The opportunity for epiphany is fleeting, and the Baiyun Tower rushes to it, and the soul is split into the body in an instant, and waves of insights come.

For more than half a month, this divided soul has straddled the two countries of Wan Yao and Xiling, walked through countless mountains, rivers and streams like a leisurely stroll, and seen the joys and sorrows of many mortal creatures.

Now stepping into the Daxi Country in the northeast of Xizhou, I once again felt the real evil of human nature, and even sensed the faint aura of the devil soul.

For a moment, Feng Lei's true intentions, which had been deduced and comprehended by the divided souls, burst out.

In case of injustice, wind and thunder pass by, and all evils will be wiped out.

With such a happy state of mind, Baiyunlou took all the souls in the sea of ​​consciousness together to escape into the perception.

The main body has been cultivated into the body of an earth immortal, the cultivation base has greatly increased, the soul has greatly improved, and the foundation of perception has greatly increased.

The wind blows and the thunder moves, and Baiyun Tower re-understands the true meaning of the wind and thunder in the slightest.

A wisp of wind and aura floated out, wandering among the mountains and rivers, with the power of rules, it gradually aroused the power of heaven and earth.

A long wind rises and sweeps across, the clouds are like snow, and the billows are like waves.

The aura of the wind is endless, blowing across the entire Xizhou, and the turbulent wind and cloud cover the sky, attracting thunder and light all over the sky.

Where the wind passed by, all the exotic aura hidden in the creatures of Xizhou dissipated, the purple thunder fell, and the obstinate alien demon cultivators and the demonic thoughts hidden in the dark were all wiped out.

Not only that, but the Baiyun Building, which was temporarily connected with the mind and spirit of Tiandao, at a glance, can see through the true nature of all the living beings in Xizhou in an instant.

The human race with great sins, the demon cultivator who has fallen into the devil's way, and the evil cultivator who practiced great harm to the sky and evil skills, were seen clearly by this glance.

Without the slightest hesitation, the sky was full of wind and thunder, and endless punishment and evil thunders fell on the entire Xizhou.

On the contrary, Baiyunlou felt more happy when encountering the evil cultivator demon soul who was stubbornly resisting. If one thunderbolt is not enough, there will be ten thunderbolts, and if ten thunderbolts are not enough, there will be a hundred thousand thunderbolts.

At worst, the split soul will directly transform into a thunder light, and personally go down to blow it up.

Punish the evil on behalf of the heavens, and it is really fun.

Day turned into night, and thunder flashed for a whole day and night.

After the clouds cleared, Xizhou became clearer, and Baiyunlou's mind became clearer.

This day and night, Baiyun Tower exhausted the purple luck that had been accumulated for many days, but felt extremely happy. With the help of the wind and thunder, the luck was rolled up into the sky, and the clear air mask over the entire Xizhou was repaired transparent and flawless.

The sky was bright, and all the mortals, monks, birds, beasts, and demon cultivators in Xizhou all walked out of the door, jumped out of their nests, and looked at the sky together.

The demon cloud disappeared without a trace, the blue sky was like washing, and the eyes were full of blue.

In order to repair the rift in the Heavenly Dao, the soul of Baiyunlou completely merged into the clear air mask by means of the wind aura.

This will step on the clear air mask, without sadness or joy, but can sense the joy of the living beings in Xizhou.

It turned out that this was the feeling of the Dao of Heaven. Just as he was about to leave in a flash, a mysterious breath suddenly merged into the mask of clear air.

Baiyunlou was familiar with this breath, it was the power of wish that he had seen in the East China Sea Crystal Palace before.

I was very amazed when I saw it for the first time, and I don't want to see it again today, and it is the wish of the human race.

The last time I set up an array in the Jinghu Cave, I thought that after some publicity, the villagers in those oasis would have a little bit of wish power, but they didn't want to come true.

Those connected with the big formation are only the will to eliminate demons, which are relatively firm thoughts.

Today, when he sensed the power of the wish again, Baiyunlou completely understood that the power of the wish is actually an extremely pure wish from the heart.

The people of Xizhou have been fighting for a long time, and have suffered from evil spirits for a long time. One day and night, after thunder and lightning, the evil clouds dispersed and the sky was clear.

