The soul of true water is obsessed with magic.

The Heavenly Demon didn't seem to have expected such a change, and the glass-like demonic energy circled around in the black mist for a while, as if it had lost its target.

Anyway, they were all bewitched, and the true water soul simply took the initiative to wrap up the cloud of glazed demonic energy and began to refine it.

These changes seem to have stunned the Heavenly Demon, and when he reacted, a dark red flame rose from the black mist transformed into a soul by true moisture.

The Heavenly Demon raised his hand, and the cloud of glazed demonic energy immediately fled towards the mist.

It's just that as soon as he made a move, the dark red flame immediately entangled him, and the trace of magic attached to it was directly burned out by the dark red flame.

Immediately, black mist wrapped in glazed demonic energy circled around the bone altar more rapidly.

Such a demonic black mist seems to be very suitable for the temper of the demon, but the raised claws are slowly lowered, watching with great interest.

As the soul of true water hovered around the bone altar, the dark red flame rising from the black mist became more vigorous, and the aura of the entire bone altar became stronger.

This dark red flame was transformed by Ziyan's thought, a thought of pure Yang's soul.

In order to attract Zi Yan's soul more effectively, Baiyun Tower used this ray of pure yang thoughts as a guide to ignite its own magic thoughts, thus deriving magic flames.

To deal with the demons by dividing their souls into demons, the people in Baiyun Tower have already deduced it, especially after the perfect soul division first escaped into the Nanzhou Great Formation, it also made Baiyun Tower more aware of the nature of demons and demons. cognition.

In fact, being possessed by demons is not terrible. There is a hidden side of demons in human nature, nothing more than releasing it, and the biggest difference between human nature and demonic nature lies in the original heart.

As long as you stick to your original heart, even if you practice magic skills and refine a demon soul, you will eventually be limited by your original heart. The evil thoughts in your heart are overwhelming, but it is human nature to be able to restrain yourself.

If one's original heart is swallowed up by evil thoughts, then one has truly fallen into the evil way.

As the Buddhists say, one thought becomes a demon, and one thought becomes a Buddha.

One can fall into the devil's way in just one thought, and if one can keep one's original mind in one thought and finally realize enlightenment in the boundless devil's thoughts, that is a Buddha.

After some deduction, Baiyunlou has his own views. He is entangled in worldly thoughts and cannot become a Buddha, but he has other ways to keep his heart.

Now the soul is just in the state of distraction, as long as you keep your soul and don't practice the magic way, the sea of ​​memory will not be eroded by the evil thoughts, and you can keep your heart.

Zi Yan is also not afraid of being enchanted, and her heart is protected by endless fire and infinite light.

Therefore, the two of them ignited the magic flame and cooperated very tacitly, especially the sky demon sent a stream of pure magic energy very generously, which is why the magic flame can burn so vigorously.

It's just that the breath of the magic flame has not attracted Zi Yan's soul, but it has first attracted a powerful demon.

The altar was empty again, and a huge claw protruded out. This time, the monster that crawled out seemed extremely strong. Just one claw protruded out to draw out the celestial phenomena in the Nanzhou formation.

As the demon energy overflowed, demon clouds began to gather on the bone altar.

The protruding claws pressed hard, and a huge dragon head poked out from the altar.

It seems that this dragon-headed monster is too powerful, the void trembles unexpectedly, and the large circle in operation refines it by itself, and the powerful monster's body overflows with extremely pure magic energy.

The strength of this monster was beyond Baiyunlou's expectations, but it was useless to think too much, so he simply circulated the magic flame to devour the devilish energy released by the monster.

Afterwards, the magic flame became bolder and directly ignited the demon body that was struggling to crawl outward.

As if enraged by the demon flame, the dragon-headed monster angrily raised its head and devoured the demon flame, but was escaped by the demon flame, and continued to attach to the demon's body and explode.

After all this tossing, the dragon-headed monster was completely enraged, and once again poked out a claw, directly propping up half of its body.

Looking at its figure, it is a real dragon, a pure dragon that has been demonized.

Under the fury of the demon dragon, he raised his claws high and slammed down on the bone altar.

At this moment, an ear-piercing muffled hum came, and a huge claw manifested in the midair.

The claw grabbed the upper body of the dragon, pulled it out of the altar, and threw it to the wall on one side.

The dragon seemed to have a mind of its own, turned around and rushed back, it seemed that it had a deep resentment towards the magic flame, the incarnation of the real water soul.

Frightened by the demon power of the sky demon, he finally stopped tens of meters away from the altar.

Looking at his fiery eyes, he should have a strong desire to covet the magic flame.

After the magic dragon escaped, the altar of white bones resumed the state of gushing demon souls again.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou restrained himself a little, and only wrapped the small half of the demon soul with magic flames, letting go of the majority.

At this moment, the magic flame trembled slightly.

This tiny movement was caught by Baiyunlou, and he was immediately excited.

He actually received Ziyan's weak message of pure yang splitting the soul, and then he no longer concealed it. The magic flame detonated and rolled up half of the demon souls, and the breath was very strong for a while.

After a few breaths, there was movement again at the Bone Altar, and another giant claw of the magic dragon protruded out again, and a powerful breath was revealed again.

Two powerful demon dragons were recruited in succession, which made the demon happy, and he raised his head and laughed.

It's just that as soon as the giant claw came out, it twitched in the altar, and then froze suddenly.

The magic dragon, who was tens of feet away, couldn't help but startled when he saw this movement, and then a scene that made him fearful appeared.

A small glass-like flame ignited along the claw of the demon dragon, enveloping the entire giant claw of the demon dragon in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, the giant claw of the demon dragon was burned into fly ash.

The bright fire light was released and then stopped, and a beautiful figure walked out of the void on the altar.

Ziyan stepped forward, raised her hand and gently held up the dazzling and beating little glazed flame, standing in the magic flame, smiling like a jade.

"Brother, Ziyan is back..."

During the soft words, Zi Yan stretched out her hand playfully into the magic The spirit and soul blended into the magic flame very well, and the breath of the magic flame suddenly rose.

"Girl, how about practicing the way of demons with this deity, and you will be free and at ease from now on..." Tianmo lowered his sharp voice, and rarely said a word of human race.

Ziyan smiled lightly, and did not respond to the demon's words, but stroked the demon flame and said: "Senior brother, how does it feel to be enchanted, I want to feel it too, junior sister."

After saying that, he lightly tossed the small glazed flame that was jumping in the palm of his hand, and the demon soul surging out of the bone altar was immediately ignited.

At this time, the devil's claws in the mid-air suddenly turned, and the bone altar immediately turned, and the endless fire that was translucent with glaze was wrapped in it by a large number of devil souls.

There are too many demon souls spinning and escaping from the altar, even if it is as strong as Endless Fire, it will not be able to seal the entire altar for a while.

"Girl, the more demonic souls that this little flame burns out, the deeper your soul will become enchanted. Haven't you noticed that before you know it, you have already become enchanted, hahaha..."

The words of the heavenly demon seemed to carry some kind of power of rules, and Zi Yan's soul was instantly blackened, and a powerful demonic energy came out of her body, showing the appearance of being in a demon.

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