There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 861: Devil's Remnant

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These scattered demon souls are not strong, but they are numerous. It will take a lot of effort to chase and kill them one by one with only two separate souls.

Baiyun Tower simply used the supernatural power of the void to manifest these demonic souls in the cave, and let Dongfang Yu and the others deal with them.

Above the East China Sea, the two souls and the two daughters of Baiyun Tower met briefly.

"Sister Ziyan, have you finished killing the demon souls?" Xia Zhaoyang asked excitedly as soon as they met.

"Twenty percent escaped, but it was too messy, so I left it to the monks in Zhongzhou..." Zi Yan replied rather indifferently.

At this moment, Zhenshui Soul, who had been closing his eyes to sense, opened his eyes and said: "This side has also escaped by nearly 30%. The moment before the fairy sword fell, the aura of the demon avatar suddenly weakened by 30%. It's just... a thousand miles away. Find the traces of those disappearing demon souls."

"Ah, escaped too? Where did he go?" Xia Zhaoyang looked puzzled and depressed, he didn't expect Fang's sword to be incomplete.

Hearing this, Dongfang Ziyan seemed to think of something, she closed her eyes and sensed it, and after a while she came back to her senses and said: "It's another kind of magical power of the Dao Heart, all of which are in Donglai. Because the Dao Heart of Donglai monks is weak, scattered works There are thousands of them...the strength is not enough to worry about."

Since Junior Sister Ziyan said that it was nothing to worry about, it seems that even if those monks are possessed by demons, it will not affect the overall situation, and they don't need to worry about it for the time being.

Baiyunlou's original soul sensed a breath, and didn't notice anything wrong, and then manifested the dao heart seed demon breath from Ziyan's spiritual mind in the void.

Xiaojing passed Donglai's news to Maoyoung and Jiuwei, and then arranged for two monks to watch Donglai's movements, and the Donglai matter came to an end.

At this moment, a few people had no time to pay attention to those demon souls who had fled to Donglai. From this moment on, the war to kill demons has just begun...

"Chaoyang, Ziyan, return to the formation to kill demons!"

Across thousands of miles of space, the main body of Baiyun Tower arrived via telepathy.

"Yes, Senior Brother!" The two girls responded at the same time, and then turned back to the big formation.

Withdrawing the two souls, Baiyunlou once again moved Kyushu: "Comrades, the opportunity to kill the demons has come, there is no need to hold back, and work together to kill the demons."

Now the aura of the Heavenly Demon body has been weakened by nearly half, being suppressed and refined by the formation, and the turbulent aura of the East China Sea formation has completely calmed down. This is the time to kill the demon.

Naturally, Baiyun Tower would not hold back, and with the help of the major formations, the base qi surged to fully operate the Kyushu formation.

Driven by the Kyushu formation, the Jiuding soul refining formation showed its true power, and the demon's original soul began to be gradually wiped out.

The demon's soul was suppressed and unable to move, and a thought spread from the depths of his mind to the Nanzhou formation.

"Started?" Jing Wuxin asked a little uncertainly.

"Start!" The sub-soul of Baiyun Tower responded affirmatively, and then transformed into billowing devil energy, running the dark formation with all its strength.

Accompanied by the magic crow flying, the magic sword manifested in the eyes of the formation became more and more clear, and the devilish energy emanating from it soared into the sky. In fact, together with the Kyushu formation, the power of the Kyushu formation immediately increased, and the soul refining formation pushed to the extreme.

The main body of the demon manifested in mid-air was refined by the great burst of thunder and fire, gradually showing a broken appearance.

Most of the demon cultivators in the Nanzhou formation watched this scene, and were terrified for a while, as if they were worried that the formation would crush themselves into fly ash.

At this moment, Jing Wuxin shouted extremely excitedly: "Dear devils, Lord Demon God needs our help. If you help Lord Demon God, you will definitely get rich rewards. Endless skills and supernatural powers are waiting for us."

Before the demon cultivators could react, Jing Wuxin continued to shout loudly: "Have you seen the magic sword in the Tianzhu? The true meaning of the magic sword is in it. Visualize it and make it powerful. , and maybe help Lord Demon God.”

Jing Wuxin's words, with the help of the evil thoughts derived from the Baiyun Tower, spread thousands of miles away, and the entire Nanzhou monks rushed towards the Tianzhu.

The Tianzhu, which is called by the Nanzhou monks, is the eye of the Jiuding soul refining formation.

"Magic Sword, Demonic Sword!" Jing Wuxin shouted with a group of demon cultivators.

"Magic Sword!"

This top-ranked assassin in the Demonic Dao did his job with due diligence. Assassin Bai executed the orders of his employer extremely well.

The magical thoughts were filtered by the crystal-clear formation eye barrier, and turned into pure thoughts, sent to the manifested magic sword, and turned into the help of the dark formation.

As more and more demon cultivators gather, the demonic sword and demonic beam of light manifested in the dark formation become brighter and brighter.

Outside the Nanzhou formation, Huo Ling'er and the little red bird A Li appeared above the eyes of the formation. With A Li mobilizing the energy from the dark formation, the Kyushu formation completely showed its formidable power. The array was pushed to the extreme.

At this time, the soul-refining formation showed unprecedented power, and the eight chains in the void skyrocketed, spinning along with the formation.

Like a millstone of Qi, the soul of the Heavenly Demon, which was fixed in the void by the formation, was wiped out little by little.

During this period, Qing Yunzi tried to cut out two sword intents, which had some effect, but compared with the effect of the large formation's obliteration, it was hard to compare with it, so he focused on promoting the operation of the large formation without further attempts.

An entire hour passed, and less than 10% of the demon's original soul was refined, and the demon's body was completely revealed, just like what he saw in the small world in the tower before.

The body of a three-foot-sized mass of demon body looks extremely wretched, and coupled with the drastic reduction in the energy of the demon soul, many demon cultivators have somewhat lost their faith in the Lord Demon God.

After all, this truth is far from what the Lord Demon God manifested before.

Sensing that the aura of the dark formation was weakening, Baiyun Tower immediately sent a message to Jing Wuxin to mobilize the aura of these demon cultivators.

Faced with this scene, Sect Master Bai was at a loss for words, after all, the demon body in mid-air looked a little disgusting.

Slightly startled, Jing Wuxin pulled himself together, and with the help of Master Bai's spirit power, he leaped into the air, surrounded by demonic crows, and the demonic energy was churning, quite impressive.

This movement immediately caused bursts of exclamation.

Standing in the In the land of Nanzhou, apart from Tianma, there seems to be no magic cultivator who can do it.

For thousands of years, there has not been a demon cultivator in the demon infant realm.

Moxiu has always worshiped the strong, and when he saw Jing Wuxin, the number one expert in Nanzhou standing in the air, he couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

Successfully attracting the eyes of all the demon cultivators, Jing Wuxin raised her hands above her head, facing the Lord Demon God... only the fleshy body remained, and said in a deep voice:

"That is our Lord Demon God. Although there is only a broken body left, the demon heart is still beating, and the surging demon blood is still flowing, which shows how powerful the demon kung fu is."

"If we can all practice magic arts to the extreme, why can't we be reborn with a drop of blood and transform into form with a single thought."

Hearing this, the thousands of demon cultivators below seemed to cheer up again, and the aura of the dark formation gradually recovered.

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