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After the big demon remnant soul on the altar realized that the two uninvited guests could not be dealt with by ordinary magical powers, he stopped acting hastily, and probably hoped to delay for a while.

While Master Bai was watching, Aunt Xia was not in a hurry to make a move. With this big disciple of the academy who has all-sighted eyes, it can indeed save a lot of trouble.

Just as he was sighing, he saw that Baiyun Tower had finally made a move. At the same time as the Sword Intent of Zhan Dao came out, a pure Yang sword pierced through the air and slashed towards the shape-changing mouth.

It's just that as soon as the Dao Slashing Sword Intent was slashed out, Baiyunlou's mind suddenly felt a sense, and in a moment of thought, the Dao Slashing Sword Intent was annihilated in the void, but the pure Yang Sword Gang had already been cut into the giant mouth in an instant .

As soon as the Dao Slashing Sword Intent came out, Baiyun Tower sensed that the devouring power of this gigantic monster was extraordinary, and the swallowed snow-patterned tiger demon soul had already merged into the breath of the great monster.

This kind of integration is not the kind of attachment, but the fusion of two.

If the Sword Intent of Zhan Dao cuts directly, either the Sword Intent will be directly swallowed by the giant mouth, or it will cut off the remnant soul of the great demon who is guarding in the form outside, or it may directly kill the soul of the great demon that is fused with the snow-patterned tiger .

The sword intent was devoured. I don't know what the consequences will be. Let's not mention it for now. If the remnant soul of the big monster outside the monster egg is really cut off, it may actually help the big monster outside the territory to completely refine the monster egg.

At that time, the breath inside and outside the demon egg will be cut off, and the spirit, energy, and spirit inside the demon egg will become one, and they will be completely integrated into one in an instant.

The demon soul with an exotic aura fused with the cub in the demon egg, and the white tiger cub emerged, and the purpose of the great demon was achieved.

And if the big demon soul that fused with Xuewenhu was killed directly, then the remnant soul of Xuewenhu would probably be annihilated. Until the last moment, Baiyunlou didn't want to give up this Qingyunmen's outer disciple.

In an instant, Baiyunlou figured out these key points, and the pure yang sword had already been cut into the giant mouth.

Jian Gang slashed into the dark and deep place, as if he was fleeing in the void, and when he reappeared, it actually flashed above the head of Baiyun Tower, turning into a stream of light, piercing down through the air.

The supernatural powers of alien sorcery are indeed treacherous, and the devoured sword gang is forcibly refined in an instant, turning into a means of the great demon to hurt the opponent.

However, the power of Baiyunlou's soul is much stronger than this big monster, and the swallowed sword gang was only half refined by the big monster of the alien race.

With a thought, the distraction power sealed within it exploded directly, and the sword gang exploded and dissipated before it even got close.

It was just now that he sensed the power of the great monster's devouring power, Baiyunlou cautiously only used a sword to test it.

Aunt Xia, who was at the side, was surprised, and also sent out a bright purple thunder, which pierced through the air from the side of the giant mouth.

The giant mouth that floated in the air condensed, and the devouring power suddenly increased greatly. Zi Lei on one side forcibly changed its direction, and was directly swallowed into the giant mouth.

The sudden devouring power was not only aimed at the purple thunder, but the figures of the two people in Baiyunlou were also pulled by the invisible force of rules, and floated towards the huge mouth.

Even the little red bird, which was staring at the demon egg in a daze, could not help but fall towards the giant mouth, but with all its efforts to spread its wings and fly away, it barely resisted the pulling force of the swallowing force.

In a hurry, five spiritual energy magic swords came out from the sword pouch behind Baiyunlou, and the five souls respectively used one magic sword in the sea of ​​consciousness. The five elements sword array unfolded and directly fixed the space with a radius of several feet.

Only then did Baiyunlou and Aunt Xia stabilize their bodies, and Ah Li also hurriedly flew back to the senior brother's shoulder, looking at the giant mouth vigilantly, as if something was wrong, and planned to run away.

Fang Yi paused, and a thicker purple thunder light fell straight down towards the two of them.

Zi Lei, tainted with exotic aura, directly pierced through the void barrier of the Five Elements Sword Formation with a strange force. Judging from this momentum, it was almost twice as strong as when Aunt Xia came out just now.

Seeing that the purple thunder was about to fall on the body of the two people, it was blocked by a golden mask that manifested.


Just now, as soon as Aunt Xia's purple thunder came out, Baiyun Tower had quietly stepped out of the sun golden wheel, just to guard against this thunder light.

Although the purple thunder became more powerful after being swallowed, it still couldn't penetrate the sun-gold wheel of the high-level spirit treasure.

Ah Li originally planned to spit out Li Huo's true intentions and try to sneak up on the big monster with a huge mouth, but seeing this situation, he immediately let go of this thought.

If Bai Yunlou used all his strength to strike, it would not be difficult to kill the big monster, and he could even wait for the moment when the big monster completely refines the demon soul into the demon eggs, and wait for the opportunity to strike, there should be some chances.

However, after two trials just now, Baiyunlou noticed some changes, and immediately pressed down on this thought.

When the giant mouth swallowed Jian Gang and Zi Lei, it seemed to be replenished, and the already more vain shape-changing mouth actually solidified a bit.

Such subtle changes can only be seen by Baiyunlou's powerful celestial vision and divine sense.

From this point of view, the devouring supernatural power of this great demon not only has the effect of shifting stars, but also can strengthen the demon soul.

The strengthening of the demon soul outside the demon egg means that the big demon needs to spend more effort to integrate into the demon egg, which is equivalent to gaining some time in disguise.

The stronger the demon soul, the more unfavorable it might be to the two of them, but at last they had the chance to try again.

Sensing this change, Baiyun Tower didn't hesitate any longer, and used all kinds of supernatural powers to try again.

The five-element technique couldn't stir up any fluctuations, and was directly swallowed by the giant mouth, which would only help him replenish his soul for nothing.

Even the powerful fairy arts could not escape the swallowing of this giant mouth, the supernatural powers and fairy arts cast by the envoy Lieyang Zhenqi and Xuanbing Zhenqi did some damage to the demon soul.

However, after the demon soul was completely hidden in the huge black mouth, the fairy art could only make the swirling dark void hole fluctuate again and again, but it was not a big problem.

I also tried the broken mind supernatural power. After several spiritual weapons and magic swords exploded, not only did they not cause any damage to the void black On the contrary, the strength of the demon soul hidden in it increased sharply. It is estimated that the demon soul of this big demon is about to break through the realm.

After some attempts, it seems that only when Lieyang and Xuanbing two qis cast the immortal technique at the same time, the fluctuations caused are the most obvious, but they are only violent fluctuations for a while, unable to induce more useful changes.

After trying a few times, Aunt Xia stopped and watched. Originally, she planned to seal the monster with the thunder shield, but she saw that a high-level spiritual energy sword was swallowed without a sound, so she immediately dismissed the idea.

The devouring supernatural power of this big monster is too powerful, and it is not restricted by the power of the rules of the human world in this mountain belly, so its power can be said to be fully displayed.

Aunt Xia thought about breaking the barrier on the side of the mountain, letting the power of heaven suppress the devouring power of the big monster, and when she passed the message to Master Bai, she got a waiting response.

In fact, Baiyun Tower was worried that under the suppression of the Dao of Heaven, it might affect the breeding of this white tiger cub.

And just now, Baiyunlou thought of a chance to get rid of the demon, so he asked Aunt Xia to wait for a while.

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