The old patriarch really fell, Baiyunlou sighed secretly, and took the sharp claws.

With the demon's claws in his hands, Baiyunlou's thoughts penetrated in, and immediately found a trace of evil spirit's aura. The killing intent suddenly arose in the divine mind, and a sword light pierced through the air, and went away quickly.

After a few breaths of time, the sword light has already fled back with a broken demon body of a demon king wrapped around it.

As the broken demon body fell to the ground, the elders exclaimed at the same time.

"It's this demon, thanks to Xiaojiu and his second uncle..."

"Now I can finally sleep peacefully."

"Sure enough, the supernatural powers of the upper realm are powerful..."

Accompanied by the sound of exclamation, the surrounding ethnic groups immediately gathered around and were all amazed.

But Baiyunlou waved his hand and replied: "It's my duty to avenge my elder brother. The demon cave is located in the middle of the mountain fifteen miles northeast. All the monsters inside have been wiped out."

"You can go and take over that demon cave. There is a fine vein of spirit jade in it. With these spirit jade, you can exchange some useful things with other tribes."

Hearing this, the surrounding ethnic groups immediately cheered.

At this moment, the great elder took out something from the animal skin bag again, and held it in front of Baiyunlou with both hands.

"His second uncle, the old patriarch left his last words when he was seriously injured. He mentioned that the person who killed the demon king will be the patriarch of our clan in the future. Please accept this patriarch's amulet. From now on, you will be our new patriarch. .”

There was such a thing, the people in Baiyun Tower suddenly turned their heads at the same time, looked at the big bluestone on the altar, and saw a line of small characters on the top of the big bluestone, which said it was the task of helping the old patriarch to avenge, and the handwriting unexpectedly revealed gold. mango.

It turned out to be a hidden mission!

Out of curiosity, Baiyunlou casually took the bone fragment that symbolized the identity of the great patriarch, and immediately messages rushed into his mind.

The number of ethnic groups, the number of tribes attached to, and the number of remaining demon pills all flashed in Baiyunlou's memory.

As the second younger brother of the old patriarch, it's okay to take over the responsibility of the great patriarch, but Baiyunlou has become interested in the handwriting manifested on the big bluestone.

Then he asked curiously: "Grand Elder, do you know the writing on these bluestones?"

The Great Elder shook his head and said, "These are divine patterns, we mortals will recognize them, let alone recognize them, we won't even be able to remember them."

So that's how it is..., the doubts in his mind were solved, Baiyunlou put away the bone fragments, and said to A Li with a smile: "A Li, don't always stare at such small tasks, these demon pills are not easy to catch outside. A handful of…”

"Senior brother is right, especially the golden one..." A Li looked away from the big bluestone and replied crisply.

It seemed that Ah Li had already understood the key points, Baiyunlou nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and gave a few instructions to the elder, then pulled Junior Sister Chaoyang away, leaving behind a burst of exclamation.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the breeze surrounds the hall.

In the small bamboo building, the two of Baiyunlou sat facing each other, bathed in the cool moonlight.

All kinds of energies manifested on the case table, carrying some kind of Taoism, circulating indefinitely in front of the two of them.

Xia Chaoyang, who was concentrating on watching, suddenly lost his eyes, and fell on his senior brother's face with a radiant aura.

"Chaoyang, you're sleepy again..."

Xia Chaoyang woke up suddenly: "Uh..., were you confused again?"

Seeing how the junior sister was trying to keep her spirits up, Bai Yunlou smiled slightly, raised her hand and moved the table in front of her to the side, and reached out to greet the junior sister.

"After two hours of careful observation, it's rare..."

Xia Chaoyang was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately smiled, and threw himself into the arms of his senior brother, then seemed to feel that something was wrong, got up slightly, and leaned obediently on his senior brother's shoulder.

"Brother, will being too affectionate affect your mood?"

"No, it's okay for my senior brother to be in a perfect state of mind, as long as my junior sister likes it..." Master Bai said quite casually.

"The state of mind is complete... Junior Sister, when will I be able to achieve spiritual consummation?" Xia Chaoyang sighed softly when thinking of his spiritual state.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou comforted: "Actually, with the state of mind of my junior sister who is sitting and forgetting, as long as I sink my heart and comprehend it, even if I forget it in a flash, I can gain something. When I return to the human world and practice hard for half a year, I will be able to break into the world smoothly." Combined Soul Realm."

"It's going to be half a year... well, that's the only way to go." Xia Zhaoyang sighed softly.

Junior Sister Chaoyang has the idea of ​​uniting her soul in advance...

Unknowingly, Baiyunlou's ethereal mind began to work with all its strength.

Looking at the Shenshi Lake under the moonlight outside the window, a flash of spiritual light suddenly flashed through my thousands of thoughts.

"Chaoyang, what do you mean by consummation?"

"The meaning of consummation?" Xia Chaoyang sat up a little, raised his hand to concentrate, and a golden light spot the size of a grain of rice gradually appeared in the palm of his hand.

"This meaning of consummation is not bad, but it was used up by my sister shortly before entering the small pagoda..., brother, you know that the more the soul of the distracted state is at the end of the cultivation path, the slower the progress, so..."

"It's okay, maybe it can be fulfilled in this small fantasy world." Baiyunlou looked at the light spot and replied confidently.

Hearing what the senior brother said, Xia Chaoyang also had some hope, but he replied very puzzled: "Senior brother, my senior sister actually has such thoughts, so I brought it into the small tower."

"However, during this period of time, I have been cultivating with my mind and spirit. The meaning of consummation seems to be limited by the laws of time and space here. In the past one and a half months, there has been almost no progress."

Looking at the clear and transparent Shenshi Lake outside the window, Baiyunlou said leisurely: "Maybe Junior Sister hasn't found a way to cultivate it? The progress of cultivating it with your mind is slow, so if you use this small world To nourish it?"

Following the senior brother's gaze, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then said: "Yes, I have forgotten, junior sister, that although this place is illusory, its root is transformed by divine thoughts, and the stability of this world means perfection. "

"Chaoyang, your comprehension has improved a lot..."

"Ah, those few words just now were blurted out, it seems quite reasonable, hehe..."

While speaking, Xia Chaoyang lightly tapped the golden light spot in the air, and the meaning of perfection drifted out with his thoughts, and he started to circle and swim in the Shenshi Lake.

Following a certain air mechanism, the meaning of consummation floated to the top of the sacred stone by itself, and submerged leisurely into the small pond.

"It's really growing up..." Sensing the change in the meaning of perfection, Xia Chaoyang leaned gently in his brother's arms and sighed in relief.

After a while, the golden spot of light flitted back, and its shape had almost doubled in size.

"If there are more than seven or eight qi mechanisms of this level, the meaning of consummation should be consummated, but there are no perfect qi mechanisms in this world..." Xia Zhaoyang's perception of the perfect qi mechanism was revealed by the golden light spot Extremely sharp.

In the middle of the conversation, Xia Zhaoyang suddenly realized: "That's right, this wild land has no sense of consummation, but other small worlds will definitely have it..."


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