Seeing that the celestial demon was about to escape to the cauldron, the Baiyunlou sub-soul guarding in front of the junior sister immediately dodged upwards, using the supernatural power of broken thoughts, directly shattering most of the sub-soul's body.

How powerful is the split soul of the Great Perfection Realm when it explodes, almost exerting the supernatural power of the broken thoughts to the extreme.

The sky demon's aura that had just skyrocketed was shattered to the bottom again.

Obstacles took turns, so that the demon lost the chance to seize the cauldron in the eye of the formation, and the demon was killed, and also lost the chance to escape.

"You..." Tianmo seemed to be aggrieved, and screamed out two words.

Before the words fell, the Heavenly Demon's aura was once again suppressed by the large formation, and the invisible Dao-slashing sword intent submerged into the demon's body, instantly cutting off the aura of super-explosive supernatural powers again.

Choo Choo Choo…

The torrential rain of sword gangs followed, and the seventh move combined with the sword intent of the sea tide, washed away the demons and shattered them like leaves in the wind.

Under the confinement of the big array, the demon forcefully performed the magic power again, consuming nearly half of the demon soul and arousing unknown magical powers.

A large number of demon souls escaped from the void into the body of the demon, and with this opportunity, the demon re-condensed the protective demonic energy, and finally stabilized his figure in the sword intent of the sea tide.

After stabilizing the Qi machine, Tianmo didn't rush to make a move, but burst out shouting.

"Hey..., boy of the human race, now the deity is connected with the lives of millions of people in Nanzhou. To wipe out the demon soul of the deity is to kill millions of people."

"Master Mozun has supernatural powers." Bai Yunlou responded loudly, but the sword intent that was condensed did not stop for a moment.

With such a response, the Heavenly Demon could not remain calm immediately, and screamed sharply: "That is a race of millions of people. After the extinction, the karma will be endless. The two of you will die, and even the way of heaven in this small world will collapse again. .”

"When the body dies, the body dies, so much nonsense..." Bai Yunlou was extremely calm, and directly integrated the Samadhi True Fire into Hai Chao's sword intent.

"The demons have killed too many people..." Zi Yan made a slender hand move, and a bright red lotus karmic fire appeared on the palm of her hand. With a thought, she directly integrated her own soul into it, urging its rising flame to soar .

The momentum of the two was like a rainbow, and they both looked reckless.

"You... what's the difference between you and a demon!" The aura around the demon's body was a bit vain, and it seemed that he was very angry.

"Let's go on the road with peace of mind!" While speaking, the three souls of Baiyunlou flashed out, merged into the sword intent of the sea tide, and only the soul core remained in an instant explosion.

The powerful supernatural power of broken thoughts pushed Haichao Sword Intent to the extreme.

"The position of the Demon Lord..., it doesn't matter for the little girl to sit down." Ziyan's eyes were full of wanton flames, and she raised her hand to press the red lotus fire on the center of her eyebrows.

In order to exterminate the Heavenly Demon, Ziyan directly forcibly melted her soul, and what melted was the legendary divine fire. If her Dao heart was unstable, it would be wiped out in ashes.

With the forcible fusion of the red lotus karmic fire, a burning mark of divine fire appeared between Ziyan's brows, with dazzling flames shining from it.

The power of the divine soul soared, arousing the aura of divine fire, directly transforming the wave of sword intent that had been pushed to the extreme.

The sea tides circling and converging, like sea eyes, suppressed the sky demon hanging in the air, sweeping and crushing the sky demon from all directions.

Xia Chaoyang was very excited to see the sword moves performed by his senior brothers and sisters with such momentum, he didn't care about the words of karma from the Heavenly Demon.

Huo Ling'er's divine fire spurted out from around her body, and she was already on the verge of berserk.

"The realm of madness! I really underestimated your human race, so let's annihilate together, hahaha..."

With a shriek and a shriek, the Heavenly Demon forcibly operated its magical powers against the tide's sword intent, causing an extremely mysterious shock wave, and with all its strength, attracted the demon thoughts of millions of demon cultivators and demon people into the demon body.

Millions of magical thoughts gathered, and a phantom shadow tens of feet high appeared in the eyes of the spinning sea of ​​sword intent.

Although the phantom was slashed by Dao Dao Jian Guang, it became more and more condensed and its aura became stronger.

There was a loud "bang", and the huge phantom slapped down, slapping the huge sea eyes of sword intent to stagnate.

Although he was suppressed by the power of the formation and couldn't escape, the demon, relying on the power of the phantom, ignored the two of Baiyunlou and walked slowly towards the big cauldron under the fiery red phoenix tree in the eye of the formation.

"The lord of the Immortal Court ignores the addition of karma and kills all the immortals who have fallen into the demons. In the end, he ended up in the end of being wiped out and the Immortal Court collapsed. You little human race, you are insignificant in the human world..."

While speaking, Tianmo's momentum rose again, and his pace quickened a bit.

"Really? The small human race and the tiny human world have kept Lord Mozun trapped for thousands of years, and he was not free. It's sad..."

While responding loudly, Baiyunlou took Junior Sister Ziyan and fled under the plane tree, protecting Xiao Chaoyang.

There didn't seem to be the slightest sense of urgency, and Baiyun Tower continued to vibrate and said: "Master Mozun reminded that the Lord of the Immortal Court is really a role model for us, and he would rather be broken jade than complete. , just in time to send Master Mozun for the last time..."

Heavenly Demon was aroused by these words, and couldn't help but reply: "When death is imminent, you dare to speak nonsense, ignorant junior, let alone you, even the former goddess, also dare not provoke karma..."

As soon as the voice fell, a soft hum came from outside the big formation above his head.

A slender hand made of condensed seawater fell through the array, and with a palm, Qingchi finally made a move.

The Heavenly Demon now has a foundation of millions of demonic thoughts, and his heart is so strong that he directly raises his claws to meet him.


There was a loud rumble in the virtual space, and the powerful shock wave created an air wave that shook the entire Nanzhou formation.

The slender hands turned into clouds and mist, and the phantoms were scattered in all directions.

Under the turmoil of Qi, a black phantom wandered in between the clear clouds and mist, and submerged into the sea of ​​consciousness between the brows of Baiyun Tower.

Bewitched and distracted, come back!

Then they brought back the mysterious supernatural powers of the Heavenly Demon.

Bewitched, divided soul, transformed into Jing Wuxin's magical Attracted by the magical powers of the heavenly demon, it merged into the phantom shadow.

Relying on his strong sense of spirit and comprehension of the magic way, he became a demon and sacrificed his soul to merge into the magic shadow, and finally understood the mystery of the magic way and supernatural power.

The Dao is connected, even if it is a magic way, it is still inseparable from the Dao.

Heavenly Demons can use this supernatural power to attract millions of demonic thoughts, so there are more than tens of millions of demonic thoughts in the human world...

Taking advantage of Senior Sister Qingchi's attack, the bewitched soul took advantage of the situation to escape back to its body.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Heavenly Demon was scattered by the elder sister's palm, Baiyun Tower immediately passed on a message to the two junior sisters, telling the story of the Heavenly Demon's supernatural powers.

The three of them are decisive people, Xia Chaoyang asked Xiao Hualing to help run the formation, and he and his two senior brothers and sisters entered the state of epiphany.

Immeasurable light fell, and the Ruyi pearl light shield protected the cauldron. The three of them closed their eyes and focused their minds.

Suddenly, the brilliance of the bright moon beyond the nine sky was shining brightly, and a pillar of moonlight fell straight down, passing through the branches of the fiery red phoenix tree, and just fell on the Zhongzhou cauldron.

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