When he put down the phone, lieutenant general yolan didn't look back. He only said two words:

"go on."

These two words are addressed to military officials and also to the Minister of technology.

"Go on." In the system, Olivia only said these two words.

But -

"the damage rate of No. 4 camp of Grande college is serious, please send someone to replace it as soon as possible!" Grando, who was in charge of the attack, first protested.

"Two heavy firepower ships of unit 7 of imperial Defense Academy are out of order! Request headquarters support Then, the imperial Defense Academy came to the important people.

"Malad!" Olivia didn't say a word. Todd, who was standing beside him, scolded his native dialect.

The two colleges were rescued on their way and after they came here. According to the equipment they were assigned to, grando was a long-range mechatronic battalion, while Imperial College of defense was a firepower battalion. The students of the three academies were still under the command of the commander of the Academy. Olivia did not mean to take over all the commanding power of the Academy. However, I don't know when the other two academies were more and more close to the Imperial College of military science The court is the first.

In the face of this situation, Todd was very proud at the beginning: his college is great! The chief that you choose to support is awesome!

However, as time goes on, he can't be proud:

other colleges know that important people want resources, but their own people and resources are limited. Where these things come from and how they are distributed depend on their own side.

Todd was a little worried, but jopson felt that his chief was more and more powerful:

when the road was gone, he took everyone to find the way; when the things were gone, he took everyone to find a way to get things; when the people were gone And got people.

Among all the military academies, Imperial military academy has the smallest number of people. Even though the average individual ability is better than other academies, it can't make up for the biggest defect of shortage of manpower.

in Johnson's view, both the Grande academy and imperial Defense Academy are the chief staff to "make up for the shortage of human resources".

When the Grande academy and imperial Defense Academy met with problems, when their chief couldn't solve them, they tentatively went to the Imperial military academy. What they couldn't solve, chief Olivia helped them solve.

The second time they met a similar problem, they found Imperial military academy, and Olivia still helped them to solve it;

people are habitual. When they met a problem again, they first thought of Imperial military academy. They will have a psychological sense of trust and dependence on the Imperial military academy, which forms a vague impression in their hearts. This impression is like a brand. Unconsciously, they begin to accept the command of the Imperial military academy.

That's what chief Olivia is good at.

There was no rest for a few days, and the chief's eyes were a little blue - such Olivia made all the students of Imperial military academy feel at ease.

Even though they heard what lieutenant general yolan had just said and knew that the state they were in was very dangerous, they suddenly became calm when they saw their chief's desperate attitude.

The chief will be able to rescue the marshal and the general and leave here with us - everyone firmly believes that.

Mugan, I'm sure I'll save you - staring at the electronic sand table, Olivia swears to herself!


It's naive of you to think that Olivia is sparing no sleep and painstaking efforts to rescue the marshal and the general!

Olivia wants to save the object is not the two bad old men, but the lovely young mugan ah Hello!

The first person saved by Imperial military academy was Brad, who flew the spaceship in a panic.

Olivia ignored him at the beginning, using him as bait, and took the opportunity to kill several enemy warships, until the other side sent a distress signal when they were about to be shot down, indicating that he was a student of Imperial College.

Olivia had him rescued.

From Brad's mouth, he learned that the whole college of Imperial College was captured by the enemy. The students of Imperial military college were like chicken blood in an instant: the task of saving the imperial bride xn is up to us! ~(≥ ▽≤) / ~


Where can I help you?

Everyone's expectant eyes turned to the command cabin. They believed that the wise and powerful chief would help them find the brides' location. Instead of blindly searching, they should let the enemy take the initiative to reveal the location of the base to them.

Olivia's choice: bait.

Send a few students as bait to be captured by the enemy. The enemy will surely take them back to the base next. This is the fastest way to find the whereabouts of the prisoners!

Olivia's decision proved to be correct. Along the way, they rescued the students of the Military Academy of Grande on the way, and then on the edge of the base, they rescued the imperial Defense Academy, which had been detained.Only Imperial College was not found.

After evaluating the combat power of both sides, Olivia finally gave the order to attack the other side's base.

Because of the shortage of manpower, he had to borrow the troops from the other two academies. However, unlike the Imperial military academy, the command of the other two academies was obviously a little difficult:

the gravity gun he just got was finished in three or two times - do you know that you are such a loser?

It's so easy to snatch one sixth of the people so soon - I'm in a hurry to get reincarnated!

Under the calm appearance, Olivia's heart has been very irritable.

Olivia frowned a little as yesterday's injury, which she got off the court in person, was aching again.

