conspicuous thing is a row of ice snowmen piled up under the plum tree.

These snowmen are exactly the people of Qingyun sect, except senior sister Qingchi, almost none of them are left.

The snowman was carved exquisitely. Except for Junior Sister Xia's strange appearance, the other people's appearance is really both in form and spirit.

Needless to say, this must be Junior Sister Xia's masterpiece. It seems that Junior Sister's swordsmanship is getting more and more exquisite.

It's just that it's always difficult to see the real shape when sculpting yourself, so it's out of shape.

Immediately, Baiyun Tower drew out the Dragon Scale Sword, and ice crystals danced as the sword edge passed, repairing Xiao Chaoyang's snowman in a short time.

Turning to look at Junior Sister Ziyan's snowman, his hands were itchy for a while, and he couldn't help but repair it a little bit.

It's more pleasing to the eye now...

After watching the snowman, Baiyunlou turned to look at the plum blossom tree.

Elder Mei was actually sleeping and enlightened, sensing the familiar aura around him, Baiyun Tower immediately understood, it seemed that Senior Sister Qingchi had woken up, and she conveniently cast divine light on Elder Mei, baptizing her clarity.

There was no sign of the elder sister nearby, so Baiyunlou turned around and walked towards the Ice Crystal Pavilion not far away.

But he saw that there was an ice crystal plaque on the top of the pavilion door, on which three large characters were engraved: Yaochi Palace.

Yaochi Palace, but the owner calls himself Jinghu, the owner of Jinghu Palace.

Baiyunlou's eyes were full of smiles, and he walked into Yaochi Palace.

The attic has also changed its appearance, with a few more human objects, gauze screens, wooden tea tables, and a chessboard by the window on the other side.

With a little arrangement, it will be a little more warm and less cold.

As soon as he turned the veil screen, Baiyunlou felt as if he had touched some kind of restriction, and looked intently, it turned out to be the induction enchantment set up by Junior Sister Ziyan.

With a thought, Baiyunlou stopped, turned around and went to the tea table, poured a cup of warm tea and drank it.

Not long after, a tender cry came.

"Brother... you're done training..." Shouting, Xia Chaoyang rushed over from behind the screen.

Along with the bursts of fragrance coming towards his face, Baiyunlou couldn't help but stretch out his hand to greet her, and embraced his junior sister in his arms.

"Xiao Chaoyang, were you taking a bath just now, your whole body is still warm..."

"That's right, just now I was soaking in hot springs in a jade pond next to Yaochi with Sister Ziyan, hehe..."

Sure enough, the corner of Baiyunlou's mouth curled up, he picked up his junior sister and put him on the futon beside him, and said softly: "Junior sister Ziyan is here too..."

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang immediately sat sideways, smiled, and served tea to the elder brother.

While the two were chatting and laughing, a beautiful figure flashed out from behind the screen.

Hibiscus comes out of clear water, and it is naturally carved.

Looking at Junior Sister Zi Yan's flushed cheeks and simple attire, these two lines of poetry emerged in Bai Yunlou's mind.

The casual ribbon hair is lightly tied, and the beautiful face is slightly smiling.

The plain fairy clothes are swaying in various shapes, and the light toes move lightly in lotus steps.

The beauty of these moving thoughts, the eyes of the head master Bai just glanced over, after all, what he really appreciates is the clear and extraordinary temperament of Junior Sister Zi Facing the eyes of the senior brother, Zi Yan's every style Sit down, pick up the tea in front of you and sip slowly.

"Sister Ziyan is so beautiful, but..., she looks even more beautiful just now..." Xia Zhaoyang seemed to be stunned, and said a little bit.

"Chaoyang..." Zi Yan's cheeks turned red again, and she said softly.

Baiyunlou consciously sealed the qi sense in his heart, and calmly picked up the tea in front of him, and asked casually, "Where is Senior Sister Qingchi?"

Xia Zhaoyang stuck out his little tongue, and hurriedly said: "Master Qingchi left the Kunlun Immortal Realm early this morning, and said she went back to Qingyun Cave."

"Oh, those two junior sisters have practiced for a few days in this Yaochi fairyland, what do you know?" Baiyunlou continued to ask.

"Harvest..." Xia Zhaoyang tilted his head and thought for a while, and then said: "It seems that there is no big harvest in the past few days. Before coming to Kunlun Cave, the cultivation base has already broken through to the middle stage of the golden core, and the magic body has also broken through to the body of the earth fairy .”

"In the past few days, Junior Sister hasn't slept much. She has been cultivating very seriously, but she feels that her cultivation base has not improved, her body has not changed, and Yang Shen is still the same... Alas, is Junior Sister's talent too weak? It's..."

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