After bidding farewell to Senior Sister Xiao, the Baiyun Tower drifted back to Qingyunmen, and all the disciples were still looking forward to it on the Five Fingers Peak.

After seeing the senior brother in charge, all the disciples came forward, and according to Elder Cai Xiaojing's arrangement, they told the senior brother one by one the method of sparring five days later.

It's not all about magic skills and supernatural powers. Lanzhi and several new disciples will ask the senior brother about alchemy at the same time, and Mengxuan will bring some disciples from the Refining Pavilion to discuss the way of refining with the senior brother.

Dongfang Yu wants to deduce the law of the change of all things together with the senior brother, and even Xiao Jing, who has always been busy, proposes to deduce the illusion with the senior brother.

And this time, with Senior Sister Ziyan's advice, most of them have clearly stated the time limit, so as not to be like Luo Yu, having endless discussions.

From the wonderful tree that has been derived twice, Zi Yan has insight into many laws and key points.

This wonderful tree is not static, every time it will evolve into branches that are similar to but slightly different according to the thoughts of the senior brother.

Most of these thoughts used to be stored in the shallow memory sea, but now it is difficult to keep floating thoughts in the shallow memory sea.

Therefore, when this wonderful tree is derived, there will be many changes.

When the wonderful tree was consummated this time, Zi Yan felt the mood of the senior brother at that time through the mind connected with the senior brother.

The Dao of Human Immortal, attracted by the perfect breath of Miaoshu, came back for a moment.

Overcoming thorns and thorns, forging ahead, so the senior brother took advantage of that moment of state of mind, and broke into the top of the sky alone to refine his soul.

Now that the soul has returned, although the ethereal fairy charm has been restored, Zi Yan has seen countless possibilities in the future.

Sooner or later, senior brother will be able to find his true heart.

"Zi Yan, how about following the fairy world?" The ethereal voice came out faintly.

The Baiyun Building stands floating in the sky, the fairy clothes and headbands float with the wind, and the magic weapon of the sundial appears in the raised palm.

The magic weapon of the sundial turned slightly, and the light on it fell into the void, revealing a clear portal about the size of Zhangxu.

The gate of the void!

Today's sundial magic weapon has been refined many times by Senior Sister Xiao, and it already has the supernatural power to escape at will in the human world.

Zi Yan responded softly, and followed her senior brother into the gate of the void. In just one step, the two of them had arrived at the immortal platform of the Kunlun Immortal Realm.

While being amazed, Ziyan concentrated her mind and divided her thoughts, and a soul was formed, and Baiyun Tower also condensed a soul.

The two of them were not in a hurry to let the souls step into the fairy gate, and used the time to start preparations on the immortal platform.

What is condensed from Baiyun Tower is a chaotic split soul. The split soul in the soul-combining state and the original soul are like one body, and they are connected with each other, and the road is shared.

Not only that, Baiyun Tower also re-condensed the soul core to make the sub-soul more condensed, and the divine pattern of the sea is also engraved in it, storing the true fire of samadhi and a large amount of innate energy.

What Ziyan condenses is Taiji soul, yin and yang are condensed between the eyebrows to form a soul core, and a firework lotus flower manifests in the ice crystal cold mist.

A trace of the energy of the red lotus karmic fire was actually sealed in the soul by Ziyan.

When the preparations were complete, the air mechanism of Baiyun Building was running, the sundial magic weapon in the palm was illuminated, and the fairy gate opened directly.

It seems that with this magic weapon of the sundial in hand, if it is approved by the Dao of Heaven, the aura of the Dao of Heaven will be more effective than the decree that needs the accumulation of immortal energy.

The two souls looked at each other, stepped into the fairy gate hand in hand, crossed the enchantment of the fairyland, and fled to the broken fairyland.

The bodies of the two didn't stay there either, they escaped to the Fierce Sun Wonderland and the Yaochi Wonderland respectively. While cultivating and nourishing their souls, most of their minds and spirits escaped to the upper realm with their separate souls.

