Black qi is yin, and white qi is yang, even in this small world of fantasy that has evolved.

After turning into a blue butterfly, the sound of falling rain stopped immediately, and the spiritual consciousness of Baiyun Tower was extremely silent.

The incarnation of the blue butterfly has no hearing, and the vision is extremely limited. What is lost must be gained, so it has a strong sense of touch, smell and feeling.

It's not that the incarnation of the blue butterfly can't hear the sound, as long as you want to hear it, you only need to poke your thoughts out of the tentacles, and with the induction of shock waves, any sound can be simulated in the mind.

This is not necessary in the dream world, because the dream world is manifested by the fluctuation of spiritual thoughts, and in it, the ubiquitous fluctuations will be clearly sensed by the tentacles.

Gently flapping its butterfly wings, Baiyunlou came to another window, watching the entanglement of yin and yang in the sky, and couldn't help but feel a sense of boundless loneliness in his mind.

Under the use of Tianyantong, although the manifested scene in front of him has not changed much, the sense of spirit has increased a lot, as if he can penetrate this small world at any time.

Sensing the faint fluctuations coming from extremely far away, Baiyun Tower suddenly wanted to escape into the void in front of him and travel around as he pleased.

Suddenly, a talisman manifested, it was the out-of-bounds talisman that Ta Ling Linglong helped refine.

When Lan Die's tentacles touched lightly, the talisman turned into a mysterious energy and was absorbed into it.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou flapped its butterfly wings, leaving a touch of scales on a corner of the small bamboo building, and then using the supernatural power of the dream, left a message for Junior Sister Xia in the dream, and then stepped out of the small bamboo building .

Turning reality into emptiness, the blue butterfly incarnated by Baiyunlou disappeared like a shadow, and disappeared into the vast rain curtain in an instant.

Flying over the dark rain curtain, piercing layers of thunderclouds, the phantom of the blue butterfly turned into a blue light shadow, piercing through the void like lightning, and directly escaped from this small fantasy world.

Following the direction guided by the talisman, Lan Die escaped directly in the void, passed through many realms, and finally came to a familiar place full of flowers.

Wood Spirit Small World!

A small world full of vitality, the breath of Linglong and Xiaohualing are all in it.

Just now, as he turned into a butterfly and escaped all the way, streamers of light and phantoms passed by at high speed, but Baiyunlou still saw the general situation through the phantoms.

The small world in the tower on the first floor is not bad, the power of the rules is mostly just disorder, and most of the vitality derived from it survived.

Especially the tribal small world, it should be because it has been refined by Linglong many times, the power of rules in it is extremely stable, and it has hardly been affected.

The creatures in the wild small world are almost extinct, and it is precisely because of the source of energy hidden in it.

Massive amounts of Xuanbing and Lihuo's True Intent erupted at the same time, such a natural disaster, the creatures inside had no escape, and the only result was the annihilation of the family.

In comparison, the small world on the second floor was much more severely damaged, and the passing Shui Ling and Lei Ling small worlds almost collapsed by half.

However, this wood spirit small world is relatively well preserved, presumably it was written by Junior Sister Linglong, and it is quite similar to that tribal small world.

Following the breath of the two junior sisters, Baiyunlou came to a sunny lakeshore, and successfully met the little flower spirit who was busy non-stop, and a group of flower elves were busy with him.

When entering the wood spirit small world at the beginning of the year, Xiao Hualing brought three senior brothers and sisters here, and Baiyun Tower is quite familiar with this place.

The difference from before is that now there is a bright lotus leaf flower in the lake, and the flower bone flower, which is nearly a foot in size, is full of spiritual energy and looks extremely full.

The little flower spirit and a group of flower elves are busy back and forth around the bud of the lotus flower waiting to be released.

"Lan Die..., big brother?" The busy little Hualing inadvertently raised her head, saw the phantom of Lan Die suddenly appearing in the void, sensed a familiar aura, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lan Die turned around and returned to the appearance of the main body of Baiyun Tower.

As soon as Baiyunloufang appeared, the group of elves seemed to smell a familiar aura, and they all came up together.

Seeing that most of them seemed to be a little sluggish, Baiyunlou let out wisps of innate energy, feeding the group of flower elves to their full in an instant.

"Junior Sister Huo Ling, there must be Linglong's real spirit inside. It looks like it's about to transform into shape, right?" Bai Yunlou asked curiously.

Eldest brother appeared, Xiao Hualing was overjoyed, led her to come to the big flower bud in the lake and said: "Eldest brother, it will be easy when you come, sister Linglong is always unable to transform for some reason."

"It can't be transformed, let me take a look..." While speaking, Baiyunlou looked intently.

Under the operation of Tianyantong, I saw a vague figure curled up in the big flower bud, felt its breath, it was Taling Linglong.

Its internal energy is unstable, and there seem to be two thoughts conflicting with each other. Baiyunlou's spiritual thoughts probed in, but they couldn't find a stable idea.

After thinking for a while, Baiyunlou turned to Xiaohualing and asked, "Little Hualing, what preparations have you and Linglong made? Let me listen carefully."

At this point, Little Hualing had nothing to hide, and explained in detail crisply.

After carefully listening to Xiaohualing's Baiyunlou roughly understood the reason why Linglong couldn't transform now.

In the final analysis, all of this is still Linglong's plan, and it is not clear whether it is good or bad for a while.

From the moment the small pagoda evolved and formed, Linglong knew the final result of the small pagoda.

Sooner or later, they will face the danger of collapse...

Linglong was originally transformed by a divine consciousness of Senior Sister Qingchi, but with the formation of the small pagoda, she gradually gained an independent basic consciousness.

In order to survive the danger of future collapse, Linglong did everything possible.

Among them, the refining tribal small world and the wood spirit small world are one of Linglong's many moves.

Helping the Baiyun Tower and the others to deduce the method of exterminating the Heavenly Demon in the small world on the third floor with all their strength is also to let them retain more of their aura.

In addition, Linglong also differentiated nearly half of the true spirit and divine sense, using the power of the small pagoda to refine it into the shape of a lotus seed, so that Xiao Hualing's unique dharma body can bring it to Xia Chaoyang's It is cultivated in the Sea of ​​Consciousness Flower Palace.

The reason for this operation is that Linglong just wanted to leave a way out, and get in touch with the breath of the human world by the way, maybe it can play a role when the small tower collapses.

Because it was related to the Sea of ​​Consciousness Flower Palace, Linglong and Xiao Hualing also greeted Senior Sister Chaoyang.

At that time, Senior Sister Chaoyang readily agreed without hesitation, but she probably forgot about it when she turned her head around. Since that time, she has never asked Xiao Hualing about Linglong's separation.

The spiritual thoughts that Linglong had cultivated in the Sea of ​​Consciousness Flower Palace did not grow slowly, and gradually merged into a real fairy lotus seed through her understanding of the wood spirit energy.

This time the small pagoda collapsed suddenly, and the little Hualing panicked, and hurriedly took out the big lotus seeds that were stored in the Sea of ​​Consciousness Flower Palace, and came to the wood spirit directly through the air with the help of Linglong's sister Linglong's magical power of escape in the big lotus seeds small world.

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