There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 967: Spring breeze turns into rain

The two are now connected in mind, and Baiyunlou knows the little thoughts of this junior sister Chaoyang, so he couldn't help but twitch his mouth, and then said:

"Now that you know the method of breaking the boundary, don't wander around. It's better to break the boundary as soon as possible. After connecting the two small worlds, there are many interesting places in the small world of the tribe."

"That's right..." Xia Zhaoyang nodded repeatedly.

"The progress of the Northern Territory is almost completed, and the Southern Territory has the dispatch of a younger sister, so the progress will not be slow if I think about it, and this Shenshi Lake can't fall too much..."

While speaking, Baiyunlou raised his hand to dispel the thought of escaping into the small pond, and the clouds and mist rose under his feet, pulling his junior sister up into the air, overlooking the Shenshi Lake among the mountains, and took a closer look.

Xia Chaoyang nodded again and again, but didn't make any noise to disturb each other, waiting for his senior brother to explain.

"The slightest bit of vitality is brought by the spring breeze, moistened by the spring rain..." Baiyun Tower muttered softly, and the thoughts in his heart gradually took shape.

After a cup of tea, Baiyunlou's heart throbbed slightly, and a clear and transparent sword intent slowly condensed out of his spiritual thoughts.

"Chaoyang, senior brother taught you the seventh move of Liangyi swordsmanship..."

"The seventh move? Junior sister, I can't learn it. I heard from Sister Ziyan that this move is extremely exhausting, and now the consciousness is suppressed..." When talking about his understanding of the way of swordsmanship, Xia Zhaoyang suddenly lost a little confidence.

Bai Yunlou replied with a smile: "Chaoyang don't worry, although this seventh form has a bit of the movement method of the sea tide sword, it has been changed a lot by the senior brother, and it is suitable for the junior sister to perform..."

After saying that, Baiyun Tower pointed out, and summoned the sword intent sword that had just been deduced and formed.

After a while, Xia Zhaoyang opened his eyes in surprise, and said happily, "This sword move doesn't take much effort, but it seems to be a bit weaker..."

While speaking, Xia Chaoyang raised his hand and condensed out a Lingzhu sword, on which Yimu breath surged out.

"It's not demon slaying..."

"Brother said..."

As the air flowed, the two of them rode the wind.

The aura drawn by the Lingzhu sword and the cloud and mist drawn by the real water sword merged into strands of sword intent as thin as gossamer.

Under the blowing of the wind aura, the sword intent turned into soft raindrops, falling into the forest below.

The spring wind turns into rain, moistening things silently.

It was the sword intent derived by Baiyunlou just now, which contained tenacious aura as thin as a gossamer.

These qi will not harm the plants and trees in the slightest, but will be integrated into the flowers and trees to strengthen their vitality.

As the Spring Rain Sword Intent melted into the peach forest and bamboo sea, the hearts and minds of the two seemed to blend into it, and they could even feel the joyful meaning of these peach trees and bamboos.

Although this sword intent is not as majestic as Hai Chao's sword intent, it is a bit more continuous.

Amidst the misty clouds and mist, two figures floated like immortals, accompanied by the spring wind and wind, they escaped leisurely along the mountains around Shenshi Lake.

At this moment, three beams of light rushed from the direction of the southern region, and when they appeared, they were the three of them, Huo Linger.

When she got closer, Taoyao was the first to fall into the continuous rain.

Peach Blossom Fairy, who has always been well-behaved and silent, dances lightly in the rain, showing her smile.

"Sword intent, it's actually possible to display it like this..." Huo Tong raised his hand to catch the icy cold rain, but his eyes couldn't help but drift to the little figure that was jumping happily in the forest.

Huo Ling'er nodded slightly, and replied quite casually: "Sword intent is also a kind of supernatural powers and spells. The spell is impermanent, and the spell follows the heart. This is the charm of the Dao."

After saying that, Huo Ling'er grasped it with both hands, captured the spirit of Huo Ling from the void, condensed it into a ball of fireworks, and then scattered it with one finger.

The light of the dots of fireflies submerged in the drifting rain, and a few traces of warm and humid air appeared out of thin air.

The continuous spring rain in this area in front of me turned into a refreshing summer rain in an instant, and there was even the sound of muffled thunder in the rain clouds in the air.

Huo Ling'er only pointed out a little bit, then took back the little bit of anger that came out, and Huo Tong, who was watching from the side, also saw the key point.

The supernatural powers of technique are all in one mind, which is also very in line with heresy.

Just as he was feeling emotional, a cluster of petals fluttered and fell, showing his figure in front of Huo Tong. It was Xiaoxian Taoyao who had returned happily.

Taoyao's complexion was rosy, her eyes were bright, and there were many small water droplets on her hair and face, which looked extremely agile in the glow.

Huo Tong at the side couldn't help but want to reach out his hand to touch the water drop in the hair tip, but just half way out of his hand, he retracted it, but Taoyao lightly grabbed it halfway.

Taoyao seemed to be very happy today, she held onto Young Master Huotong's little hand and never let go.

Huo Tong was extremely surprised by this change, he struggled a few times unnaturally, but he couldn't break free, his little face couldn't help but a little red.

Looking secretly at Senior Sister Huo Ling, seeing that she didn't seem to care, Huo Tong secretly heaved a sigh of relief, letting Tao Yao tightly hold her little hand.

The spring rains are endless and full of vitality.

The sea of ​​spiritual bamboos, which is more than a hundred miles away, stretched its body to its fullest, happily expanding along the lakeside, and the spiritual seeds planted by the wind not long ago also broke out of their shells and grew wantonly.

The remaining barren land by the Shenshi Lake was also soaked by the rain and mist, and some residual roots of the spirit trees hidden in it were revived, and new shoots emerged one after another, breaking through the ground, adding a little charm to this small world.

In less than half an hour, the churning aura on the Shenshi Lake had already changed its appearance.

"Sister Huo Ling, Sister Taoyao, come and watch something interesting..." Xia Zhaoyang greeted, and a little impatiently pulled his brother to the small island of the sacred stone in the middle of the lake.

"Okay..." Huo Ling'er responded in a crisp voice, and followed her quickly, and Taoyao followed along with the dull Huo Tong.

At this moment, four consecutive figures suddenly manifested and condensed in the sky above Shenshi Lake, and then plummeted down.

Judging by the figures, they are exactly the four of Bai It seems that they have encountered a tricky giant monster again, and after being wiped out, they re-condensed here to form the Dharma Body.

"Om..." There was a crisp sword cry, and in midair, Bai Zhan was the first to wake up, turning into a trembling sword light to remind the other three.

As soon as the sound of the sword's cry came out, the three figures in mid-air froze for a moment, and at the same time they woke up, raised their sword lights, and stood in the air.

"Come here..." A clear voice came.

"Big brother!"

"Brother Sect Master!"

The four people exclaimed, and they all raised their sword lights and fell towards the sacred stone in the center of the lake.

At the same time, a rainbow light broke through the clouds, and Ziyan also rushed over from the extreme north.

"Great, it's all here, senior brother..." Xia Chaoyang was overjoyed, and called everyone to gather in front of the small pond on the top of the sacred stone, and then looked at senior brother.

"Chaoyang, you were the first to discover the mystery of this small pool, so you can show it to everyone..."

"Okay..., take a good look, this is not an ordinary small pond, if you probe into it with simple and clear thoughts, you will be able to respond..."

While talking, Xia Zhaoyang probed into Xiaochi's thoughts to show everyone, and at the same time explained in detail.


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