The souls that fled to the fairy world are used for consumption. Whether it is refining the fragments of the fairy pool or dealing with unknown dangers, pay more attention to deal with accidents more freely.

On the other side of the fairy gate, there was a wave of void on the fairy platform, and two figures walked out, which were the souls of the two people in Baiyunlou.

The two people appeared squarely, and a phantom rushed towards them like a shooting star more than ten feet away.

In an instant, a ray of sword light was even faster, directly cutting through the air and hitting the phantom.

The one who cast the sword was the pure yang soul that stayed in the fairy world, and he hadn't seen him for two days, and his attack was even faster.

The split soul who had just escaped into the fairy world also made a move at the same time, and a combination of soul-shocking sword intent instantly slashed down, fixing the phantom in the void.

Then dozens of sword lights flashed out at the same time, and the phantom was directly chopped into pieces, and the shattered immortal consciousness was burned and extinguished by the embers burning immortal fire in the sword lights, leaving behind a mass of brilliant light.

Before Jingmang could escape, Ziyan designated her in the void, and a dancing lotus flower flashed out, instantly igniting a ray of demonic thoughts within it.

The demonic thoughts dissipated, and the cluster of radiant light immediately appeared to be disintegrated. Baiyunlou acted according to his will, displaying the magical power of searching for souls.

As expected, this mass of radiance is the immortal consciousness left by the immortals of the upper realm for thousands of years, but it has been eroded by the devil soul and devil energy for a long time, without the support of the devil soul, it will immediately turn into fairy energy and disperse.

The thoughts in the broken immortal consciousness are also limited, only the simple meaning of protection, presumably it should be the little fairy of the upper realm who guards Yinxiantai and Huafan Immortal Pond.

There were some twists and turns, but the two of them were not surprised. This fairy world was already in crisis.

After concentrating on sensing, they didn't notice any abnormalities around them, so the two took turns to fuse their souls.

Last time, although Zi Yan integrated her soul into her brother's sword light to kill wandering spirits, she also left a strand of remnant soul in the Moon Golden Wheel, so as not to break the connection with the Moon Golden Wheel.

This time, the remnant soul was fused again, and Yue Jinlun immediately escaped back into Zi Yan's divided soul body.

In contrast, Baiyunlou's Soul Melting took a lot of work. After all, the souls that escaped into the fairy world this time have already broken into the realm of soul fusion, while the souls that were originally staying in the fairy world have already lost contact with the main body. .

After a long period of mental resonance, the two souls finally fully merged and slowly merged into one.

This is an extremely weird feeling. On the one hand, it is the memory of wandering in the human world, and on the other hand, it is the memory of fighting wandering spirits alone in the fairy world.

Different from the previous state of distraction, after the fusion of the current spirit and soul, it is re-condensed into a main consciousness, which is why it has such a unique feeling.

As the mind gradually calmed down, the weird feeling disappeared.

Mind and soul blended together, and Baiyun Tower immediately knew what Chunyang's soul had been doing here in the past few days.

Two days in the human world, five or six days have passed in this broken fairy world.

In the meantime, Chunyang's soul first evolved an aura similar to Youling's, and then used his celestial vision and divine sense to decipher Youling's hidden magical powers.

Afterwards, except for a place where wandering spirits lived together, they did not provoke them for the time being, and Chunyang's soul almost searched the fairy fog for several miles.

At the same time, more than 90% of the fragments of the fairy pond were recovered, and more than 10% of the fairy pond was refined with the real fire of samadhi.

Using real fire to fuse the fragments is very exhausting, but Chunyang's split soul specially picked out the lone wandering spirit to attack and kill them, and then took the opportunity to devour the fragments of its fairy soul, barely maintaining the strength of the split soul and the real fire .

Although this place belongs to the fairy world, the fairy energy is extremely rare, otherwise there is no fear of loss of spirit and soul.


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