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With the current vision and state of mind, coupled with pure thoughts, Baiyunlou understood the method of recovery in this wild small world.

Cleaning up these remnants little by little will have very slow results, but if the two major energy sources of Xuanbing and Lihuo are restored, and then the extremely chaotic power of rules is sorted out one by one, then this small world will be much more stable.

In this way, the restrictions on everyone's cultivation can be further relaxed, and with strength, they can do things with ease.

Thinking of this, Baiyun Tower turned around and looked to the south, and there was a faint light of soaring flames in the extremely distant sky.

Now that the Xuanbing Eye is cracked, and the extreme cold is overflowing, the submarine volcano is probably hard to escape.

Junior Sister Ziyan has already begun to understand these true meanings of Xuan Bing, so instead of continuing to go north, it is better to go south and calm down the true meaning of Lihuo.

If the raging Xuanbing and Lihuo's true intentions are calmed down at the same time, the source of energy in this small world will tend to be balanced, and then the power of other rules will be able to take advantage of the trend.

"Leave Xuan Bingyan to my junior sister. Senior brother, feel free to go to Lihuohaiyan..."

Junior Sister Ziyan's words came from behind her, and Baiyunlou looked back happily, only to see Ziyan had emerged from the ice crystal cloud, standing pretty in the air.

"Eldest brother, I'll go too..." Huo Ling'er also regained consciousness, and said crisply.

Before the Baiyun Tower answered, Xia Chaoyang, who was in his sleep, suddenly turned over and said in a daze, "Senior brother, I'll go too, and I'll bring my junior sister too..."

Following Junior Sister Chaoyang's questioning, Baiyunlou suddenly felt refreshed, and the ice and snow scene in front of him seemed to have a little more color.

"Xiao Chaoyang, where are you going?" The joke that floated from the bottom of my heart blurted out.

"Ah... where are you going? Brother, just follow him wherever you go, hehe..." Hearing his brother's question suddenly, Xia Zhaoyang felt extremely warm, and immediately smiled happily.

Zi Yan at the side noticed something, and asked curiously: "Brother, has the wonderful tree manifested?"

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly in response.

"That's great..." Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, his body flashed, and he reached Senior Sister Zi Yan's side, and he began to recite happily.

"Sister Ziyan, let me tell you a secret, brother's wonderful tree can grow branches on its own, hehe..."

"Oh... yes, that sister also told you a secret..."

"Ah, what's the secret, tell me quickly, sister, I will keep my mouth shut." Xia Zhaoyang hurriedly asked curiously.

The corners of Zi Yan's mouth were slightly curved, and she smiled and said: "According to the power of the rules of the wonderful tree, senior brother, if one branch is left unsatisfactory, it can remain in the small world in this tower for three years."

"Three years, haha..., I don't want to leave the tower anymore..."

"According to the agreement of the senior brother, there are still about two years, and the senior brother may have to find his true heart..."

"Uh..., let's finish repairing this small tower sooner, but... life in this small tower will be full and interesting, haha..."

In a moment of joy, Xia Zhaoyang forgot to pass on the second half of the sentence, and waved his small fists to cheer up.

"Don't be too capricious, be careful..."

Dotingly exhorted, Zi Yan raised her hand and condensed a magic weapon by running the celestial formula.

"Junior Sister, I'm very measured, hehe..." Xia Zhaoyang replied casually, watching Senior Sister Ziyan refining the fairy things curiously.

In a moment, a crystal-clear jade was condensed and formed in Ziyan's palm.

Ziyan reached out and picked up Yujue, and gently put it on Junior Sister Chaoyang's left wrist.

Xia Chaoyang shook the jade on Hao's wrist, and sighed: "It's so beautiful, it's icy cold..."

"It's good if you like it, Chaoyang, you can take Huo Ling with you brother, sister, I'm going to the northern snowfield..." While speaking, Ziyan's eyes flashed coldness, as if she had melted into the frosty snowflakes dancing in the sky.

After bidding farewell to Senior Sister Xiang Ziyan and Bai Zhanruo, Xia Zhaoyang flashed to Huo Linger's Yuntou and called his seniors to set off together.

Baiyun Tower didn't say any more, and exchanged a glance with Ziyan, then turned around, and took the two junior sisters to escape to the southern sky.

The departure of the three aroused the curiosity of Huotong Shenzi, who scattered behind a huge monster and looked in the direction where the three fled.

"Young master, do you want to go with Senior Brother Bai?" Tao Yao saw her young master's intentions and asked curiously.

"No need..." Huo Tong raised his head and glanced at the cold figure standing quietly in the cloud, then turned his head to look at the four people who didn't pause for a moment, replied in a muffled voice, and rushed towards another ice crystal hill.

In the former Shenshi Basin, the sky was dark, the wind was squalling, and a cloud of fire fled from a distance against the torrential rain like a waterfall.

The powerful Gang wind air machine propped up a world in the rainy curtain, and the three people of Baiyunlou stood awe-inspiringly above the clouds.

This violent storm is not the wind and rain in the human world, the mixture of extreme cold and hot air is exactly what Xuan Bing and Li Huo manifested.

The raindrops falling wantonly with the wind sometimes turned into sharp and cold ice blades, and sometimes turned into hot white gas.

Ordinary monsters and beasts can hardly survive in such a storm. The formerly bustling land of sacred stones is full of chilling meaning.

A large area of ​​water has gathered in the sacred stone basin, and even the huge sacred stone has been submerged nearly half.

The converging waters did not stop, and circled around the sacred stone by itself.

The three of them went all the way south from the northern region, the mysterious ice gradually disappeared, and the distance from the fire gradually increased. When they arrived at the place where the two qi converged, they saw such a wonderful scene.

When the natural calamity strikes, the giant monsters, birds and beasts that used to run amok are all wiped out here. Baiyunlou can survive this endless natural disaster safely by relying on its understanding of the power of the rules here and the protection of the strong wind.

"Senior brother, is that big demon tiger still there?" Xia Chaoyang was concerned that he hadn't seen a single monster during the journey.

"The big demon tiger... Maybe it's still Baiyunlou replied casually, raised his hand, and a large rain curtain gathered into the shape of the former demon tiger, but it disappeared with the wind in an instant.

"Oh..." Xia Chaoyang nodded in confusion and relief, then turned his head to look at the egg of the demon bird on the side of the fire cloud.

"Hey, senior brother, this big egg...seems to be breathing." Sensing the changes in the aura of the three monster eggs, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but scream in surprise.

Huo Ling'er also noticed the abnormality, nodded one of the demon eggs with her finger, and said curiously: "This big bird egg seems to like Lihuo Zhenyi."

While speaking, Huo Ling'er picked up a ray of Li Huo's true meaning from outside the wind shield and approached the demon egg. As they approached, the two's energy fluctuations became more and more consistent.

After thinking about it for a while, Huo Ling'er simply sent this wisp of Lihuo into the demon egg, and the aura of this demon egg suddenly increased by a small amount.

"The cubs of Snow Eagle in this extremely cold place actually like Lihuo... It turns out that there is too much true meaning of Xuanbing in his body, which is interesting..." The two junior sisters were very interested in the demon eggs, and Baiyunlou couldn't help but take a second look .

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