Seeing this group of young disciples full of vigor, Baiyun Tower gradually calmed down after being a little ecstatic for a while.

Although the state of mind that floats like a fairy is free-spirited, it lacks a bit of kindness and warmth.

With a sigh, Baiyunlou stood on the cloud, and the two kings who looked up and looked down clasped their hands and said: "Your Highness, Yunlou took this group of brothers and sisters back to Daxia first, and if you need it in the future, come to help now." .”

"Thank you, little friends, I haven't had time to hold a banquet to thank you..." Dai Wang replied loudly.

"Write this down for the time being. When the acting king settles down the people of Xizhou, this meal will be indispensable..."

After saying that, Baiyun Tower smiled freely, and fled the cloud head to the east.

"Fellow Daoist White Wolf..." King Qin couldn't help shouting loudly in front of the broken hall.

"There will be... some time..." White Wolf's Qing Xiao responded.

"They all look like gods..." The two kings looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

"The posture of a fairy..." Baiyunlou muttered softly, feeling extremely at ease.

On the sapphire smoke cloud, Baiyun Tower swept across Xizhou with thoughts, and found Junior Brother Bai Zhan who was busy working on a peak, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth, and shouted in a long voice: "Junior Brother Bai, don't be so busy, go home for the holidays, Xiaoni is still here!" Waiting at home..."

Hearing this, all the juniors and younger sisters on the cloud head couldn't help laughing at the same time, feeling that the elder brother who had become more and more immortal some time ago seemed to have returned.

Accompanied by the laughter, there was a sound of thunder in the distance. Junior Brother Bai Zhan's sword energy thunder sounded, and after ten breaths of time, a golden streamer pierced the sky from the distant sky.

The speed of this Golden Light Tunnel is several times faster than the sound of thunder, but there is no sound of thunder, it seems that Junior Brother Bai Zhan's Golden Light Tunnel is close to the realm of Dzogchen.

It was only after Bai Zhan closed the escape light and fell on the cloud head that Baiyun Tower answered the questions of the younger brothers and sisters one by one.

Hearing that White Wolf misses Desert Sea and intends to improve the environment of Desert Sea with his newly cultivated supernatural powers, all the disciples are amazed.

Knowing that Luo Yu really escaped into the small pagoda to practice in order to refine the evil spirit in his consciousness, Cai Wei couldn't help but feel worried, and even wanted to enter the small pagoda to accompany him.

Master Bai thought for a while, and then brought out the words of the Goddess Caiwei from Junior Brother Luo.

Hearing this, Caiwei let go of her thoughts of entering the pagoda, took a deep look at Junior Brother Luo, sat cross-legged beside him, and practiced with the little Cloud Swallowing Beast in her arms.

Then Baiyunlou released the white wolf in the desert sea near the Populus euphratica oasis, leaving him spirit stones and scattered silver coins, enough to exchange for a lot of delicious meat and spirit fruit wine.

Sending several younger brothers and younger sisters back to their respective homes one by one, they also stopped by to recognize the door.

When they arrived at the Jiangnan mansion, Bai Zhan turned into a light and said goodbye, while Baiyunlou took Luo Yu and Caiwei who were practicing, and fell into the brand new Luo family compound.

After sending the two of them into the bedroom, Baiyun Tower left a barrier of smoke and clouds to protect the small pagoda, while the main body turned into a rainbow and fled directly to the small courtyard of the Bai family.

When fleeing, I thought of Xiao Ziwen, whom I hadn't seen in the past month, and I really missed it. After a little calculation, tomorrow's Mid-Autumn Festival will be the day of Ziwen's full moon, and it happens to be lively and lively.

In the mid-autumn season, the backyard of Bai’s house was breezy in the afternoon, protected by a spirit gathering array. A Niang had already walked out of her stuffy bedroom, and was lying on a comfortable bamboo chair, smiling at Ziwen, who was soundly asleep on the small bamboo bed beside her.

Green Ant sat aside in a daze, holding a collection of poems and essays in his hand, but his mind was not on it.

The little koi came to the backyard with a jar of warm fruit syrup, just as it was placed on the table, a rainbow light fell quietly.

Before Baiyunlou showed his figure, Xiao Ziwen, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up, turned over on the small bamboo bed, opened his eyes and looked at the place where Baiyunlou fell.

This little guy has such a keen sense of energy.

While Baiyunlou praised secretly, he was worried about scaring the little guy, so he first formed a cloud of mist, and only after the cloud and mist dispersed in all directions did he show his true form.

The little guy grinned aloud after these changes, and A Niang followed Xiao Ziwen's gaze to see her elder son's figure in an instant, and she got up to greet her, and her expression became more relaxed.

After all, he was still worried about himself, Bai Yunlou sighed inwardly, stepped forward and pinched Ziwen's little face lightly, took the wooden bowl from the koi carp, and filled Aniang with a bowl of sugar water.

Then he rubbed the topknot of the green ant's head with his hand, and when he came back to his senses, Baiyunlou laughed softly and said, "Why, the little ant demon has eaten and slept again?"

"Yeah, brother, I've been in a daze recently, what should I do..." Green Ant said softly with some self-pity.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyunlou said comfortingly: "The little ant demon is gradually transforming, and it is indeed a little lethargic. The younger sister simply goes to sleep for a while, and maybe it can help it completely complete the transformation."

"That's right, Auntie just said, go to sleep when you're sleepy, you little girl insists on staying here... Now your elder brother has also spoken, don't listen to it and go to rest in peace." Auntie also smiled Say a few words.

"Oh, mother, brother, the green ant is going to sleep now..." The green ant responded obediently this time.

"Wait..." Baiyun Tower passed a bowl of sugar water to the green ant, and sent a breath to the transforming little ant demon in the green ant's sleeve.

This aura is obtained from Dahu's Gengjin aura, and the master Bai who likes to collect all kinds of things has never let go of this mysterious aura.

Du Hu was very generous, and he sent out dozens of words in the blink of an eye, enough for Baiyun Tower to deduce and comprehend for a period of time.

Giving it to the little ant demon is also a whim. As for what it can gain, it depends on the little ant demon's own good After the green ant went back to the room to rest, Baiyunlou picked up the poems on the side , and then read it to Xiaoziwen.

During the half day, Baiyunlou spent leisurely time with A Niang and Xiao Ziwen. Koi listened silently, and occasionally interjected a few words, but his hands were rarely idle.

During the chat, A Niang said that with the koi and green ants by her side, she was too lazy to feed herself for a month, and she didn't have to do the breastfeeding herself.

Hearing this, Baiyunlou couldn't help but startled.

Then Xiao Ziwen yelled "ahhh" twice, and Baiyunlou understood when he saw the koi skillfully taking out a palm-sized glazed bottle from the treasure bag of Nawu.

The crystal clear glass bottle is filled with more than half of the milky white juice, which is the mysterious spirit liquid condensed by Junior Sister Caiwei.

It turned out that this little guy actually drank this. After asking, he found out that half a month ago, Xiao Jing passed by Baiyuan and took out a small bottle of Xuanling liquid to tease Xiao Ziwen. After tasting the delicious Xuanling liquid, he was completely fascinated by it. This fresh and sweet taste.

Hearing that this mysterious spirit liquid is a spiritual thing personally identified by her eldest son, A Niang felt relieved.

Fortunately, this mysterious spirit liquid is extremely simple to refine, and Caiwei can refine it for a few moments, which is enough for Xiao Ziwen to use for several months.


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