Taking advantage of the moment when God Zi Huotong was dizzy, Zi Yan sent Taoyao an innate wood energy, and wrapped up a thought along the way.

The thoughts are simple and clear, and follow your heart.

The innate wood energy makes it warm, and the accompanying words give it a direction.

The words of Chuannian were like a seed planted in the depths of Taoyao's spiritual sense, and the look in her eyes became brighter and brighter.

In an instant, countless petals scattered around Taoyao's body, moving with her thoughts, gently supporting the tall divine body of God Zi Huotong.

At the same time, Shenzi Huotong gradually came to his senses, just as he stood firm, all the petals around him were hidden in the void.

Looking at the rays of light above his head, Huo Tong rubbed the center of his brows, which was still a little dizzy, his eyes were full of surprise, as if he was shocked by the power of the barrier.

Before he could sigh, Baiyun Tower waved his cloud sleeves, and the clouds and mist rose in front of him, re-manifesting the phantom of the Nine Heavens.

Different from the phantom of the fairy world that Huotong manifested just now, in this phantom of the fairy world, the heavens are dilapidated, and the immediate places of the few people now are clearly manifested.

In the misty Nine Heavens, there were three more spots of light, two of which were just where they were hit by the Boundary Breaking Divine Ability.

And the third light spot is obviously a mark, vaguely manifesting the shadow of a fairy gate.

"This location should be the entrance to the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm." Bai Yunlou pointed to the phantom of the Immortal Gate.

"So that's the case, then try again." Huotong regained his energy and carefully watched the place of glow above his head.

A moment later, the fingertips were full of divine fire, drawing out a boundary-breaking time-space gate the size of Zhang Xu.

This time it was finally a success, a tall and colorful gate building faintly appeared in front of several people through the gate of time and space.

The entrance to the fairy gate of the Nine Heavens!

It should be right...

Shenzi Huotong seemed to be in high spirits, he greeted, and stepped directly into the gate of time and space in a blink of an eye.

Tao Yao followed closely behind, dodging in.

The two of Baiyunlou looked at each other, and the phantom of the sun, moon, and golden wheel flashed out around them. After escaping again, they did not hesitate any longer, and at the same time escaped through the gate of time and space, and arrived in front of the tall gate building.

Surrounded by celestial clouds and celestial light, the exquisitely carved and natural white jade gate tower is inlaid with three golden and dao-like ancient characters on the plaque.


These three ancient characters are recognized by Baiyunlou.

And Nantian Gate is also the entrance to the Immortal Court in many folklore. It seems that some legends passed down from generation to generation are not all false.

According to legend, there are two powerful gods guarding the Nantian Gate, but this place is empty.

Stepping into this gate is stepping into the realm of the Immortal Court, and Baiyunlou and Ziyan cannot help but treat it carelessly.

While watching and thinking, the Huotong God Zi seemed to be curious about the strength of the Nine Heavens Barrier, and strode excitedly towards the Nantian Gate.

The divine body of Lord Shenzi took the initiative to walk on the road, and the two of Baiyunlou were delighted to hear about it, and walked unhurriedly towards the entrance of the tall barrier.

Shenzi Yinhuotong came to the fairy court of Jiuchongtian, and the two also thought about it.

This Son of God was able to travel from the God Realm to this place on his own, and he must have the supernatural power to break through the world. If he can use his supernatural power, he will definitely save a lot of trouble.

After seeing him hitting a wall twice in a row, the two of them were even more relieved.

The Nine Heavens, which can make the Son of God hit a wall, must be an extraordinary existence. Even if it is allowed to escape, it will not be able to overturn the big waves, not to mention that there is an invincible existence in the fairy world.

While thinking about it, the son of God, who was walking forward, stepped into the Nantianmen step by step.

Stepping in, the tall figure seemed to disappear in an instant, and Tao Yao, who was accompanying her, also stepped in without the slightest hesitation.

It is also a step in, but the changes are different.

On the other side of Tianmen, Taoyao's figure is still there, stepping on the floating clouds, but flames seem to rise from her whole body, as if she has been ignited.

However, with the support of the remaining divine sense and immortal power, it did not dissipate in an instant.

Baiyunlou and Ziyan glanced at each other, and immediately stepped in front of the Tianmen.

Through the clear wave-like barrier of Tianmen, after careful observation, he saw the figure of God Child Huotong.

This Lord Son of God, was suppressed by the power of the rules of the Immortal Dao within it, and lay down directly under the fairy cloud. Now he is struggling to get up, and even the gods are operating.

And Taoyao behind him seemed to be a derivation of a fairy from the fairy world, but she was not suppressed too much, and she stood gracefully by the side.

However, from the flames around his body, it can be seen that there must be a very strong burning truth inside, which directly ignited Taoyao's dharma body.

And Taoyao didn't seem to care about the flames around her, instead she circulated her celestial power to help the young master in front of her get up.

For a moment, under the support of Shen Ze, Huo Tong finally stood up, as if he was a little surprised by Tao Yao's reaction, and couldn't help turning his head to look curiously.

Feeling that it was about to be roasted and dissipated, when she raised her hand, a divine light flashed, covering Taoyao's body, and the rising flame immediately merged into the divine light, and all disappeared.

At the same time, Baiyunlou and Ziyan also made preparations and stepped into the gate of heaven.

The Zhaozhao Lieyang, which is several times bigger, the ruined fairy mountains and pavilions, the turbulent misty fairy mist...

Dazzling, burning, the meaning of burning everywhere...

Baiyunlou had experienced this kind of feeling in the fantasy world evolved by Senior Sister Qingchi, but the meaning of burning and burning was infinitely stronger.

Even if the spiritual cultivation of the two people in Baiyun Tower has been improved by countless degrees, and they have been trained by Huafan Immortal Pond, they still can't bear the powerful burning intention, and two groups of fireworks rise up in an instant.

This change was already expected, the two of them didn't panic at all, the Huafan Immortal Pond had already trained more than a dozen souls~www.readwn.com~ but they could last for a while.

Seeing the extremely calm appearance of the two, Huotong Shenzi, who originally planned to help, pressed this thought and watched quite curiously.

With Ziyan's icy soul spring, the two of them kept a trace of coolness in their minds, and the phantom of the sun, moon, and golden wheel manifested, weakening a lot of the power of burning rules under the scorching sun.

Among them, the celestial fire stored in the sun-golden wheel also dissipates and wraps around the sun-moon-golden wheel, helping to absorb these burning meanings.

Gradually adapting to the oppressive power of the Nine Heavens, God Son Huotong gradually cheered up, looking at the dilapidated golden hall in the distance, his eyes sparkled, as if he had insight into some rare treasure.

"What a dilapidated fairyland, we should be the most powerful existence. Now that we have explored it carefully, we will definitely gain a lot, haha..." Under the observation of Tannian, the son of Huotong was overjoyed, as if he had become the leader of this fairyland. Lord general.

At the end of the day, the Son of God no longer conceals his purpose.

It's interesting to have such a temperament, it's very suitable for the two of Baiyunlou...

While they were thinking, the void above the heads of several people fluctuated, and the fairy clouds rolled in, covering Zhaozhao Lieyang in an instant, and the extremely strong breath was suppressed, and Shenzi Huotong was instantly suppressed and fell to the ground again. Difficulty getting up.


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