After introducing Ah Li and Bai Lang to the crowd, Master Bai didn't have time to care about everyone's curiosity. The air machine fled back to the small world in the tower.

Although the human world has only been burning for half an incense stick, more than ten days have passed in the small world in the pagoda.

Thinking of Junior Sister Chaoyang, a trace of urgency floated in Baiyunlou's mind.

In the wild and small world, next to the Shenshi Lake, there is a small bamboo house in Qingling.

Baiyun Building regained consciousness, opened its eyes and got up, but there was no one in the building.

Walking to the window, what catches the eye is the green bamboo forest stretching for hundreds of miles, which is particularly conspicuous.

The lakeside next to the bamboo forest is full of flowers, and there are even patches of peach forests, full of vitality everywhere.

Under the morning sun, Xiao Chaoyang and Taoyao were busy working in the distance. It seems that these two junior sisters have not been idle for more than ten days.

Looking at Junior Sister Chaoyang in the distance, Bai Yunlou's mind fluctuated slightly.

Thoughts follow the heart, a breeze gradually rises, gently blowing through the bamboo forest, rippling the bamboo sea and blue waves, blowing through the flowery land, bringing up many mature spiritual seeds.

"got windy…"

On a hillside, Xia Chaoyang was attracted by the refreshing breeze, and immediately let go of the pinching formula, and cheered happily against the wind.


Seeing the spirit-seeds engulfed in the wind, he was even more pleasantly surprised. After being delighted, he immediately got up and walked with the wind, as if he wanted to see where these spirit-seeds would fall.

Suddenly, the wind revealed a familiar breath, fresh and warm.


The sound of Xia Zhaoyang's exclamation fell, and a figure appeared in the wind. It was the elder brother. He immediately smiled and jumped into the warm embrace.

"Senior brother, it will not be a short time for you to go back..."

"I went to Nanzhou for a trip to pick up A Li and Bai Lang back to Qingyunmen. There was a delay. It took more than ten days here, and half a stick of incense time passed in the human world."

"Yeah, junior sister forgot about the speed of time again... A Li woke up?" Hearing his senior brother mention A Li, Xia Zhaoyang immediately paid attention.

Back then, the little red bird house was a dharma body. Fortunately, it was a blessing in disguise and had the opportunity to re-form, but Xia Zhaoyang was worried.

"Not only woke up, but also transformed into a human form together with the white wolf, but it's only about the size of a seven or eight-year-old child..." While speaking, Bai Yunlou led Junior Sister Chaoyang to ride the wind, and sprinkled the spiritual seeds along the **** of the lake.

"Ah, both Ah Li and the white wolf have transformed? That's great... Senior brother, when will they come into this wild little world?" With the senior brother beside him, Xia Chaoyang no longer cared about the spirit seeds.

Thinking about it, Baiyunlou replied casually: "According to the time of this small world, it should have to wait for more than 20 days before the transmission channel can be reopened. In this time, the fellow Taoists who are going to enter the tower are all in Qingyun. The door is waiting, and after a quick calculation, there are already more than twenty people, and there may be more."

"Then it's very lively, and we can still see Ah Li and the others..." Xia Zhaoyang was full of longing for the future.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou said in a deep voice: "Chaoyang, when I re-refined the dilapidated small pagoda, senior brother, I incorporated the Dao of Dreams into it. Even senior brother, I can't take care of both inside and outside..."

"Avenue of Dreams, what will happen then?" Xia Chaoyang asked in a daze.

"Just like this period of time, if the original knowledge of the senior brother returns to the human world, the transformed body here will fall into a deep sleep, and if the original knowledge enters this small world, the body and souls of the human world will fall into a deep sleep , even in the Soul Harmony Realm, it's hard to resist the power of the Dream Dao's rules." Bai Yunlou explained patiently.

"It's so powerful. In other words, if the small pagoda is re-refined in the future, wouldn't it be invincible? If we meet an evil monster again and directly collect its spiritual thoughts into the magic weapon, won't the monster body be slaughtered by us?"

Hearing this, Baiyunlou couldn't help but smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "Although the supernatural power of the dream way is powerful, it also depends on the target. If the target is on guard in advance and the spirit is not weak, it will be extremely difficult to pull them into the small dream world."

"If you encounter a strong enemy, take advantage of its unpreparedness and forcibly pull it into a dream, it is hard to say that you will be able to trap it."

"Just like this small broken fantasy world, with the strength of the soul of Ziyan Hehun Realm, as long as you do your best, you can forcibly break through the suppression of the power of the rules, and then break through the seal of the dream and return to the human world."

After carefully listening to the senior brother's narration, Xia Chaoyang replied with emotion: "It seems that we still have to improve our strength, Hehun... Senior brother, according to what you just said, you have to return to the human world after the original knowledge?"

In the middle of the conversation, Xia Zhaoyang came to his senses.

"That's right, the body of the human world is still trying its best to refine the dilapidated small tower, and it may take nearly an hour to completely re-refine the original form of the small tower. By the way, the re-refined small tower will change its appearance... "

While speaking, Baiyun Tower evolved the appearance of the magic weapon of the dream path after the transformation.

A water lily with its petals in full bloom suddenly appeared in front of Xia Zhaoyang.

"It turns out to be like this, so beautiful..."

Feeling a bit emotional, Xia Chaoyang continued: "Brother, feel free to refine this magic weapon of the Dream Dao in the human world, and leave it to Junior Sister here..."

"Actually, my senior brother wasn't here during this time, and I realized that I'm pretty good too. You see, the bamboo forest and the sea of ​​flowers are well taken care of."

"Senior brother also said that as long as the vitality near this sacred stone is more vigorous, the energy mechanism in this small world will be more It has only been more than ten days now, and the stable energy mechanism has expanded to a radius of thousands of miles .”

Unknowingly, Xia Chaoyang seemed to have returned to the state of the previous few days, and the more he spoke, the more confident he became.

Bai Yunlou happily nodded and replied: "Senior sister's ability, of course I know the senior brother, otherwise I would not be able to make the Four Seas Monster Clan surrender."

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou went on to say: "Although I will return to the human world later, I'm not in a hurry. It's okay to stay here for an hour during the intermission during the refining process. By the way, let's watch the changes in the breath here. Refining the magic weapon of the dream path is also useful for reference."

"One hour..., that's great, now it's like my senior brother often falls into a deep sleep..."

Speaking of this, Xia Zhaoyang recalled the past, and immediately continued with emotion: "Senior brother took care of me in the past. After my senior brother wakes up, I will make arrangements for where I want to go and what I want to do."

"Then there will be Junior Sister Lao, so what are the arrangements for Junior Sister at this hour today? Help plant flowers?" Hearing what Junior Sister Chaoyang said was interesting, Bai Yunlou couldn't help asking with a smile.

Xia Chaoyang had already made plans, and he replied casually: "Senior brother's time is precious, what flowers do you want to plant? Of course, I will show you some interesting things. I have nothing to do these few days. Junior sister, I have explored a lot in this small world. Fun place."


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