There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 869: Ten thousand swords make the sea

May Weng's cultivation base is very high, but he is not good at attacking supernatural powers, but he is very comfortable in protecting things.

Today's comprehension world is full of talented people. In less than two years, the strength is no longer comparable to that of Xuanyin Temple's comprehension conference.

In particular, the three of Baiyunlou have really grown up, and their souls have cultivated to the state of distraction. There are endless ways to kill demons, and those powerful demon souls that escaped from the big formation cannot escape the strongest sword intent of the three.

And the young disciples of Qingyunmen have also grown up one after another. Little Fatty, Bai Zhan, Jiang Xuan and others have made breakthroughs in the way of sword cultivation.

Jiang Feng, Xiaoxi, and Shi Qingshan formed the magic arrow team, relying on precise archery and powerful rune arrows to clear the siege.

As for the Dao Talisman's true strength, apart from the sea monsters of the East China Sea, it is the Dao Talisman team hiding in the Yun Duo Magical Artifact.

With the support of Caiwei and Luo Yu to slay demons, the Taoist talisman team headed by Yu Tong and Wang Fugui showed their skills, and the Taoist talismans accumulated on weekdays rained down on the group of demon souls.

This talisman fits the Dao of Heaven very well, and it has a strong restraint effect on the demon souls fleeing from outside this domain. No matter what kind of attribute the talisman falls on the body of the demon soul, most of the demon souls can't stand it, and they all turn into black. The smoke dissipates.

Seeing the miraculous effect of the Dao Talisman, Xia Chaoyang simply put away the Demon Slaying Immortal Sword and restored it into a transparent mask several feet in size.

The wishful bead's mask instantly protected the rune team consisting of a dozen people, and Xia Zhaoyang personally led the rune team into the depths of the demon soul.

And Palace Master Xia was not idle either, and with a flick of his hand, stacks of auras with extraordinary auras appeared in front of him, and he was immediately stunned by the rune team.

Xia Chaoyang smiled coquettishly, picked up one heroically, and threw it out with a wave of his hand. Suddenly, a thick purple thunder manifested and exploded, and a large area of ​​demon souls was completely emptied.

As the Ruyi Pearl broke through the sky and went away, bursts of divine light erupted from the depths of the dark demon soul, and large areas of the demon soul dissipated instantly.

With the protection of the fairy artifact, Baiyunlou was at ease, so he let this junior sister torment.

Inside and outside the big formation, everyone worked together, the pressure brought by the endless demon souls suddenly eased, and the real soul of Baiyun Tower finally found an opportunity to run the Celestial Eye with all its strength, and carefully observe the movements in the big formation.

The demonic souls gushing out from the bone altar seemed endless, passively killing the escaped demonic souls was not the solution after all, we had to find a way to chop the altar into pieces.

Just now, when Qingyunzi slashed at the altar with his sword, Baiyunlou could clearly see that the altar was tangible and intangible, just like a manifestation in another time and space.

Dao Slashing Sword Intent may be effective, but it is difficult for the Sword Intent to operate freely through a large formation. It seems that one has to choose a soul to escape into the formation and try it out to know.

While thinking about it, Ziyan's pure yang sub-soul suddenly put away the dharma sword, and came to the side of the senior brother, the light in the eyes bloomed, and said casually: "Senior brother, little sister wants to use the real water soul."

Hearing this, Baiyunlou couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking of calling Zhenshuihun, who was trying his best to kill the demon soul, over.

Afterwards, Ziyan's soul-splitting was extremely straightforward, she raised her hand and swiped in the void, revealing the extraordinary and clear portable cave, without the slightest hesitation, she directly pulled her brother's real water soul to escape in.

After a few breaths, the enchantment of the cave opened from within again, and the souls of the two people flashed out at the same time.

"Brother..., if this soul split accidentally explodes, don't blame my little sister..."

While speaking, Ziyan's pure yang soul took a deep look at her senior brother, then turned around and fled towards the main body.

Bai Yunlou was stunned when he heard such words, but just as the voice of a charming smile fell, Zi Yan's fiery aura of sub-soul had already turned into a divine light, and fled into the sea of ​​consciousness between the brows of her original soul.

The real water soul of Baiyun Tower seemed to be a little dazed looking at that divine light, but he woke up in an instant, turned around and fled towards the formation without hesitation.

The original soul of Baiyunlou couldn't help being curious, and his mind was connected to the real water soul.

In an instant, Junior Sister Ziyan's plan was discovered by Baiyunlou.

Junior sister's pure yang soul is so bold...

Without time to think about other things, Baiyunlou's figure flashed, and before the real water soul was about to escape into the formation, he chased after him, and sent a large amount of innate zhenqi and sundial magic weapon into his body.

It turned out that Ziyan's pure yang soul planned to take the endless fire, escape into the magic eye of the void, and find another exit in the vast chaos, the bone altar.

What kind of courage is this, and there is no way to know what is going on inside the Demonic Eye of the Void, let alone whether there are other exits.

But Zi Yan is not a reckless person, the so-called use of the real water and soul is precisely to find the bone altar more accurately.

For this reason, Ziyan's pure yang sub-soul deliberately left a sub-consciousness and integrated it into the soul body of the true water soul.

This kind of opportunity... Even Baiyunlou's original soul is a little envious.

The soul of Zhenshui obtained the magic weapon of the sundial, and its aura became more and more ethereal, but it didn't stay in the slightest, and directly fled into the Nanzhou formation.

Now under Qing Yunzi's control, as soon as Baiyun Tower's true water soul enters the formation, it flees directly to the base of the formation where Qing Yunzi is hiding.

The Heavenly Demon has already known where the formation base is, and there are also countless demon souls outside the formation base, and it seems that they intend to use the erosion of the demon spirit and energy to affect the formation base.

Qing Yunzi was indeed affected a lot because of this, while running the big formation, he was also distracted to kill the demon souls outside the formation base.

The real water soul of Baiyun Tower came at the right time, supported by a large amount of innate energy, the real water sword exploded one after another, blasting open a passage leading to the formation base.

After escaping into the base of the battle formation, a small demigod envoy Zhenshuijian was sent to help Qing Yunzi fight against the demon soul, and the Zhenshui soul began to concentrate on cultivating the Dao-slashing sword intent.

The soul of Zhenshui escaped into the Nanzhou formation alone, and the main body of Baiyun Tower escaped to the side of Zi Yan's main body. While using the same moves to cast the long river of sword energy, they sent messages to inquire.

"Temporarily disconnected, the magic eye of the void in the sea of ​​consciousness...has been burned out."

When Ziyan's soft voice came, Baiyunlou was filled with emotion.

This is a dead There is no way out...

However, it is also good to burn it to avoid future troubles.

Impulsively, Baiyunlou hastily passed this message to Zhenshui soul, and now he can only wait and see how it will lead Junior Sister Ziyan's soul out of the chaos.

Seeing that the demon soul was wiped out under the long river of sword energy, Baiyunlou asked calmly: "Zi Yan, the sword intent of the seventh move..."


Zi Yan responded, raised her hand to condense the Tai Chi sword intent, and the yin and yang qi were self-generated.

Baiyunlou stood side by side with peace of mind, and nine spiritual treasure magic swords floated out of the air. The complex sword intent accumulated in recent years separated yin and yang by itself, and the chaotic sword intent was derived.

Chaos Sword Intent and Tai Chi Sword Intent merged, and then expanded outward.

The long river of sword energy that was originally condensed merged into this combined sword intent by itself, and swam and circled within miles around the two of them.

A thousand swords form a river, and a thousand swords form a sea.

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