There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 796: Fantasy world is like chess

Next time..., Baiyun Tower paused when he heard the words, but unexpectedly, Sister Xiao actually responded to the invitation.

Suddenly, Baiyunlou had a clear realization that this next time refers to next year's Mid-Autumn Festival. Without thinking about it, he turned around and answered loudly.

After leaving Yunxiao Manor, the two of them did not say much, and they dodged and landed on the clear air mask.

The main body of Baiyun Tower manifested, and the main soul escaped back to the main body.

Two hours later, half of the luck has not been exhausted, which is a bit unexpected.

However, what was even more surprising to Baiyun Tower was the area where the cracks were repaired. With the help of wind energy, the people in a radius of five hundred miles were connected together.

Once enlightened, it is worth the effort of months of hard work in the past.

"Next year today..." Looking at the mortal world under the mask of Qingqi, Qingchi couldn't help sighing.

"Yeah, on this day next year, I think everything will be settled..., let it be settled."

After saying that, the mysterious aura in Baiyun Tower's spiritual consciousness was released and then absorbed, and then he turned into a golden light and fled towards the direction of Jiangnan Mansion.

"The method of the Immortal family... is really exciting." Before the words finished, the beautiful figure on the dome disappeared without a trace.

Jiangnan Mansion, Luo Family Courtyard.

In the bridal house that still exudes a bit of joy, the exquisite small pagoda in the smoke and cloud enchantment, the rhythm is shining with brilliance.

"Brother Sect Leader, Ayu's aura has just fluctuated..." Seeing Senior Brother appearing from the void, Cai Wei asked eagerly.

"It's okay, it seems that Brother Luo has finally made a breakthrough, let me go inside and have a look."

After saying that, a divine sense came out of Baiyun Tower, and escaped into the Linglong Tower.

Now the power of the soul core has skyrocketed, and after the transformation of the divine consciousness, the speed of Baiyun Tower's escape in the small world in the tower is extremely astonishing, directly causing the void to vibrate.

Just as she landed on the holy lake, Taling Linglong appeared directly.

"Junior Sister Linglong, why do you have time to come to the lower realm today..." Bai Yunlou greeted enthusiastically.

"Master Bai, you also know that this is the lower realm, and the power of rules here is not as condensed as the upper realm." While speaking, Linglong waved her two small hands to calm down the endlessly shaking void.

"Be careful next time, be careful next time..." Bai Yunlou hurriedly replied with a sullen face.

Linglong muttered something in a low voice, turned around and looked at the center of the holy lake below, and seemed to be quite concerned about the changes below.

On the surface of the holy lake, two figures riding a monster each, galloping back and forth in the center of the lake, are Luo Yu and Hua Xiaojiu.

Holding a long sword in her hand, Hua Xiaojiu steered the leopard across the center of the lake, slashing into a void with one sword.

This sword seemed to have hit an invisible object, and a powerful wave of breath was shaken out, and the tide of spiritual energy surged up.

On the other side, the half-big tiger demon came longitudinally, and rushed forward with Luo Yu against the wave of spiritual energy, and a little white golden light directly broke through the tide.

In the end, the golden light also hit the void on time, and it appeared as a long spear.

The void was like broken glass, manifesting the phantom of the enchantment. At this time, a sword shadow fell again, directly breaking the enchantment, and a magical spar appeared.

The appearance of the miraculous spar immediately lifted the minds of the two of them, and then they showed their strengths and slashed at the miraculous crystal with all their strength.

Above the void, Baiyunlou asked Master Linglong about the reason while watching the bustle.

Linglong groaned for a few breaths, and then described Luo Yu's situation in detail.

At the beginning, it was naturally a miserable scene imaginable. Mr. Luo was like fragile glass, which would shatter when touched, almost even the weakest of the Houshan people.

With repeated shattering and condensing, the white tiger's baleful aura gradually melted into his consciousness, and Luo Yu finally had a little ability to resist.

But this ability is hardly worth mentioning in front of the powerful strength.

Back then, even Grand Master Bai had a hard time adapting to the moves and extreme speed of these boys without the slightest martial virtue, let alone the weak Luo Yu.

After countless times of life and death, Luo Yu finally figured out some ways to use the white tiger's evil spirit, and his body skills also moved towards the subtle state through repeated tempering.

After half a month of almost endless hard work, Luo Yu finally refined the evil spirit of the white tiger contaminated in his consciousness, and finally condensed it into a little bit of cold light on the spear point.

After refining the evil spirit of the white tiger, Luo Yu found that he still couldn't escape from this small world through the entrance of the tower.

Fortunately, after this tempering, Luo Yu not only strengthened his consciousness, but also tempered his state of mind. After deep thinking, Luo Yu found a way to get out of the tower.

Since this tribal small world is sealed, break open the fetish spar in this small world, and escape to the third small world first.

If it succeeds, if you think about it, you can escape from the third small world and return to the body of the human world.

Luo Yu's plan was quickly understood by Hua Xiaojiu. Not only did Hua Xiaojiu not stop her, but on the contrary, she wanted to go with her and help her to break through the gods.

It was only now that Luo Yu realized the difference in Hua Xiaojiu, and he complied with emotion.

Immediately, the two came to the holy lake together, set out to break open the divine crystal, and prepared to escape to the upper realm in Hua Xiaojiu's mind.

Looking at the two busy figures below, Baiyun Tower has a sense of being a god.

Watching all beings in the mortal world busy their lives for their own thoughts, it seems to be watching a chess game.

If Hua Xiaojiu really went to the so-called upper realm, I don't know if she will be disappointed or hopeless.

"Junior Sister Linglong, Xiao Jiu, can he use the teleportation power of the shattered void to go to the next small world?" Bai Yunlou still asked aloud.

"Half and half..."

This answer made Baiyunlou a little speechless, but it was hard to say anything, because Linglong didn't have much experience in this kind of situation.

From Hua Xiaojiu's body, Baiyunlou sensed the aura of this small world. This kind of aura is faintly protecting Hua has sensed this aura at the sea eye of the void last time. It is very similar to the luck in the human world, but the power of rules in this small world is weak, and the real way of luck cannot be derived.

It seems that if something unexpected happens later, we still have to protect Hua Xiaojiu secretly...

While Baiyunlou was thinking about it, a crisp cracking sound came from below.

The **** crystal is cracked!

Without the slightest hesitation, Luo Yu and Hua Xiaojiu struck again, and the Husha's cold light and Zhanxu sword intent landed on the Shenjing at the same time.

In an instant, an invisible wave shattered the void with a radius of tens of feet, and Luo Yu was teleported to the third small world in an instant.

At the same time, Hua Xiaojiu encountered unprecedented troubles.

As the invisible shock wave penetrated the dharma body, Hua Xiaojiu's spiritual consciousness seemed to be shattered. Fortunately, some invisible air mechanism temporarily protected the spiritual consciousness that was about to shatter, giving him a chance to breathe.

At the juncture of life and death, Hua Xiaojiu used all her strength to run the Concentration Art, and the consciousness that was about to be shattered suddenly solidified, and finally gathered into a complete consciousness.

In the broken void, the power of unknown rules seems to have finally captured this complete consciousness, instantly wrapping Hua Xiaojiu's spiritual body, and sending it to another small world.


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