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Because the demon's magical powers are extremely treacherous, and can absorb endless demon souls and demon energy from the chaotic void.

The reason why the Heavenly Demon is difficult to get rid of is that apart from this supernatural power, there is another very special feature, that is, its ray of true soul is derived from chaos, and can hide in the chaos and void at any time.

Because of this, the two goddesses, Qing Chi and Huo Ling, worked together to chop the body and soul of the demon several times, but they all escaped.

As long as the Heavenly Demon's true soul is immortal, the deeper it is injured, the stronger its demonic thoughts will be. Every time it returns, it will become stronger again, and finally return to severely injure the two goddesses.

This time Qingchi comprehended the Dao of Dreams in the human world, and also wanted to use the supernatural powers of the Dream Dao to freeze the time of the demon Sumeru and find the true soul.

Knowing about the true soul of the Heavenly Demon, Baiyunlou also knew the key to killing the demon.

A ray of demonic soul derived from the chaos seems to be like that, and he has the good fortune to break through the chaos...

The battle has not yet begun, and the momentum is ready...

However, one can despise the heavenly demon in terms of aura, but in the matter of killing demons, one must show all strength and do his best to kill the demon soul.

The real decisive battle will be when the Kyushu formation is brought to the extreme and the strength of the Heavenly Demon is crushed to the weakest.

After some in-depth deduction and discussion, the Demon Slaying Conference was successfully concluded, everyone's fighting spirit was high, and their desire to kill demons became more and more determined.

Immediately, everyone returned to the place with the task, each prepared, and waited for the arrival of the big battle.

The night is dark, the silver moon is like a hook, and the faint glow falls into the clear sea water.

Under the gate tower of the Crystal Palace, Baiyun Tower and the two junior sisters stood tall, and there seemed to be a flash of light in their eyes, as if piercing the depths and breaking the darkness.

"Yunlou, you are now a top-ranking Earth Immortal cultivator in the human world, so don't act impulsively." Suddenly, Dongfang Ziyan broke the silence.

Suddenly hearing this, Baiyunlou couldn't help being startled, and turned to look at Junior Sister Ziyan with some doubts.

"This is my soul..." When You Ran replied, Zi Yan let go of her self-proclaimed aura.

Sensing the cold breath, the sense of consonance returned in his mind, and Baiyunlou immediately understood the deep meaning of this junior sister's words.

This is because he is worried that when he is killing demons, he will explode impulsively.

Bai Yunlou couldn't help but sigh secretly, impulsive outbursts are his strong point, but this battle requires the joint efforts of all members, after all, the power of one person is too small.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yunlou nodded seriously and responded: "Brother, I have a sense of proportion, try to have as many souls as possible, but Zi Yan, you should not be impulsive."

Hearing this, Zi Yan couldn't help but twitched her mouth, and replied casually: "I am the main soul of Bing Xin."

Well... the extremely calm main soul of Bing Xin...

While thinking about it, I heard Xia Chaoyang asking in confusion and doubts: "Sister Ziyan, why can't the monks of the Earth Immortal be impulsive? I just broke through, so I don't quite understand it?"

Dongfang Ziyan stepped forward and gently held Junior Sister Chaoyang's hand, and said with a smile: "Senior brother knows best..."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Senior Brother Bai.

"Hey, Zi Yan, are you starting to melt your soul?" Seemingly sensing that Zi Yan's words tonight were a bit strange, Bai Yunlou asked in doubt.

"Oh, brother, did you see it? It's just started, and it's less than 10%. It seems that there are benefits to having fewer souls." Zi Yan replied quite casually.

It turned out that the two soul-splitting souls had both cultivated to the great perfection of the soul-splitting state, and began to slowly melt their souls. No wonder just now that Zi Yan's words about soul-splitting were a bit pure-yang and soul-splitting.

Feelings are emotions, Xiao Chaoyang's doubts are still helped to solve.

Immediately, Baiyunlou put away his distracting thoughts, turned his head and smiled at Junior Sister Xia and said, "As an Earth Immortal cultivator, every word and deed may affect the rules of the heavens around you, so you can't be impulsive."

"In ancient times, there was a big demon who caused sea water to pour into the river in a fit of anger, flooding countless villages and fertile fields, and finally brought about the punishment of heaven, and was smashed into powder by the god's thunder..."

Hearing the example given by the elder brother, Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: "Ah..., I still understand this kind of impulsive junior sister, but fortunately our human race is much calmer now, and there are very few monks who will be punished by the heavens due to impulsiveness. "

After a short pause, Xia Chaoyang suddenly said weakly: "These days of closed-door training are very boring. Junior sister, I have the urge to walk around at will... Will this affect... major events?"

Hearing Xiao Chaoyang's interesting question, Baiyunlou smiled happily and said, "Chaoyang, I'm so impulsive with what you said, senior brother, no matter, it's only been less than half a month, I might as well accompany you around, lest you have to wait for something important to happen." This urge..."

"Zi Yan... want to be together?"

During this period of time, the three of them were busy in secluded cultivation, and they hadn't traveled together for several months. Xiao Chaoyang became interested, and Baiyun Tower took advantage of the opportunity to invite Junior Sister Ziyan.

Ziyan's eyes flickered, and she glanced back and forth between the two people in front of her, before finally answering aloud.

Hearing Senior Sister Ziyan agree, Xia Chaoyang was overjoyed, held his senior brother and sister's hand, and shouted that he would do it immediately.

He really wanted to leave, but Baiyunlou seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and raised his hand to release a magic weapon of escape.

This magic weapon is about Zhang Zhang in size, and its appearance is quite similar to that of the Space Breaking Shuttle, but its body is streamlined, making it look softer and softer.

"Chaoyang, this escaping magic weapon is called Phantom, how about it?" During the questioning, Bai Yunlou patted the tough shell of the Phantom magic weapon.

"Phantom..., just hearing the name is very imposing." Xia Zhaoyang responded happily.

Bai Yunlou went on to say: "This phantom shuttle can break through the void passage in the human world. Brother, it took me more than a month to refine such a one."

"So powerful..." Xia Zhaoyang was How powerful the power of rules in the human world is, he never expected that the senior brother would actually refine the magic weapon to escape through the void passage.

"Haha, Chaoyang, this phantom is a gift for you. It has broken through to the fairyland, and I can see the hard work of my junior sister." Baiyunlou said with a smile.

"Ah... it's for me, hehe, cultivation is not hard, it's not hard..." Xia Zhaoyang immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile, stroked the streamlined shape of the magic weapon, and couldn't put it down.

"This is the core jade talisman of Phantom Flying Shuttle. After refining it, you can manipulate it as you like." While speaking, Bai Yunlou handed over a crystal clear jade talisman, with the dark glow of the rune faintly shining inside it.

"Hey, even the jade key is so exquisite, brother's refining technique is really getting better and better." Xia Zhaoyang took the jade talisman in surprise, and began to refine it cheerfully.

As soon as the refinement was completed, Xia Chaoyang waved the jade key impatiently, opened the top cover of the phantom shuttle, and then jumped in.

Immediately there was a burst of yelling: "Senior Brother, Senior Sister, this place is so spacious, come in quickly, haha..."

"It's already a fairyland, and it still looks like this..." Baiyunlou muttered softly, and smiled at Ziyan, and at the same time, he dodged into the phantom of the magic weapon.

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