There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 897: God Seed Wonderful Tree

Zi Yan, who had been quietly watching from the sidelines, was a little surprised when she was suddenly held back by her senior brother, her heart trembled slightly, and a look of hope bloomed in her eyes.

The two of them were in the memory sea of ​​the middle layer, and countless extremely regular and orderly memories flashed in front of them one by one. After a while, a memory cloud with a dark atmosphere stopped in front of the two of them.

This memory cloud was obviously refined, and the real breath was deliberately hidden.

And what seals this cloud is the word "love" in ancient style, without the slightest hesitation, the mirror of the heart flashes over, reflecting the clear mirror light, and falling on the cloud of memory.

The "love" character that fell under the light suddenly burst into aura, and the seal breath on it dissipated instantly. The cloud of memory and the manifested "love" began to collapse, and finally condensed into a shimmering crystal clear seed.

God kind!

I have seen several of them in the small world of the pagoda, and this is where I got the Concentration Art. This is the method I learned from Senior Sister Qingchi...

Although most of the things in the past have been forgotten, when I saw the God Seed, I still recalled the origin.

While thinking about it, the divine species escaped into the mirror of the mind along the mirror light.

It seemed to be moistened and nourished, the god's seed shone with light, and began to germinate rapidly, and it grew into a small tree with many branches in a short while.

Before Baiyunlou could react, the little tree instantly merged with spiritual consciousness.

Wonderful tree!

Sure enough, it was the method taught by the senior sister, and even the name was given by the senior sister Qingchi.

As the fetish Miaoshu escaped into the consciousness, its name and function were immediately known by Baiyunlou.

This wonderful tree was originally formed by Baiyunlou's thoughts, and after the seal was released, it will remain in the mind mirror in the future.

From now on, when the mind mirror flashes every five days, this wonderful tree will escape into the spiritual consciousness of Baiyun Tower, and it can only stay in the spiritual consciousness for three days.

The function of the wonderful tree is related to the shape of the tree, each branch is the choice of a thought, some branches are separated, if you choose one, the others will dissipate.

The trunk and branches of the whole Miaoshu are dark gray, but the leaves on it are shining green, which attracts Baiyun Tower to explore and feel.

As the Miaoshu merged into the spiritual consciousness, the phantom of the Miaoshu appeared in the deep memory sea, adding a bit of vitality to the depths of the empty mind.

Seeing the phantom of the heart mirror and the **** seed transform into the shape of a little tree, and finally sink into the brows of the brother's soul body, Zi Yan vaguely sensed the mysterious aura of the little tree.

This is what the senior brother secretly prepared before killing the demons. It seems that the senior brother has already made the worst plan.

And worried that this fetish would sink into the deep sea of ​​memory, so many methods were used, so that it took more than half a year to accidentally break the seal.

Out of curiosity, he gently held the palm of his senior brother.

In an instant, Zi Yan clearly sensed what her senior brother saw in her mind, and in her empty mind, stood a small tree about ten feet high, which was the one that had just evolved from the god-seeding.

As thoughts come out, very clear messages come back. Thoughts cannot directly touch those green leaves, only the roots of trees can penetrate.

The thought penetrated from the root of the tree, and the whole tree root changed its appearance immediately.

The dark gray cloud-like tree roots suddenly turned into clear glass, which seemed like substance in the mind.

These changes seemed to arouse Baiyun Tower's interest, and he continued to explore.

Thoughts pass through the trunk, the dark gray trunk not only becomes transparent like glass, but also faintly reveals colorful light.

As if sensing a familiar aura, Baiyunlou's thoughts fled to a branch.

Companion..., a simple message came out.

After that, it divided into two branches, without much hesitation, and immediately escaped into one of them, the aura emanating from this branch was none other than Junior Sister Zi Yan.

Deduce the Dao of Enlightenment with Junior Sister Ziyan, or go to another branch...

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou didn't hesitate much, and looked at each other with his junior sister. The two of them already held hands, and their recent feelings are intertwined.

After waiting until the two of them woke up, they coincidentally concentrated on sensing the little tree in the spiritual consciousness.

The corresponding branch also became clear and aura. On the glazed branch, the green leaves danced gently, appearing full of vitality.

Thoughts penetrated into the green leaves, and wonderful feelings flooded into my mind.

Rejoicing, appreciating, walking along the road, contentment, confidant...

It turned out that this was the feeling between Taoist couples. In an instant, this world seemed to come alive in Baiyunlou's mind.

After a while, this feeling is still there, but much lighter.

Withdrew from the green leaf, but saw that the green awn glowing from the green leaf also faded a lot.

Knowing the function of the green leaves, Baiyunlou's eyes greatly increased interest when he looked at the green leaves all over the tree.

Then, Baiyun Tower stopped by to explore the many branches on the other side.

Drink tea and chat with Junior Sister Ziyan.

Accompany Junior Sister Ziyan to taste green plum fruit wine.

Draw a picture for Junior Sister Ziyan.

If Junior Sister Ziyan is practicing meditation, take a look from afar and leave quietly.

There are quite a lot of choices, Baiyunlou secretly sighed, and casually sent his thoughts to the branches of drinking tea and chatting.

At this moment, Zi Yan's voice came from his mind.

"Senior brother, how about drawing a picture for my junior sister...there are more leaves on that branch."

Baiyunlou naturally followed the request of his junior sister, spread out the drawing paper on the table, and started to paint as he pleased.

Although the thoughts of the original heart have been cut off, the painting skills have not been left behind, and the painting has been completed in just a cup of tea.

Before the case table, Zi Yan was slowly sipping a cup of clear tea, she looked relaxed, but there was a hint of eagerness in her eyebrows.

"This..., brother is good at painting."

Looking at herself in the painting, Zi Yan sighed softly.

Junior Sister Chaoyang is currently sleeping and recuperating in the fairyland of Yaochi, and the time of waking up is very short, and the exploration of the fairyland is progressing slowly, so there is a bit of urgency in her mind.

Fortunately, my brother has made some progress now...

Fang Yi moved to this A hint of admiration, a faint feeling of love welled up in his heart.

Fresh and warm, like spring rain, slowly nourishing the heart.

The brother is feeling the human feelings contained in the green leaves on the branch.

After a while, the celestial glow of those green leaves gradually dimmed, but the brother's thoughts still stopped on that branch, as if he was still reminiscing about the long-forgotten but full of flavorful words of love.

It should be restricted by some kind of rules, this branch was chosen just now, and the other branches scattered out of thin air in an instant, and all the energy on it was submerged into the wonderful tree.

"Zi Yan, thank you for your hard work..."

The soft words came to her ears, Zi Yan's heart trembled, and a few traces of mist flashed in her eyes.

"Senior brother... Ziyan is fine, but senior brother has to find his heart earlier, Chaoyang can't hold on anymore."

"Chaoyang..., she is also my Taoist partner, where is she now?" Moving thoughts penetrated into another branch, feeling the breath of Junior Sister Chaoyang.

"I've been in Yaochi Wonderland for the past few days, where there is a strong sense of immortality, suitable for rejuvenation."

While speaking, the two of them jumped up at the same time, and Huahong fell towards the teleportation array in Qingyun Cave.


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