With the skillful cooperation of the four of Bai Zhan, the mysterious ice fragments flew, and finally pierced an ice crystal wing membrane of the left wing.

When Huo Tong's figure fell, a rapidly rotating spiral fire line condensed around his body, and the fiery divine fire aura carried a little space power, directly breaking a gap in the wide right wing.

"Scatter..." Bai Zhan yelled lightly, and Luo Yu and the three of them didn't have the slightest desire to fight at all, and immediately scattered and fled.

As soon as the four of them left, a massive amount of mysterious ice energy gushed out from the damaged part of the left wing membrane, instantly filling the area with a radius of tens of feet, and when the extremely cold air recovered, the original damaged area was already intact.

On the other side, Huotong Shenzi was a little bit like a broken bamboo, and directly drilled into the wide transformed right wing of the young Kun, and the mysterious ice shattered continuously for a while.

It's just that the gap that was broken was closed together unconsciously.

"Xiaohuotong..." Caiwei exclaimed, but it was too late.

When the young Kun escaped, the extremely cold air in the right wing instantly surged, as if freezing the void, and the firework breath in it dissipated instantly.

However, Huotong has become much stronger during this time. Although the transformed body was crushed instantly, he used his divine sense to forcibly gather the broken body together.

As a piece of mysterious ice exploded, Huotong Shenzi escaped from the young Kun's right wing, and immediately dodged again for several miles, avoiding the true meaning of the mysterious ice coming out of the bee pupa.

"Chaoyang, spring wind turns into rain..." Baiyun Tower suddenly pulled up Junior Sister Chaoyang, and re-executed the Spring Rain Sword Style.

After half an hour of practicing and researching, Xia Chaoyang has completely comprehended this combination move, and in a moment of thought, he transformed the Lingzhu sword in his hand into thousands of bamboo leaves, each of which contained extraordinary sword intent.

The True Water Sword also turned into countless drizzles of rain, which merged with the bamboo leaves in pairs, and as the energy flowed, a continuous and endless spring rain sword move was slashed out with the wind.

The Chunyu Sword Move first went to the shore of Shenshi Lake, attracting some kind of mysterious and stable energy and rain clouds all over the sky, and then rushed towards the huge body of Young Kun.

Seemingly not feeling the slightest threat, You Kun let the lingering sword intent blow past the monster's body.

The continuous sword intent and the drizzle of rain, driven by the strong wind, imperceptibly soaked into the body of the Xuanbing demon.

Although the rain is tiny, it cannot be solidified by the extreme cold. The spring breeze blows away the chill, and the spring rain melts the black ice. When the young Kun reacted, his demon body was already smaller.

The spring rain was continuous and poured straight in. The young kun transformed into an ice kun was ready to charge forward, and it was impossible to avoid the rain clouds in front of him.

When it rushed out of the rain cloud of sword intent tens of miles wide, the young Kun not only lost his body size, but also his aura weakened a lot.

The young Kun that rushed out of the rain cloud was only a few tens of feet in size, and immediately plunged into the Shenshi Lake.

The young Kun who fell into the lake seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and after floating out of the lake, there was no more movement.

"This... is this the end?" Luo Yu looked at the still huge monster body floating in the lake, a little unbelievable.

"Senior Brother and Senior Sister are the best..."

"Chun Yu Sword Intent...is it so powerful?" Huo Tong couldn't help murmuring.

The strength of that little Kun just now, they all have a deep understanding.

"The main reason is that Zi Yan cooperated well, leading Young Kun to transform all the monster's body into a body of mysterious ice. It was too late for her to react..." Bai Yunlou replied rather indifferently.

Hearing what the senior brother said, Xia Chaoyang realized the reason, and sighed: "It turns out that sister Ziyan already knew how to use the Chunyu Sword Intent, but I've been confused by the junior sister, hehe..."

Everyone was speechless for a while, and they all looked at the floating figure in the lake.

"Brother Sect Leader, has this big guy been drawn into a dream?" Xiao Jing saw some clues and asked curiously.

"The spring rain and the spring breeze lead into Meng... Meng Dao supernatural power fits perfectly with this sword intent."

Hearing what his senior brother said, Xia Zhaoyang was amazed: "He actually fell asleep, haha... go down and have a look."

While speaking, his figure landed on the lake in a flash, beside the young Kun.

Everyone followed suit, Huo Tong didn't even have the slightest intention to relax, the condensed line of fire in his palm circled non-stop.

Most of the young Kun's mysterious ice body was melted away, and the remaining monster body was somewhat uneven. Xia Zhaoyang tapped it curiously.


With a soft sound, the monster body transformed by Xuanbing suddenly shattered completely into ice slag, melted into the lake water in a moment, and disappeared without a trace.

As the ice **** dissipated, the lake gradually calmed down, and a phantom of a young kun the size of more than a foot lay quietly on the mirror-like lake.

"Ah..., this young kun... is really young, it hasn't even grown wings yet."

While talking, Xia Chaoyang stepped forward, squatted down lightly, and poked Young Kun's belly with his fingers.

"It's quite soft..." As soon as he sighed, Xia Zhaoyang's figure flashed, and he hid behind his senior brothers and sisters.

I saw the young Kun turned over in a daze, and seemed to be a little dazed, and couldn't tell whether it was real or dreamy.

"A young Kun that has exhausted its spiritual energy is not even as good as a cub..." Zi Yan raised her hand and grabbed the fluffy young Kun into her arms.

You Kun was startled, fully awake, and began to wriggle and struggle non-stop.


Zi Yan slapped You Kun's broad forehead, and his fluffy figure couldn't help but look a bit cute.

"It's not bad. After killing all the monsters and birds in the Northern Territory, I finally met a spiritual one." Seeing the appearance of this young Kun, Nangong Xiaojing sighed.

Hearing these words, Xia Chaoyang's mind moved slightly, he turned his head to look at the small bamboo building, and muttered softly: "Spiritual..."


As if responding to Xia Chaoyang's gaze~www.readwn.com~ There was a crisp bird song from the direction of Xiaozhulou, and then three figures flashed out, flying towards the lake where everyone was standing.

This place is relatively close to the small bamboo building, it didn't take much effort, three snow eagles with white feathers came across the sky, flapped their wings lightly, and hovered in front of everyone.

As if smelling a familiar scent, the three little snow eagles scrambled to squeeze into Xia Chaoyang's arms.

The monster eggs that had been hatched for many days were finally harvested, Xia Zhaoyang smiled happily, and gently embraced the three little snow eagles, a little bit reluctant to let go.

"Senior brother, these three snow eagles should be regarded as the creatures of this small world, right?"

Bai Yunlou nodded and replied: "The aura has completely merged with this world, of course it is the native creatures of this wild small world."

At this moment, the young Kun seemed to have realized something, swayed its figure slightly, and the aura around it suddenly changed. It didn't take much effort, and the aura gradually merged into this small world just like the three snow eagles.

With the fusion of energy and energy, its vain figure also began to solidify, revealing the true form of the cloud-pattern Dharma Body of Kunyu.

With such a change, everyone saw the mystery, and they all sighed and praised its spirituality.


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