There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 707: big country small things

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Unexpectedly, A Niang recognized her as soon as they met, and the koi suddenly felt very warm, and her demon consciousness trembled slightly.

"Aniang, I'm a koi..." The response was surprisingly smooth.

"It's fine, I haven't seen you for a long time, and A Niang is flustered." She stepped forward to hold the koi's hand, A Niang was filled with emotion.

Looking at the transformed body of the little fish demon, A Niang couldn't help but praise: "This little fish has changed so well..."

A Niang is also very well-informed now. Under the narration of the old man Bai, she knows a lot of supernatural powers and spells, and she also knows something about the magic of the monster race.

A group of young disciples on Yanyun appeared one after another, came forward to pay respects, and said that they came to congratulate the koi on its transformation.

The backyard suddenly became lively, too many disciples came, and the backyard could hardly stand up.

Xiao Jing hurriedly greeted the disciples after the ceremony, and went to the small bamboo building next to her to prepare dinner by the way.

The green ant also wanted to go to help, but was stopped by A Niang, and Xiao Chaoyang was also pulled to her side by A Niang with eyes full of joy.

Bai Yunlou went up and said with a smile: "Mother, Koi already recognizes me as his elder brother..."

Hearing this, A Niang was not surprised at all, and replied with a smile: "The little koi has long recognized me as a mother, and also recognized a green ant as a sister..."

The implication is that it is already several steps too late for Koi to recognize himself as his elder brother...

Papa Bai found it interesting, he laughed, and interjected: "I will testify on this, and by the way, I also recognized the postman as daddy..."

After saying that, he dragged Elder Yan to the small bamboo building, saying that he wanted to have a chat.

Baiyunlou was speechless for a while, turned to Xiaozhulou and shouted: "School disciples who came to congratulate you, don't forget to prepare congratulatory gifts..."

Fortunately, the small bamboo building refined by Senior Sister Qingchi is unique. It doesn't look big from the outside, but it's extremely spacious inside.

A large cloud table was placed, and more than twenty people sat around it, but it didn't seem crowded.

Xiao Chaoyang was pulled by A Niang's side to chat, and asked about the experience of the little fish demon by the way.

Hearing that the koi had suffered a lot in order to change its shape, A Niang was very distressed, and reached out to feed the little koi a few pieces of its favorite pastries.

Knowing about Elder Yan's experience from the little fat man, Father Bai immediately became interested, and immediately pulled the little fat man to think about the next edition of Chaoyang Post News.

It's not too late to say this matter. The sooner it is announced, those who may become demons will be less likely to completely fall into the demonic way.

Hearing his father's enthusiasm, Bai Yunlou asked casually: "Did anything important happen in the past few days?"

"It's a big deal..." Father Bai and the little fat man answered in unison.

It's really a big deal... Baiyunlou couldn't help being startled.

The little fat man poured wine for old man Bai, obviously letting go of the conversation.

Father Bai nodded slightly, took out a copy of the latest edition of Chaoyang Post News from his pocket, and said in a deep voice, "The major events of the past few days are here."

Baiyun Tower took a look, and on the cover page was a picture of a group of professors receiving awards from the academy.

The Baiyun Building already knew about the award, and only after looking through it did I realize that the Academy was more than just this big event. In a few days, it actually changed the recruiting event from once every three years to once every year.

Not only Xinlu Academy, but all the academies and institutions in the Great Xia Kingdom.

But thinking about it, all walks of life in the Great Xia Kingdom are booming now, and all kinds of talents are needed. The previous three-year college recruitment is already very inappropriate.

Correspondingly, Great Xia Kingdom's class exams have also been greatly adjusted. In addition to being adjusted to once a year, the subjects of the class exams have also been more clearly defined.

Starting next year, in addition to poetry and prose, the compulsory subjects will also include counting. The other subject will be an optional subject, and students can choose according to their own preferences.

There were originally elective subjects, but this time it was specifically brought up to emphasize the importance of elective subjects.

In order to highlight the importance of the elective subjects, this post gave a simple example.

The Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce will select students with excellent evaluations based on the course examinations, and the evaluation of the selected subjects will roughly determine the monthly silver of the students.

Of course, students who are engaged in poetry or calculation will also get corresponding monthly silver according to the evaluation of these two compulsory subjects.

In this way, it is estimated that all students will pay more attention to the elective subjects.

After all, there are specializations in the art industry, and the future of the Great Xia Kingdom seems to have a more detailed division of labor. Only by doing their own duties can they fully develop their strengths.

In addition, if students want to change their careers in the future, they can take the class test again and choose the corresponding subjects separately.

Sure enough, it is a major event. For the current Great Xia Kingdom, this education is the top priority.

After a brief review of the post newspaper, it also mentioned some detailed rules of the monk agreement, which formally defined the monk's code of conduct.

This was the first time since the founding of the Great Xia Kingdom that restrictions on monks were put forward in the form of express laws, and Baiyun Tower couldn't help but take a second look.

In fact, generally speaking, monks have a lot of freedom, provided that they do not disturb the normal order of the world.

After all, too many restrictions may affect the monks' practice, and too much freedom is not a good thing.

The matter mentioned in this post report is very necessary in Baiyunlou's view. The Great Xia Kingdom is going to start counting all monks in the cultivation world and issue identity cards.

In this way, not only can one find out the real background of Daxia Kingdom's cultivation world, but maybe find out those demon cultivators hiding in the dark, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Baiyunlou was about to hand it back to his father, but seeing that his father was there, he stretched out his hand and turned over the post newspaper, and clicked on the last page.

Is there something important that I didn't see just now...

With doubts, Baiyun Tower picked up the post newspaper again and looked it up carefully.

Finally, Baiyun Tower saw a series of inconspicuous small characters in a corner.

There is a header in these columns of small characters: Donglai has returned to the vassal state of Daxia.

A few columns of small characters briefly described the was nothing more than the envoys sent by the Great Xia Kingdom to help Donglai pacify the demon, and even convinced Donglai's national teacher.

Under the persuasion of Daxia's envoy and Donglai Guoshi, the Donglai royal family finally woke up and presented Daxia with a letter of credence, recognizing themselves as belonging to the country and paying the annual tribute.

The corners of Bai Yunlou's mouth curled slightly as he looked at this concise and concise wording, and he thought to himself, there are many secrets hidden between the lines, it seems that the cat boy acted extremely decisively, and it took only a few days to achieve such a result.

The most interesting thing is that such a big event is placed on the last page of this post.

"It's not a small matter anyway, why is it so casual?" Bai Yunlou turned his head and asked.

Father Bai raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "That's what that person meant."

Hearing this, Bai Yunlou couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and secretly thought that his situation is still a little small.

Look at the Lord, not only did he drop the pawns many years ago, but he also warned the people of Daxia through the post report that the return of a small vassal state is nothing, and the most important thing is to be self-reliant.

While sighing, Baiyunlou turned his head to look at Junior Sister Xia, and couldn't help secretly rejoicing that Xiao Chaoyang hadn't passed on the disposition of the lord of the country, although he was a little confused, he lived a relaxed and happy life.

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