There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 863: Extraordinary chance

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The Holy Snow Mountain, regarded as a sacred mountain by Donglai, is now ablaze with flames and celestial light shining brightly, which is a sign of the appearance of the divine artifact.

Grab the artifact!

When the demonic thoughts came together, it was difficult to contain them, and the monks from all directions rushed towards the peak of the Holy Snow Mountain crazily.

As if inspired by the evil energy and evil thoughts, these monks all overdraw their magic body, run their cultivation to the limit, and run far faster than usual.

In just a few breaths of time, a cultivator surging with demonic aura found his way to the top of the mountain, and rushed towards the rat demon who was still looking at the spiritual weapon in his claws.

Seeing that the attacker was only at the late stage of foundation establishment, the rat demon was very disdainful. He raised his claws and made a shadow of his claws, bringing them down the mountain in the future.

On weekdays, under the guidance of Master Maoyou, the Rat Demon shot with discretion, at most he was seriously injured, but the person who came seemed not afraid of the pain, dragged his injured body and jumped to the top of the peak again, and rushed towards the spiritual weapon in the hand of the Rat Demon.

It turned out that it was aimed at the spiritual weapon, the mouse demon was furious, and immediately decided not to keep his hands.

At this time, two monks rushed up to the top of the peak, and it seemed that the demonic aura was stronger, and the rat demon realized that something was wrong.

While running the magical powers to shock the three of them back, he couldn't help being startled when he looked at them in a blink of an eye. Hundreds of monks at the foot of the mountain were madly rushing towards the peak, and they all seemed to be aiming at their spiritual weapons.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the rat demon hurriedly raised the cloud, and was about to fly away, but just about ten feet away, it was hit by several flying black shadows, and rolled down the peak again.

A Golden Core cultivator unexpectedly appeared. The Rat Demon looked at the spiritual weapon in his hand, but was reluctant to throw it away after all. Then he flicked his long tail and fell directly into the crater.

It seems that the rat demon is planning to take advantage of the favorable location to deal with the invading enemy, and the tumbling ground fire is exactly where the rat demon's confidence lies.

It's just that there are quite a few monks in Donglai who have been enchanted by demons. Driven by the demonic thoughts, they used both hands and feet. After running to the top of the peak, they jumped into the crater without hesitation.

For a moment, the flames in the crater of Shengxue Mountain were boiling, and demonic and demonic energy criss-crossed.

Sensing the abnormality, a soul of Baiyun Tower has already fled to it.

After all, this mouse demon and himself are somewhat destined, and the spirit weapon, the small stove, was given away by himself, not to mention that this demon is still under Aunt Maoyouxiao.

It's just that after the soul escaped to the Holy Snow Mountain, it found an extremely familiar aura.

Heaven's luck!

For a moment, Baiyun Tower suddenly realized that it seemed that Sister Xiao was also very concerned about the extermination of the Heavenly Demon.

Even the mouse monster has become a chess piece, the timing is right, but Donglai Kingdom doesn't seem to be able to help...

Is it just to attract these demonized monks so that these monks will not cause trouble...

It shouldn't be that simple, most of sister Xiao's actions have profound meanings.

That being the case, Baiyunlou was not in a hurry to make a move, and even showed up to stop Maoyoung and Jiuwei.

"Yunlou, Huowei shouldn't be able to hold it. The strength of these monks has skyrocketed after being enchanted..." Seeing the rat demon rushing left and right in the crater, the young cat asked with some doubts.

"It should be fine, maybe this is also the opportunity for the mouse demon Huowei..." Baiyunlou replied in a deep voice.

This statement is true, being used as a **** by the Dao of Heaven is also a kind of chance, seeing the turbulent luck above his head, at least in a short period of time, there will be no worries about his life.

Master Bai can now be regarded as a fairy-like figure in the cultivation world, not only his cultivation is unpredictable, but also he is easy-going, and almost everyone is convinced by the words he speaks.

