Baiyunlou and Huo Ling'er had strong spiritual senses, and they cooperated with each other tacitly. They searched while fleeing.

According to what Junior Sister Ziyan said, the chaotic void is boundless, but the void that is cut in the same small world will basically be in the same void.

It's just that this piece of void is much larger than the small world itself, and it is related to the strength of the small world.

Fortunately, this world is a small fantasy world, and the corresponding chaotic void is estimated to be about ten times as far away.

After a preliminary trial, Huo Linger's fire wire detection method can detect the chaotic void within a radius of a hundred miles in an instant, corresponding to the southern region of the wild small world. It only needs to be detected every ten miles. Don't run around in the middle, you shouldn't miss it.

Originally, Xia Zhaoyang was just planning to follow his senior brother to watch the excitement, but occasionally he sensed that the re-closed cracks in the space were still vibrating, so he immediately threw out a green vine and drew it in the void.

It was also after the senior brother calmed down the chaotic power of the rules, Xia Zhaoyang saw the extremely chaotic vibrating energy at this moment, so he couldn't help pulling out this ivy.

"Pa..." With the crisp slapping sound, the green vine seemed to be whipping on the undulating waves.

Surprisingly, as the ivy was pulled down, blossoming small flowers appeared, calming the undulating waves instantly.

Not only did the vibrations in the void calm down immediately, but even the chaotic energy of more than ten feet nearby was calmed down.

Unexpectedly, he would gain so much from dreaming and practicing enlightenment with his senior brother. Xia Zhaoyang suddenly regained his energy and began to try various things.

Yimu Leiguang has no effect on smoothing Qi, but it can make the broken space crack stay for a moment longer.

If you stay for a moment longer, you can investigate a larger area, and the efficiency of the three people is thus doubled.

The ivy technique is indeed very good in calming the void fluctuations and chaotic energy, but the range is a bit small.

After some groping, Xia Zhaoyang took great pains to condense the white jade staff. With the staff, the power of all spells and supernatural powers will be multiplied, and it will be more handy to use.

Not to mention that the thunder light that was displayed became stronger and stronger, when the green vine technique fell, it could also be mixed with the most basic leaf-picking and flying flower technique.

As soon as the green vine was pulled down, the vibration in the void instantly calmed down, and the energy brought out caused countless green leaves and petals to scatter and fall, and the range even spread to tens of feet away.

After being taken away by Huo Ling'er from the nearby Lihuo True Intent, the stable energy within this range can be maintained.

The tacit cooperation of the two junior sisters relieved Baiyunlou a lot, and the use of the Pokong Sword Intent became more and more smooth.

The three of them fled south all the way, but they didn't search blindly. With all their concentration, Baiyun Tower still had a faint feeling in their minds, and they had a general direction.

Hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles, and even passing by the Lihuohaiyan in the southern region, the three of them couldn't help but sigh at the tossing of the son of God.

Once again, he slashed out with a sword, and a space crack several feet in size manifested, and Baiyunlou suddenly stopped.

Sensing the abnormality of his senior brother, Xia Chaoyang used all his strength to forcefully open the crack in space in a tacit understanding.

Huo Ling'er's line of fire has penetrated in an instant, and this time the line of fire of Nian Nian is extraordinarily bright.

"Thousands of miles away to the south..."

Huo Ling'er sensed the exact direction, but it was obvious that Huo Tong and the two couldn't escape due to their urgency, and even though the space crack opened was supported by sword intent and thunder light, it was finally completely closed.

However, now that you know the direction, you can escape for a hundred miles and cut open the void again.

After leading the two junior sisters towards the direction Huo Ling'er was pointing at for a few miles, Baiyunlou's figure couldn't help but pause again, and then led the two of them back to the crack in the space just now.

This time, there was an unexpected discovery. Xia Zhaoyang did not throw out the ivy in a hurry, and the void was still shaking slightly.

At this moment, a little spark suddenly flashed out of the place where the void was vibrating.

Then, a little spark formed a line, and in an instant, this line of fire drew a complete circular fire circle in the void, and under the violent shock of the void in the fire circle, a void door appeared.

Two figures jumped out lightly, it was Huotong and Taoyao, like a pair of golden boy and jade girl, flashing in front of the three of them gracefully.

"Senior Brother Bai, Sister Chaoyang, Senior Sister Huoling..." Suddenly out of trouble, Huo Tong was a little overjoyed and greeted warmly.

"You two, let us find it easily, next time we have to be more careful, don't drill into the cracks in the space..." Xia Zhaoyang reminded him carefully, took Taoyao by the hand, and gently embraced her in his arms , I can't be spoiled.

"Okay, Sister Chaoyang..." Huo Tong nodded seriously and replied, as if she had grown up after experiencing this incident, her mind has stabilized a lot.

"Without a divine body and a divine rule, it is still very good to display the magical power of the Gate of the Void..." Bai Yunlou saw the growth of this junior brother's character, and couldn't help but praise him.

After being praised by Senior Brother Bai, Huo Tong's eyes lit up, and he immediately had a conversation: "I couldn't use it in the first place, but just now, the space crack here is about to close. I was impatient, and I actually used it, hehe..."

While speaking, the firework on Huotong's fingertips flickered and changed shape according to his thoughts. It seems that he has become more and more proficient in controlling the divine fire.

"Speaking of it, it's also a chance for the younger brother. Spiritual consciousness is the foundation of cultivation. Only when the spiritual consciousness is truly strong can one be able to better control the divine body and the divine principles." Bai Yunlou nodded and replied.

Huo Tong nodded in response, and then talked about the experience with the three senior brothers and sisters.

When he was in the Shenshi Basin, Huo Tong gradually adapted to the method of refining gods with thunder light, but as the Qi mechanism in the basin gradually stabilized, less and less thunder light fell.

In the excitement of refining the gods, Huo Tong directly ignored Senior Brother Bai's and rushed out of the basin, fleeing all the way to the southern region.

The thunder light along the way became stronger and stronger, and there was a more intense Li Huo true meaning that could be swallowed at will, making him more excited.

So much so that when I arrived in the extreme south, I saw the mysterious changes of the energy mechanism near the origin of the world. I became interested for a while, and got closer, and was directly engulfed by a huge space crack that suddenly appeared. In an instant, Tao Yao also followed enter.

In the land of chaos and void, God Zi Huotong is actually quite familiar with it, but before relying on his divine body and spirit, he could escape in and out at will.

Now there is only the body of the divine consciousness, the divine fire that can be called is extremely limited, and the connection with the divine body is almost broken, and only then can I feel the true horror of the chaotic void.

It was chaotic, very quiet, as if time and space did not exist.

Only half a day has passed in the small world, but this chaotic void seems to have passed endless years.

Fortunately, Taoyao, a little maid, was by her side, otherwise Huotong would collapse even more.

During this time, Taoyao thought about making a move to forcefully break through the void, but it might completely disintegrate the stable energy in the wild small world.

Hearing this, Huo Tong immediately rejected Taoyao's suggestion, and began to try to operate the magical power of the Void Gate, but fortunately, he persisted until the arrival of the three senior brothers and sisters.


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