No ordinary person would dare to talk about royal heirs, but there was no sense of disobedience when asked from the door of Dazhang Bai, who was full of vigor and vitality.

Suddenly hearing this question, Emperor Xia's breath stagnated, and after a while, he sighed: "It is about the blood of the royal family. Not only the royal family, but also the Five Elements Sect have tried many methods, but in the end they have not seen any results."

"On the contrary, Tianxingmen has used the magic power of deriving fate to understand the clues. The blood of the royal family is inherently limited by the laws of heaven, and the descendants will not be cut off, but they can only be passed on in a single line."

"Dozens of years ago, Taoist Chang Geng was invited by the head of the academy when he had attained great powers of celestial vision. He helped the emperor observe the meridians and acupoints around his body. He said that a hidden orifice was different from ordinary people. It’s hard to get through it.”

"Then the emperor found that hidden point and tried to unblock the veins, but it was like shaking a rock. In the end, even the head of the mountain was helpless."

"So it's about the meridians..." Hearing this, Baiyunlou couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that he was good at this.

Hearing the meaning of Baiyunlou's words, Xia Huang couldn't help but cheer up, and hurriedly asked: "Yunlou really has a way?"

Hearing the eagerness in Emperor Xia's question, Bai Yunlou felt a sense of joy in his mind for no reason.

Emperor Xia, who had always been calm, magnanimous, and strategizing, actually messed up a little bit in the matter of passing on to his heirs.

But if this matter is really resolved, Xiao Chaoyang will be able to truly get rid of the barriers.

Thinking of this, Bai Yunlou replied casually: "The matter of unblocking the meridians is Yunlou's unique skill. I have not always been able to unblock the meridians that have been stagnant since childhood by Junior Brother Feiyang."

"Oh, it turns out that the little fat man's meridian problem was really solved by Yunlou, and this kid's tone is strict." Xia Huang said in surprise.

This little fat man is indeed very loyal, Baiyunlou secretly praised and smiled happily: "I returned home during the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, and I helped my parents to clear their meridians. No, I have an extra little brother this afternoon."

There is a bit of pride in these words.

"So, in the afternoon, Xiao Chaoyang's soul did escape to Luoshui County..." Emperor Xia glanced at Baiyun Tower with a playful expression.

"Uh..." After a little bit of complacency, Bai Yunlou lifted his forehead, cheered up his spirits, and said with great emotion: "Lord Xiahuang, it's not too late, let Yunlou make a move?"

"That's fine, Yunlou can try it at will, and don't care if it doesn't work..." Emperor Xia must have tried too many times, so he doesn't have much confidence in it.

If it's just the acupoints that are stagnant, then it's still easy to grasp....

Baiyunlou murmured to himself, then calmed down, and fully circulated the innate zhenqi to get ready first.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, Emperor Xia restrained his energy, showing extraordinary courage.

Looking through Dzogchen's celestial eye, Baiyun Tower quickly found the hidden cave mentioned by Emperor Xia.

This hidden orifice is near the dantian, and there is a hidden vein as thin as a gossamer running through it, but the hidden orifice is really like a stubborn stone, with a faint golden glow.

Under the induction of divine sense, the aura in this secret hole is very familiar, it is the activated blood inheritance aura of Junior Sister Xia.

It's just that the bloodline inheritance in Junior Sister Xia's body has been fully activated under many opportunities, and Emperor Xia's bloodline has solidified into a crystallized shape, and it is also an extremely solid kind.

After watching carefully for a while, Baiyun Tower felt tricky. The bloodline inheritance in this secret hole was wrapped in layers of regular power, and it was indeed difficult to achieve meritorious deeds by ordinary means.

Since Emperor Xia could trust it, he should give it a try. After concentrating on it for a while, Baiyun Tower forged a line of true energy, which slowly penetrated from the acupoint on Empress Xia's back.

This line of true qi was tempered and formed by the powerful force of distraction, the front end of which was innate true qi, supplemented by the breath of thunder and fire, and the latter was condensed into a line of chaotic true qi.

The qi mechanisms of the Evergreen Technique and the Ganlin Technique hovered around the true qi line.

As soon as the zhenqi line penetrated, Baiyun Tower noticed something abnormal. Although Emperor Xia was only a Jindan cultivator, his zhenqi was extremely concentrated, and his spirit power was extraordinary.

It should be nourished by the great fortune of the Great Xia, the true energy in the body has also accumulated the power of rules, and the soul has also cultivated to the peak of the primordial spirit.

The strength of this zhenqi is so condensed, and it reveals the extraordinary aura of royal blood.

What's a little troublesome is that Baiyun Tower's Imperial Envoy's Primal Chaos Qi cannot imitate Emperor Xia's True Qi. In this way, the effect of accumulating meridians and acupoints may be halved.

Things have come to this point, it's useless to think too much, I can only go forward bravely, relying on the powerful power of the soul, trying to break through the hidden secrets of the block.

With a thought, Baiyunlou steadily steered the zhenqi line through the meridian orifice, and finally came to the hidden meridian.

This hidden vein is extremely thin, but fortunately, Master Bai's technique is extraordinary, forging the pulse through the pulse and accumulating the pulse, and a line of true energy is completed along the way.

After a little thought, Baiyun Tower didn't rush to penetrate the hidden orifice, but forged the hidden vein in front of the hidden orifice with the real qi line.

When the hidden veins were more than doubled and became clearer and more solid, Baiyun Tower raised the re-condensed true energy and rushed towards the hidden orifices.

With a bang, the zhenqi line actually collided with the condensed crystal block to create a shock wave. Fortunately, there is a powerful soul splitting force protecting the hidden vein.

This impact was somewhat effective, and the dark golden crystal block was pierced by about 30%.

It's just that as this line of true energy was exhausted, the shattered crystal block unexpectedly condensed back, and in a short while, the crystallized body in the secret hole returned to its original state.

The power of this rule is extremely powerful, and it even contains extraordinary power of restoration.

However, Baiyunlou did not give up, but continued to try. Speaking of it, the power of mysterious rules contained in Baiyunlou's sea of ​​consciousness is also quite a lot.

The power of Gangfeng, the true meaning of Lihuo, the law of purple thunder, and even the true meaning of Lieyang, and the true fire of Samadhi.

After many attempts, Baiyun Tower really found a way to penetrate the blood crystal.

It would be too aggressive to attack directly. With the regular power of Gangfeng and True Fire, supplemented by innate qi, the effect of penetrating the concealment is the best.

After finding a Baiyun Tower made some preparations, and sent the re-condensed true energy line to the Yinqiao again.

The true qi line tempered this time is mainly based on the power of the real fire of samadhi and the power of the strong wind. When it is slowly advanced, it is also driven by the power of the strong wind to rotate at a high speed. The innate true energy is purely used to supplement the real fire and the strong wind consumption.

Although this true qi line is not as sharp as the innate qi, it is full of endurance, and the true fire of samadhi can even melt the power of rules that come into contact with it.

It took half a stick of incense and dozens of zhenqi lines before and after, and finally completely penetrated this secret.

However, Baiyun Tower did not immediately withdraw the zhenqi line, but continued to concentrate on sensing and watching.

As expected, the blood crystallization under the law of heaven is extremely tenacious, even though the power of the rules is nearly half refined by the true fire of samadhi, its power of restoration has not completely disappeared.

Once the zhenqi thread is withdrawn, it probably won't take a cup of tea, and the hidden feeling may be restored to its original state.

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