Hearing this, Maoyou immediately felt relieved, most of the bewitched monks from Donglai Kingdom came here, and then he took Jiuwei and accompanied Master Bai to stand on the cloud and look into the crater.

Inside the crater of Shengxue Mountain, the rat demon fled along the mountain wall, but his figure was extremely agile, dodging a series of spells and magical powers, and occasionally he could even fight back.

The spirit weapon, the small stove, dared not put it in the treasure bag of Nawu. It seemed that the mouse demon Huowei still wanted to rely on the power of the spirit weapon to save his life.

As more and more enchanted monks jumped into the crater, the space for the rat monster to escape became smaller and smaller. Finally, with the help of the spirit treasure, it jumped into the magma pool where the fireworks were churning, and fell into the magma pool. On top of a boulder.

This time it was much easier, with the magic weapon in hand, he could draw the ground fire for his own use, and with the erection of a wall of fire, it blocked the magical attacks from all directions for a while.

It's just that the magic energy in these spells is transpiring, and the magic energy is instantly ignited by the ground fire, adding a bit of magic power.

Although the Rat Demon has a spiritual weapon in his hand and the protection of earth and fire, he is no match for such a large number of enchanted monks.

The wall of fire has long since collapsed, and the waves of magma that were set off were also beaten back by countless magical powers full of magic.

Just when the rat demon was in despair, the boulder under his feet suddenly trembled. It should be said that the entire crater began to tremble.

The gravel on the inner wall of the crater began to fall, and the gas flow was extremely disordered. The magma in the lava pool turned like a tide, and the flames blazed.

The volcano is about to erupt.

The mouse demon Huowei was so frightened that he hurriedly used his demon power, trying to fly out of the crater, but found that the air mechanism in the crater was extremely disordered, and it was impossible to control the spirit weapon to fly into the air.

Unable to escape, the rat demon suddenly turned pale with fright, and hurriedly took out the communication magic weapon from the Nawu treasure bag, but found that it also couldn't work.

From the Baiyun Tower, it is clear that it is the detonation of massive demon energy that caused the earth veins to boil, and also made the power of rules in the crater extremely chaotic, and most of the ordinary magical powers could not work.

Relatively speaking, the rat monster was on the boulder in the magma pool, so it was safe for a short time.

And the monks who were surrounded by demons were miserable. Under the tremor of the mountain and the falling of the gravel, each one's cultivation became a display. As long as they were hit by a huge boulder, they would be crushed to pieces immediately.

If you fall into the magma pool in a panic, it will turn into fly ash in a moment.

When the rat demon was in despair, he finally thought of a way to forcibly use the demon power to make the talisman of life, the small stove, bigger, and put it upside down on the boulder, and hide himself in it. It seems that he wanted to escape disaster by this method.

Seeing that the volcano is about to erupt, Cat Young is still worried about Huowei's safety, so he turns his head to look at Master Bai, but sees that he is still watching with a calm mind.

Just when he was a little confused, there was a loud bang, and when he turned his head to look, the sky and the earth were cracked, and the volcano had already erupted.

The pumice magma soared into the sky, exploding fireworks all over the sky, and the boulder where the rat demon was hiding was also rushed into the air by the powerful energy.

The powerful blasting force shattered several pieces of the boulder, leaving only a few feet of tough volcanic rock, which happened to block the mouth of the spirit weapon furnace, took it up into the sky, and then fell into the distance.

Baiyun Tower found the opportunity, and a sword light slashed out, instantly protecting the volcanic rock and the spirit weapon furnace, so as not to hurt the rat demon with the powerful impact force when it fell.

Seeing Sect Master Bai make a move, Maoyou immediately felt relieved, but he was still inexplicably shocked by the sight in front of him.

When the sword light fell, Baiyunlou also had a feeling in his heart. It turned out that this volcanic rock was the fate gifted to the rat demon by the heaven.

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