He sounds very famous, but he is actually just one of the few little immortals guarding the Nantian Gate, and he can only be regarded as a very low-level little fairy in the fairy world.

Although the two of Baiyunlou don't have a fairy position for the time being, they were injected with two real auras by the fairy queen, and they can enjoy the privileges of an immortal monarch with just this aura.

In terms of status only, the two of them are far above this fairy dog ​​Xiaotian.

In the fairy world, when the two received the favor of the fairy, Baiyun Tower also manifested this scene in the dome cave for the three women to watch.

Xia Zhaoyang seemed to be quite satisfied with the cute appearance of the fairy dog, and he praised it a few times, saying that he could go to the fairy world after staying, and he would definitely train him well.

"Immortal Realm, this manifested phantom turned out to be the Immortal Realm? Senior brother and sister actually went to the Immortal Realm?" While watching, An Ye suddenly exclaimed. Hearing this, the three people in Baiyunlou were also surprised.

In the past half a year, the three of them were busy, and did not mention the matter of the fairy world to An Ye and other elves, but from An Ye's exclamation, the three of them heard a surprise, as if she knew the fairy world very well before.

"Sister An Ye, did you know about the fairy world before?" Xia Zhaoyang asked directly, speaking out loudly.

An Ye nodded slightly, and said with a bit of reminiscence: "Our elves, apart from the need to practice fighting instinct, many memories and supernatural powers are directly passed down through the mother tree."

"The race derived from the top of the tree crown is called the royal family, and the more anecdotes you know, I know a lot about these anecdotes."

"Tens of thousands of years ago, a powerful **** came to the elf world, found the elf king, and the two fought a battle."

"The great battle shook the entire small world of Jianmu. In the end, the two made peace and made a covenant to wait for each other. The Elf King even gave Jianmu Shenzhi as a gift."

"And that powerful **** who calls himself the Immortal Emperor is from the Immortal World..."

Hearing the name of the Immortal Emperor, Baiyunlou couldn't help but glance at Zi Yan, and at the same time thought of the Immortal Emperor's plan.

After a short pause, An Ye went on to say: "After tens of thousands of years, the Immortal Emperor was extremely trustworthy, and helped the elves survive several times of genocide."

"Until thousands of years ago..."

Speaking of this, An Ye paused again, as if immersed in that painful memory, a little unable to extricate herself.

"Thousands of years ago, the Heavenly Demon invaded the small world of Jianmu?" Xia Zhaoyang asked curiously.

An Ye nodded in response, and continued to tell: "Exactly, it was too late for the Elf King to understand the power of the Heavenly Demon. Not only the majority of the elves in the clan were possessed by the Demon, but even the passage leading to the Immortal Realm was seized by the Heavenly Demon."

"Without the help of the Immortal Emperor, the small world of Jianmu fell completely, but the Elf King shattered the Spirit Seed, and with the power of the Mother Tree, passed on the True Spirit Seed to the depths of each elf's consciousness."

"Even if all the elves are possessed by demons in the end, these broken spirits carry the inheritance and memory of the elves, and have been fighting against those ubiquitous demonic thoughts."

"After being enchanted, the elves can devour the energy of the mother tree with magical powers, and they can almost exist forever in the world. Many elves have completely fallen into the demonic way. After thousands of years, less than 10% of them can persist in keeping a trace of clarity. That's the number."

"In the end, the mother tree was devoured and tormented by the demon soul, and the demon let it go. Now the mother tree that has almost collapsed can no longer give birth to an elf."

"The king's last spirit seed thought was to ask the elves to find the existence of the fairy world, and to ask the immortal emperor to save the elves in the small world of Jianmu."

"Two days ago, the spirit seed in the depths of consciousness suddenly awakened, and these buried memories burst out. I asked a few brothers and sisters about the fairy world, but they didn't know the way to go. At that time, the brothers and sisters were not there. I didn't expect to go into the fairyland."

Hearing An Ye's detailed description, the three of them were deeply moved. They didn't expect that in a distant foreign land, there was a small world of Jianmu that had a deep bond with the fairy world.

The three passed on their thoughts and discussed, and decided to tell the truth to the dark night.

After a short pause, Baiyun Tower said in a deep voice: "Anye, it's time for you to know one thing. The fairy world is also broken, and the Immortal Emperor... fell in the battle with the demons more than 3,000 years ago. .”

"Ah..., the Immortal Emperor has fallen..." The elf Anye was astonished, and was very sad for a moment.

Slightly nodding, Baiyunlou continued: "It was because of the sacrifices of the Immortal Emperor and all the ancestors that we finally wiped out the Heavenly Demon. Without the Heavenly Demon, those demon souls are nothing to fear."

"The matter of the elves still needs a long-term plan. How to go to the small world of Jianmu has to be carefully explored in the fairyland. Since the emperor has used the passage of the fairy array to go back and forth to Jianmu many times, there must be traces to follow."

Hearing the elder brother's comforting words, An Ye's frowning brows eased a lot, and she nodded in response: "An Ye understands, thank you senior brother!"

Zi Yan, who was quite silent on the side, suddenly said: "From past experience, cross-boundary teleportation must require extremely strong strength, so we need to work hard to improve our strength, otherwise even if we find the cross-boundary teleportation fairy array, Also unavailable."

"Sister Ziyan is right. If you want to protect your own world, you must have strong strength." Xia Zhaoyang was also very emotional.

"From today onwards, I don't need to sleep and rest my mind anymore, I will definitely cultivate with my heart, and my brother..."

Halfway through the conversation, Xia Chaoyang turned his head to look at the elder brother.

The matter of the exotic monsters was over, and all the past suddenly came to mind, and under the light of the Ruyi Immortal Sword, the feeling was particularly clear.

The senior brother cut off his love... and it will take two years to find his true heart...

A faint sense of loss gradually fills my heart...

All of a sudden, Xia Zhaoyang's hand was empty, and the Ruyi Immortal Sword was taken into the Consciousness Sea Flower Palace by Xiaohualing Feishen.

"Senior brother~www.readwn.com~ Junior sister, what did I say just now?" Xia Zhaoyang was instantly confused by the fluctuation of his mind.


"Yes, junior sister, I want to start cultivating with my heart, and then I will venture into the fairy world with my senior brothers and sisters." Xia Zhaoyang said while waving his small fists to cheer himself up.

"Senior brother and sister... can you bring me one?" Elf An Ye suddenly asked.

Before Baiyunlou replied, Xia Zhaoyang said happily, "Sister An Ye also wants to go to the Immortal World?"

"Sister Chaoyang, the younger sister is not going to play, I just want to do my part, restore the fairyland as soon as possible, so that I can return to the small world of Jianmu as soon as possible, and rescue the only remaining elves from the erosion of demon souls."

An Ye's words were sincere, and Xia Zhaoyang's heart was surging when he heard it, and he responded crisply.

But thinking of An Ye's identity, he was stunned for a moment, and then turned to his senior brother for help: "Senior brother, sister Ziyan, look..."

While talking, Xia Chaoyang's eyes suddenly lit up, he moved his lotus steps lightly, stepped forward two steps and hugged Senior Brother gently, and then said with a bit of a coquettish smile: "Senior Brother, while your thoughts are fulfilled at this moment, help me to see what An Ye can do." Are you going to the fairyland?"

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