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The clear and waveless spring pool reflects the winding corridor. In the pavilion at the end of the corridor, two beautiful women sit opposite each other.

From Senior Sister Qingchi's focused expression, it can be seen that the chess game seems to have reached an unpredictable stage, while Xiao on the opposite side is still calm, and even has time to look up at Baiyunlou who walked into the corridor.

It's just that the gaze also swept away, as if there was no difference from just now.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, without sorrow or joy.

"Sister Xiao, I have finished repairing the four courtyards for the time being. I still have mundane things to deal with in the mortal world. I will come over to slowly repair the remaining courtyards next time..." Worried about disturbing Senior Sister Qingchi's deduction of chess, Baiyun Tower uses sound transmission method.

"Yes." The elder sister responded ethereally.

This ethereal voice immediately pulled Qing Chi out of the intricate chess game.

"Junior Junior Brother..." Qingchifang raised his head, his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed with surprise on his face.

"Senior Sister, look at the outfit of Junior Brother..." Bai Yunlou took two steps in the corridor quite complacently, feeling that his temperament was extraordinary and his demeanor was unrestrained.

"Not bad, not bad..." Qingchi responded casually, and then said: "It's just right for the younger brother to come, hurry up and help the senior sister see how this step should be done."

Hearing the senior sister's two very perfunctory responses, the air around Bai Yunlou's body couldn't help but stagnate, but he still responded, took two steps forward, and looked at the chessboard in front of the senior sister.

This glance is like falling into a dream.

The turbulent chess game seems to affect the whole body, but Baiyunlou's spirit power is still relatively strong, and after a lot of effort, he finally got a general idea of ​​what's going on.

Still waiting to watch carefully, a thought trembled in the depths of his mind, pulling Baiyun Tower out of the chess game.

He habitually turned his head to look at the sundial, and couldn't help but feel trembling. It took two hours for that look just now.

How can such a chess game be played... If there is no sundial, the two hours in Yunxiao Manor, five days in the human world have passed.

It seems that this chess game can no longer be explored, Baiyunlou simply followed the way of playing chess with Xiao Chaoyang on weekdays, and relying on his feeling, he took out a chess piece from the chess pot and pressed it down.

This time the chess fell, there was an aura of clouds and fog in the chess game, but the next moment Baiyun Tower was stunned.

Xiao on the opposite side dropped a chess piece at random, but as a white piece fell, many other white pieces also shifted and changed positions, and the situation on the chessboard became complicated again.

Last time on this corridor pavilion, although I saw two people playing chess, it was Senior Sister Qingchi who was thinking about the chess game. I have never seen this sister Xiao make a move. I didn't expect such a change.

"What kind of routine is this..." Baiyun Tower couldn't help asking Chuannian to the elder sister in surprise.

"It's always been like this... In fact, it's normal." Qing Chi seemed to be used to this, and replied very calmly.

This is normal... Baiyunlou was speechless for a while, but after careful consideration of Senior Sister Qingchi's words, it seemed that this was really the case.

In this small world, the only one who has the ability to make arrangements at the same time is the one in front of him.

This is not an ordinary chess game in the mortal world, and it cannot be measured with the vision and cognition of the mortal world.

"Actually, this kind of game is not only exhausting, but also interesting. Facing such a strong opponent, with a little bit of accumulation, if you win a game, it will be smooth and happy."

Seeing that Baiyunlou seemed to have realized something, Qingchi nodded slightly, and then asked through Chuannian: "Junior brother, that move just now is very mysterious, what did the younger brother discern in the chess game, and he chose which place to move?"

"Junior brother's chess skills are low. I really didn't see anything in the chess game. After jumping out of the chess game, I made a random move. Anyway, winning or losing has nothing to do with junior brother, haha..."

After passing the chanting, Baiyun Tower smiled happily, bid farewell to the two goddesses and goddesses and left.

Seeing the leaving figure of the sect master's junior brother, Qingchi was thoughtful.

Junior brother is right, the authorities are obsessed, playing chess with sister Xiao, and dare to jump into the chess game, is it not good to be a chess player outside the game...

There seems to be no need to care about winning or losing.

After figuring this out, Qingchi immediately felt relaxed, and after dropping a breath casually, he muttered softly: "Just now, junior brother... the transformation seems to be very eye-catching, and finally he has a bit of the demeanor..."

Xiao waved his hand lightly, the chess game changed, and suddenly spit out two words: "Human race."

Qingchi couldn't help being taken aback, and then replied with a smile: "Human race, my junior brother is of course a human race, the most handsome and handsome human race in the world."

The Fengshen and handsome headmaster Bai has already escaped from Yunxiao Manor without hearing the praise from the elder sister.

After leaving Yunxiao Manor and seeing the human world under the setting sun again, Baiyunlou's mind was really at ease.

Put away the magic weapon of the sundial, move out a few pure yang swords, let them wander around the body, and a mirror of mind also emerges again.

Looking at the elegant and handsome sword fairy standing in the void in the heart mirror, Baiyunlou murmured softly: "It feels okay. It's understandable that Sister Xiao is indifferent, but Senior Sister Qingchi is so perfunctory..."

With doubts in his mind, Bai Yun put away his sword and scattered his mind, his body flashed, and he returned to his body in an instant.

As the sun was setting, on the top of the cliff in Tianxing Valley, Baiyun Tower stood tall, unhurriedly taking out the Thousand Miles Communication Talisman from his bosom.

Just now when he was above the sky, he sensed a message. He thought it was something urgent, but when he figured it out, it turned out to be the message from the little fat man.

He said that he arrived in Kyoto early this morning, but he has been busy working in the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and he finally has some free time at this The message is to ask Master Bai if he is free to visit the Imperial City of Kyoto together.

Needless to say, arrange...

Responding to the little fat man's words casually, Baiyunlou smiled freely, his figure escaped, and went away through the air.

Going to Kyoto, visiting the imperial city, Xiao Chaoyang was stared at by his father, but he had a good brother, Fatty.

Recently, they were busy on their own, and taking advantage of the opportunity of going to Beijing for the imperial examination, they finally had two days to spare. It seemed very good for the two brothers to have a small gathering.

In the blink of an eye, the Baiyun Tower has already fled outside the capital city, the sky is open, and a light golden transparent light shield protects the entire capital city.

With a radius of nearly fifty miles, Jingdu City is a magnificent city, and its popularity is at its peak, which is far from comparable to that of Jiangnan Prefecture.

In the center of Kyoto, there is an inner city surrounded by tall walls on four sides, which is the imperial city.

The imperial city has a radius of ten miles. At the core of the imperial city is a complex of palaces with golden glazed tile roofs. That is the residence of Emperor Xia, the Great Xia Palace.

Although the magic circle above the palace seemed to be substantial, Baiyunlou still clearly sensed the aura of the two junior sisters.

Sensing that the two junior sisters seem to be concentrating on cultivating in some hidden place, Baiyunlou did not pass on their thoughts to disturb each other, found the little fat man's aura, and dodged to escape.

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