Latest website: It's getting late, Baiyun Tower is going to find a secluded place to set up a magic circle, and cultivate the rather tired spiritual sense, after all, cultivating sword intent is extremely exhausting.

At this moment, a white shadow rushed towards him from a distance, and when his body fell down, it was Linghe Xiaobai.

"Sister, I have something to ask..." With a clear and crisp crane cry, a thought came into Baiyun Tower's spiritual consciousness.

Not only that, but the little white crane also spread its wings, meaning to let the head master Bai get on the crane's back as soon as possible, so don't miss the time.

I have something to ask..., I felt a little strange, but Baiyun Tower didn't delay, and sat cross-legged on the back of the crane, and followed it away in the wind and sky.

After Xiaobai folded his wings and fell, Baiyunlou jumped down, and was immediately attracted by the scene in front of him.

Covered by bamboo forests, surrounded by fairy mist.

The courtyard outside the original inn lobby has been reorganized, all the walls of the courtyard have been demolished, and a clear spring has appeared beside the bamboo forest.

The pond, which is several feet in size, has several clumps of aquatic plants and several herrings in it, which is quite interesting.

Under a spirit fruit tree next to the spring pool, there are all kinds of stone tables and benches, and there is an extra bamboo swing beside the bamboo forest on the other side.

It took a lot of thought to create such a scene after working for half a day...

But it's really refreshing...

Just as he was feeling emotional, the delicate figure of Junior Sister Chaoyang walked out of the inn, and Baiyunlou stepped up to meet her, and asked casually: "Chaoyang, I heard that you have something to ask for advice..."

"That's right, that's the thing about drawing talismans. Junior sister, I decided to learn from the beginning..." While speaking, Xia Chaoyang came to the stone table and took out some objects.

Spirit ink, talisman paper, ink brush, etc. are all prepared, not only that, but tea and snacks are brought back to the house.

"Chaoyang, you have been really busy for most of the day..." Baiyunlou couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Xia Chaoyang poured a cup of tea for his senior brother, and replied casually: "It's nothing, Xiaojing and the others passed by and were busy working together, and the teleportation array is also set up. In the bamboo forest over there, it's not bad, hehe... "

"That's good..." Bai Yunlou nodded in response, picked up a pastry and tasted it.

"Senior brother, please help me to watch, junior sister first draw a few simple pictures to try..."

After saying that, Xia Zhaoyang began to concentrate on drawing the talisman on the talisman paper.

Although the memories of the past were still gone, Baiyunlou was inexplicably relieved to see the younger sister's serious appearance, and then warmly pointed out.

The little flower spirit flew out curiously to watch for a while, and then carefully hung the mysterious light lamp on the spirit fruit tree.

Next to the bamboo forest on the swing, in a large and comfortable haystack, Xiao Xun, the fat rabbit, was rolling comfortably in it, occasionally poking his head out to peek at the two under the tree.

Linghe Xiaobai, who is leisurely pacing by the spring pool, will also tease the herring in the pool when he is in the mood.

The night was getting darker, the mountains were filled with fog, and the sound of roaring was faintly heard in the distance, and it dissipated with the wind in an instant.

"Chaoyang, it's late at night..."

"Then go back to the house."

After saying that, Xia Chaoyang got up and packed them up, and distributed the remaining spiritual fruits to Xiaobai and Xiaoxun, while he himself took half a plate of pastries and pulled his senior brother to the inn.

The warm sun was just rising, and Baiyunlou woke up from the morning light, feeling refreshed and satisfied.

Sitting up on the bamboo couch, he turned his head and saw Xiao Chaoyang who was still sitting in front of the desk concentrating on drawing talismans, he couldn't help but curl his mouth, and raised his hand to call him over.

"Why didn't you sleep all night?" Bai Yunlou asked with a smile as he gently embraced his junior sister.

"On a whim, I was fascinated by the painting. Senior brother, look, my junior sister has already drawn two Taoist symbols." While speaking, Xia Zhaoyang raised his hand, and a stack of Taoist symbols on the table floated in front of the two of them.

Baiyunlou picked up one, looked at it carefully, nodded with certainty, and said, "Junior Sister's talent for drawing talismans is truly astonishing, if you really don't learn it, you'll be fine if you don't learn it. Once you learn it, you can already become a teacher..."

"Ah..., junior sister, I'm still far behind. Senior brother is already drawing five-pattern talismans." Having said that, Xia Zhaoyang smiled happily.

"Five-stripe talisman..., with my current weak cultivation, senior brother, I can only draw these two-stripe Taoist talismans. The senior sister drew these, and the senior brother helped to use them..." Raising his hand and flipping the Taoist talisman in front of him, Bai Yun Lou simply took all of them into his arms.

"Well, I will draw some more when I have time today..." Xia Zhaoyang got up and came behind him, helping his brother tie up his messy hair.

"Don't worry too much..."

Xia Zhaoyang was very grateful for his brother's words of concern, and immediately replied softly: "I won't bother you, and with my brother by my side, even if my spiritual consciousness is exhausted, it will recover after a night of sleep."

"Furthermore, my junior sister has already calculated that due to the influence of the law of time, it is difficult to achieve results in practicing the art of concentration at this time. It is most cost-effective to practice the way of drawing talismans. Maybe you can also use this to melt your soul. Senior brother also said that the power of this talisman Dao originally hides the method of fusion of the rules of the Dao of Heaven."

Turning his head to look at the confident junior sister, Baiyunlou's eyes were full of relief, he couldn't help but rubbed his junior sister's hair, and said softly: "Even so, there is no need to spend all night drawing talismans in the future. It's better to accompany senior brother and me to develop supernatural powers and practice immortal skills."

Hearing this, Xia Zhaoyang's eyes lit up, and he continued, "At sunset, Junior Sister will ask Xiaobai to pick up Senior Brother..."

"Alright..." While speaking, Baiyunlou walked downstairs and walked outside the inn.

"Xiaobai, send senior brother back to yesterday's place." Xia Chaoyang accompanied him out of the inn, and greeted Xiaobai He who was pacing in the yard.

Xiaobai raised his head to respond to the loud and clear crane cry, he had already fluttered his wings, and Baiyunlou also raised his body, and flew away with the spirit crane floating in the air against the wind.

Watching He Ying go away, Xia Zhaoyang seemed to be still recollecting the meaning of senior brother Cai's words just now, and it was difficult to regain his senses for a while.

"Eldest brother went out for a day, but his cultivation didn't increase much..." The little flower spirit flew out from the flower house on the branch, and landed gently on the little master's shoulder.

Looking away from the distant sky, Xia Zhaoyang replied casually: "Senior brother has a reason for acting like this..."

"Oh..." Xiao Hualing responded without saying anything.

"Senior brother just advised me not to draw talismans all night..."

"Well, it's really troublesome..."

"Brother asked me to accompany him to deduce supernatural and practice immortal skills." Xia Zhaoyang said casually.


"Fairy Empress's inheritance technique."

"Then... let's practice with heart."


While chatting, there was an ups and downs in the grass in the bamboo forest, and the fat rabbit Xiao Xun rushed out holding a big crystal clear jade.

Xiao Xun saw Senior Sister Chaoyang in the courtyard at a glance, and immediately jumped to the front, and presented the big jade claws.

"Good little Xun..." Xia Zhaoyang smiled and took the big jade, put it in the treasure bag at his waist, took out several spiritual fruits and handed it to Xiao Xun, and squatted down to stroke it for a while.

Xiao Xun's two little paws couldn't hold the many fruits, so he simply picked up one and gnawed it very sweetly.

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