There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 770: King of the West Sea

"There is a new fairy building in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

After pondering for a while, Luo Yu continued, "Eldest senior brother, I reckon that there must be some hidden secrets in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, and this is why it shows the enemy its weakness."

At this time, Caiwei interjected: "Ayu, we are here to quell the chaos, don't think about fighting and killing all day long, if we can subdue that alien monster in one fell swoop, maybe this Xizhou will be truly stable. "

"Oh..., then I can't always let this young general teach poetry and prose..." Luo Yu replied sullenly, but he could hear the extremely depressed feeling in his mind.

"Poetry teaching?" Bai Yunlou twitched his lips and turned to look at Aunt Xia.

Aunt Xia said on the ground, "Isn't the overall situation the most important thing? Of course, the chaos must be calmed down, and the poetry and prose must be publicized in time."

"Among the students who went with me this time, only Luo Yu and Caiwei are more familiar with poetry and prose. Caiwei is busy domesticating the captured strange monsters, so I can only let Martial Nephew Luo take up the post of teaching poetry and prose for the time being. .”

So, knowing the whole story, Baiyunlou just patted Luo Yu on the shoulder and said: "Young brother's poetry and prose attainments are among the best in the entire Xizhou, and senior brother is optimistic about you..."

Then he smiled freely, turned to Aunt Xia and asked, "Auntie, what did the big monster say?"

"The big monster..., looking at the harmony, seems to have the meaning of living in a corner, but..., it always feels a little strange." Aunt Xia said thoughtfully.

Baiyunlou heard the meaning of these words, and replied casually: "First, stabilize it for two days, after the formation is deployed, disciples will go to investigate and see what kind of tricks it is playing."

While the few people were talking, several people walked in from outside the hall. Although the middle-aged man who walked in the front was only at the Foundation Establishment stage, his figure and demeanor exuded extraordinary momentum.

Behind him is a golden core monk, who should be a guardian of the way to protect the men who are going forward.

Looking up, Baiyun Tower already knew the identity of the person who came, and this person had extraordinary luck. He was the former third prince of Daxi Kingdom and now the acting king of Xihai Kingdom.

"Dare to ask Lord Divine Envoy of Shangguo, I don't know this one..." As soon as he entered the palace gate, the acting king immediately nodded and asked with a smile on his face.

"Eldest senior brother..." The next few people who followed were the two brothers Xiaoxi and Jiang Xuan Jiang Feng. When they saw the senior brother in charge, they couldn't help but shout out in surprise at the same time.

"Brother Bai..." The last one to enter the palace gate was Yan Qi, the Great Elder of Donghai Pavilion who hadn't seen him for more than a month.

Baiyunlou nodded as a salute, and didn't ask why Yan Qi came here, the one who can come here is of course a fellow.

"Oh? It seems that they all know each other, but Xiao Wang doesn't know..." Dai Wang talked and laughed freely, but he had a good temper.

Aunt Xia took a look at Baiyun Tower, which was full of wind and spirit, and said casually: "This is a Shangxian from Daxia, and he is the Qingyun Shangxian called by the king on behalf of the king."

"Shangxian... It seems that Xiao Wang's eyesight is really extraordinary. Just now when he entered the hall, he felt a little more fairy charm in the hall. When he took a closer look, it was from Lord Shangxian."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Yunlou couldn't help secretly applauding, this acting king is really extraordinary, no matter what the other party's status, the words spoken are neither humble nor overbearing, full of sincerity, making people feel like spring breeze.

Baiyunlou's sense of consciousness is clearer. This is not because Dai Wang is good at dealing with people, but because of his nature.

It may be because of this that a group of monks sincerely followed him and helped him gain a firm foothold in this corner of Xizhou.

"Dai Wang's eyesight is extraordinary, and I have to be busy with the affairs of the Immortal Family. Brothers and sisters, go to your own work. Brother Luo, Senior Brother takes good care of you..."

After saying that, Baiyun Tower waved his sleeves, turned around and walked out of the hall.

"The body is like flowing clouds, and the light is like a fairy..." Dai Wang sighed, then turned around and asked Luo Yu: "Luo Jiaoxi, can we start today's schoolwork?"

Luo Yu was slightly taken aback, turned to look at the sky, and said: "It's getting late, it's time for dinner..."

After pondering for a while, he replied on behalf of the king: "That's fine, Xiao Wang will go and call some more gentlemen, so that it will be convenient for them to teach in Xihai after they finish their studies." After saying this, he took the golden core monk out of the hall again.

Sighing helplessly, Luo Yu hastily asked Meng Xuan in a soft voice: "Junior Brother Meng, is there a copy of the poem's interpretation from the academy?"

"A copy came this morning, I wonder if I can use it..." While speaking, Meng Xuan took out a stack of manuscripts from his treasure bag.

Luo Yu felt like he had found a treasure, so he hurriedly reached out to take it, stepped aside and watched it carefully.

Leaping out from the main hall, Baiyun Tower directly fled to the clear air mask on the sky, sat cross-legged in the void, and looked carefully at the Xizhou Continent below with its celestial eyes.

In the vast land of Xizhou, the Xihai Kingdom in the southeast corner is quite popular.

The vast territory of the Northeast is occupied by the eldest prince, and the country name is still Daxi, but the popularity is very vain and extremely thin.

Only the few miles around the merchant ship wharf on the far east bank is still popular. It seems that the threat of joining forces with Junior Sister Ziyan at the end of last year is still there.

Looking intently, Baiyunlou couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

It was midsummer now, and the big ship that had been cut in two was still frozen in the shallow sea.

It seems that Junior Sister Ziyan got interested at some point and re-infused the Xuanbing True Qi into the hull. This made it even more intimidating. No wonder the nearby land several miles away became a refuge for refugees.

After watching for a while, Baiyun Tower turned his head to look at Xiling Kingdom on the northwest side. There are high mountains and criss-crossing mountains. It is not as popular as Xihai Kingdom in the southeast, but it is much better than Daxi Xinchao in the northeast.

In addition, what surprised Baiyunlou was that there were a lot of evil spirits mixed in some popular places.

This evil spirit... quite familiar.

With the full power of Tianyantong, he finally saw a lonely figure on a mountain top, it was the white wolf that he hadn't seen for more than half a year.

This white wolf is a bit taller than it was more than half a year ago, and its cultivation has suddenly broken through to the demon core realm.

Standing on the big rock on the top of the cliff, the breath around the white wolf fluctuated continuously, and the snow-like white wolf fur fluttered in the wind.

Looking up at the standing proudly, the momentum is not the same as it was half a year ago.

As if sensing something, the white wolf turned his head to look towards the southeast sky, raised his head and let out a long wolf howl.

In the blink of an eye, Baiyunlou had a general idea of ​​what Bailang had done in Xizhou.

This white wolf is worthy of being an outsider disciple of Qingyun sect with extraordinary spirituality.

After coming to Xizhou, the white wolf must have found the Xiling country all the way, helping the human race here to resist the invasion of the Wanyao country, and it seems that he also helped domesticate many small monsters of different races, so some villages in Xiling country mixed together A lot of evil spirit.

"A few days later, we will go to the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom together." Borrowing his inspiration, Baiyunlou sent an idea to Bailang.

Hearing these words, the white wolf's energy surged all over his body, he jumped up on the wind, and once again raised his head and roared a Qingyue wolf howl in response to the senior brother in charge.

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