Although the sky is silent, looking at the clear blue sky, all the living beings in Xizhou are enlightened, and Xizhou is peaceful.

What the people of Xizhou want is nothing but peace and tranquility.

Just as he was sighing, several more vows floated into the clear air mask.

Afterwards, hundreds and tens of thousands of wishes were all integrated into the Qingqi mask, and some of them were integrated into the spirit of Baiyun Tower.

Baiyunlou, who was a little tired at first, was immediately washed away by the exhaustion of this massive wish force, and he felt refreshed.

At this moment, there was a roar of a tiger from the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, and an extremely pure wish power was poured into the clear air mask, and it came from the white tiger cub.

Immediately afterwards, the group of demons in the Wan Yao Kingdom also sent out a huge amount of wish power, this is the phenomenon of Wan Yao's true integration into the world.

During this period of time, the main body of Baiyun Tower was practicing in retreat in the Kunlun Immortal Realm, but Xizhou had undergone earth-shaking changes.

First of all, the acting king of Xihai Kingdom took the disciples of Qingyun Sect to Xiling Kingdom by flying boat, and met with His Highness King Qin to discuss the unification of Xizhou.

After learning that the disciples of the Qingyun Sect accompanying him were all senior brothers and sisters of the White Wolf King, His Royal Highness King Qin was very enthusiastic, and everyone chatted happily.

Regarding the matter of sending troops to attack Brother Wang at the same time, they quickly reached an agreement, not for anything else, but to save the people of Xizhou in the territory under the jurisdiction of Brother Wang from the dire straits as soon as possible.

However, when it comes to the position of the king after the unification of the Onishi Kingdom, what was originally thought to be a tense situation has turned into mutual humility.

Dai Wang originally wanted to follow the etiquette and recognize the second brother as the new Daxi King, but Qin Wang said that he was influenced by the White Wolf King and had no intention of the throne, and only wanted to live in a corner and practice leisurely.

Later, Dai Wang persuaded the two brothers to think about the people of Xizhou and take up the heavy responsibility for the future of Xizhou, but Qin Wang said that he liked the happy life in Xiling and didn't bother to care about the disputes between the royal court.

After coming and going, the two leaders of the small Xizhou country argued endlessly about this.

Aunt Xia, who had practiced for several days and left the customs, was worried that something might be wrong and had been guarding in secret, but seeing this situation, she was speechless.

In the end, Daoist Nishang couldn't stand it any longer, so he stepped out, showing the aura of the eldest princess of the Great Xia Kingdom, and directly settled the matter.

In the future, after the territory of the Xizhou human race is unified, Dai Wang will be appointed as the new Daxi King to maintain peace and tranquility in the territory.

The king of Qin continued to guard the fief of Xiling and helped the king relieve his worries.

Regarding the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, Nishang Daoist also gave instructions to directly reclassify the original Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom territory to the Daxi Kingdom.

And Dahu was named the guardian beast of Daxi Kingdom. The original territory of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom was Dahu's fiefdom, and all the monster clans were restrained by Dahu.

Of course, how the human race and the demon race get along will need to be explored slowly in the future.

But after the White Wolf King and Big Tiger finish cleaning up the evil monsters in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, the little monsters who want to come and stay should not be difficult to get along with.

After hearing that the big tiger was also a disciple of the Qingyun Sect, the two kings were speechless for a while, and completely relieved, they even worshiped this Qingyun Sect.

In fact, when Aunt Xia was secretly watching the soul-splitting body of Baiyun Tower also arrived near Xiling Kingdom, and was also exploring and watching the meeting of the two kings of Xizhou.

After investigating so far, Baiyun Tower felt relieved.

Afterwards, the troops of the two countries divided into two groups to attack Daxi Kingdom at the same time, and encountered little resistance, and the whole road was like a broken bamboo. In just a few days, the territory under the jurisdiction of the eldest prince was reduced by nearly half.

At this time, the soul-splitting body of the head of Bai Damen felt enlightened during his travels, and the body came out of the pass.

After some epiphany, the entire Xizhou became completely clear.

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