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Fatty and the others were sent away, and the Kunlun Peak became quiet again.

Mei Weng stood quietly on the top of the peak and looked towards the southeast. His thoughts flew thousands of miles away to the south of the Yangtze River, looking for a trace of that vague thought.

Holding his breath, the breath around his body converged, as if he had really turned into a plum blossom tree.

On the quiet peak, it seems that there are only flowing clouds moving slowly.

The Baiyun Tower stands on the cliff, facing the east, looking at the gorgeous sea of ​​clouds under the rising sun, the thoughts gradually calmed down.

To the east is the Bai Family Courtyard, Qingyun Gate, Xinlu Academy, and the bustling Imperial City of Kyoto.

In the east, there is the human affection, family affection, friendship, and love bound by the mind of Baiyun Tower.

These human feelings that tie the heart and mind seem very small in the entire small world, but in the depths of the memory of Baiyun Tower, their weight is no different from that of the entire human world.

Regardless of great love or small love, in Baiyunlou's view, what is kept in the heart is the original heart, just like the way of all things, no matter the great way or the ordinary way, those who can resonate are the same way.

With this thought in mind, Baiyunlou sank into Zhan Fannian's sword intent, and began to comprehend it quietly.

Only after cleansing his heart again, Baiyunlou dared to comprehend the sword intent of Zhan Fannian, it was really too powerful.

If you practice this sword intent at will without the support of a strong heart, you will easily get lost in it.

The state of mind has not revealed the true meaning of the immortal, once it is misled by the sword intent and cuts off the seven emotions and six desires, then not only will it not be possible to truly cultivate the sword intent, but it will walk on an extremely paranoid evil path.

With the completion of the soul-dividing body, Baiyunlou's mind and will became much stronger, and he no longer resisted the sword intent of Zhan Fannian, but completely integrated it into his spiritual consciousness.

As the comprehension deepened, a phantom of the light of a sword appeared in the consciousness.

Jian Xin's bright state of mind fits and resonates with this sword light, and a bright light shines in his mind.

The mysterious sword intent of Zhan Fannian has been accomplished in a small way!

After a little experimentation, this sword light of divine consciousness can only be activated by the power of the divine soul.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the nine sub-souls of Baiyun Tower scattered separately, and a bright sword light was wrapped by the power of the divine soul, hanging in front of the main body sub-souls.

After getting ready, he reached out and touched the sword light.

All of a sudden, Jian Guang escaped into the main body and divided the soul.

A pure and vast feeling that takes in all things but remains unmoved by them.

Sure enough, it is worthy of a great realm, and three of the scattered souls in Baiyun Tower were overwhelmed by this mysterious artistic conception.

With this sword light in his hand, the state of mind with a bright sword heart has been strengthened incomparably.

The sub-soul of the main body is now standing at the boundary wall of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and Baiyunlou had saved the idea before catching Jianguang, and slashed the sword towards the void.

The scattered souls were also worried about what troubles this sword would cause. Although they were far away, they thoughtfully sealed this sea of ​​consciousness space and were ready to respond at any time.

Although the main body's soul was brought into the mysterious artistic conception of the crowd by the sword intent, the idea of ​​cutting out the sword still remained.

When he raised his hand, the phantom of the sword light appeared in the hands of the main body's soul. Under the urging of the power of the soul, the sword light turned into an afterimage and slashed towards the boundary wall.

At this time, the useless distracting thoughts sealed up in the memory sea were thrown into the sword light like a bird returning to its nest, and the phantom of the sword light immediately solidified a little bit.

The complicated thoughts dissipated with the movement of the sword, and turned into the edge of the sword light, easily penetrated the boundary wall of the sea of ​​consciousness, and slashed towards the chaotic void.

The chaotic air in the void was cut open by this sword light to create a clear crack several feet wide, several feet long, and several miles deep.

This crack is not cutting chaos and dividing yin and yang, it's just that the air of chaos is squeezed away by the sword light.

However, such an effect has already made Baiyun Tower very satisfied.

The Sky Breaking Sword Intent that Baiyun Tower was proud of before could only cut a few feet deep cracks, which is still incomparable to this Xiaocheng's Xianjia Sword Intent.

What surprised Baiyunlou even more was that with the sword slashing out, the boundary wall of the sea of ​​consciousness also extended towards the crack in the clear space.

After the boundary wall was retracted, the cracks were refilled by the air of chaos, and the pure soul of Baiyunlou could clearly sense the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness grew slightly larger.

This sword actually helped to expand the sea of ​​knowledge a little bit.

Although there are still many distracting thoughts sealed in the sea of ​​memory, Baiyun Tower does not intend to continue to try.

There are many ways to expand the sea of ​​consciousness, but today's distracting thoughts are scarce, so there is no need to waste them.

While thinking, the sword intent of Zhan Fannian escaped from the soul of the body and hid in the void.

When I regained my senses, the familiar human touch returned, which was chaotic but very warm.

Sensing the breath of exhalation, Baiyunlou turned his head to look, but saw that May Weng no longer held his breath, but tried to exhale the mortal energy of the world.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou asked indifferently: "Is Mr. Mei going back to Kunlun Immortal Realm?"

"This human's really hard to get used to, the smoke is too heavy..., let's go back to the fairy world first." Even so, the words revealed curiosity about the human world.

"Okay..., according to Mei's wish." Baiyunlou did not stop him, and followed May Weng's words.

With a wave of the Kunlun Order, the two returned to the Kunlun Cave, and May Weng couldn't help but let out a big breath.

In comparison, the breath of Kunlun Cave is much more comfortable.

Looking at the fairy formation in mid-air above his head, Baiyunlou raised his hand, and a few clouds floated over, slightly condensed by the power of the soul division, and turned into a sky-reaching floating ladder, leading directly to the fairy formation.

After inviting Mei Weng to step on the cloud steps, Baiyun Tower walked slowly while chatting with Mei Weng.

It is not possible to talk about human affairs, but to chat from the cloud steps under the feet, and talked about the floating palace foundation not far away.

The Baiyun Tower even uses the illusion of clouds and mist to evolve the true appearance of the Cold Light Hall, a similar floating staircase rises from the and leads directly to the front of the hall.

"There used to be a sense of immortality hidden by the Great Elder of Kunlun..." Bai Yunlou raised his hand and pointed, and under the phantom shadow of the manifested ice crystal lotus platform, a light spot appeared.

Hearing this, Mei Weng couldn't help being shocked, and quickly asked: "Master's immortal consciousness?"

"Exactly, although the Great Elder is in the fairy world, his heart is attached to the mortal world, and he has left the inheritance of the Kunlun fairy world to the human world. He is worthy of being an immortal." Baiyunlou replied with a sigh.

Mei Weng looked at the foundation of the temple, and couldn't help but focus on the original position of the ice crystal lotus platform, thinking about it.

Sensing the reach of Mei Weng's divine thoughts, Baiyunlou said in a deep voice: "Perhaps it is what the Great Elder has completely let go of in his heart, and that sense of immortality has finally disappeared."

Mei Weng sighed softly, and then said: "My mentor is a human monk who worked hard to become an immortal, but chose to stay in the Kunlun Cave. Now I want to come, but also to return to the human world."

While talking, the two stepped on the cloud steps to the teleportation fairy formation.

Baiyunlou waved his hand to disperse the cloud steps, took out the Kunlun Token, and activated the teleportation array with his thoughts.

At this time, Mei Weng raised his hand to signal Baiyunlou to slow down for a while, and asked aloud: "From what Yunlou said, is the spirit of the Qingyun Cave Heaven very similar to the Kunlun Cave Heaven?"

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