Olivia had to go out in person because he met the enemy's mecha which was very difficult to fight yesterday. Although he defeated the mecha in the end, Olivia was also seriously injured. In the virtual system of 100% simulated reality, any pain is the same as in reality. At present, there are no medical departments in the Imperial military academy, the grandot academy and the imperial Defense Academy. This means that there are no medical officers in their teams, and there is still a lot of ammunition left in the supply module. However, the small medical resources were quickly consumed in two days. When Olivia was injured, there was no medicine in the warehouse It's too late.

Like other injured students, Olivia had to fight back.

Looking coldly at the various help seeking reports from the front line, Olivia felt that the wound was more and more painful.

In the end, he didn't choose to continue to support the two troubled teams, the Grande academy and the imperial Defense Academy. His patience has been exhausted: the limited resources should be used for the more worthy teams, and the ones that are not worth it are doomed to be abandoned.

Soon other reports came, and Olivia's attention turned away.

I don't know if it's my own illusion. Olivia always feels that it's suddenly easy for the students of other colleges to command. The time spent on the whole process of command from the bottom to the execution is greatly shortened. From 1:00 p.m., the news of success comes frequently, and by 4:00 p.m., the front moves forward for a whole kilometer!

This is the first time since the order to attack the enemy base!

He sat up straight, but the pain of the abdominal wound soon made him bend down again.

"Please clean the wound again, sir." Todd naturally knew the reason for his expression, because he had wrapped Olivia's wound before.

"Well." Olivia nodded slightly, and then he closed his eyes. After working too long, his eyes were tired, and he could have a rest while dressing the wound.

Olivia thought it was Todd who cleaned him up this time, and he was ready to be hurt again by Todd's clumsiness, but he overestimated Todd's level.

Todd's action is heavier than ever! Untie the original bandage, clean up again, apply medicine, and then bandage Olivia frowned a little tighter with every move he made. When the wound was healed and the bandage was repacked, Olivia and Todd breathed softly at the same time!

Olivia slowly opened her eyes. A face of black line, he intends to scold Todd, what service! It was so bad -

then he saw mugan's concentrated face.

Finally, he tied a beautiful bow to Olivia's belly with bandage, and mugan relaxed completely. Mugan smiles at Olivia, who has just opened her eyes.

Ready to curse the mouth slightly open, but also can not say a word.

"This medicine is very good. It will be ready tomorrow morning."

Olivia heard mugan say to herself.

The man who has been thinking about rescue suddenly appears in front of him, gentle I bandaged my wound and talked to myself!

"You have a fever now! Does it hurt to sit? It'll make you better and you won't doze off. " Mugan also gave Olivia two big bags of medicine.

Olivia's mood at the moment completely imperceptible, Todd's big face is very puzzled, amorous feelings into the middle of the two people.

"Chief Olivia, I haven't had time to tell you that the Imperial College and Colton military academy arrived at noon, and they took the initiative to fight. I didn't know that today's fighting was so smooth because of them until I had time to report." Todd was obviously very happy. He just reported the news to Olivia.

"They've got a transport ship full of people and supplies! It's the lander! You know that? That big transport ship! That's good. The two colleges are full of materials! Then you don't have to worry any more! "

"By the way, we heard that they had a special medical department there, so we seconded a group of medical staff from them to re treat the former wounded. What I've just bandaged you is the most skilled student I've got from them. What do you think? "At this point, Todd's expression is obviously very nervous. If you look at it carefully, you will find that mugan's expression is also a little nervous.

In addition to nervous, vaguely a little Guilty?

This time, you can come here with a medicine box to bandage Ollie's wound. Mugan used his power for the first time!

God knows, he doesn't come from the medical department at all. Besides, when practicing basic nursing in military training, mugan's performance is also the best.

This time, he came here as the most technically skilled student in name. Mugen took advantage of the identity of commander.

He looked nervously at Ollie.

He knew his skill was not very good, but he wanted to see Ollie for the first time! When I heard that Ollie was injured, he was all nervous.

"Chief Olivia, how is the medical officer dressing it?" Todd asked again, in a serious tone, with the intention that Olivia would throw the medical officer out if he was not satisfied.

“…… Good Good... " Looking at the expectant mugan, Olivia stammered.

"Great!" Todd is relieved that the medical officer who can satisfy Olivia's demanding chief must be skilled.

So -

"the technology is very good, Mr. medical officer, in fact I'm also injured. Could you please show me? " After scratching his head, Todd decided to entrust himself to the medical officer.

"Good, good." Mugan nodded, then followed Todd to another room. Step by step, he looked back at Olivia, who was staring at himself behind him. At last, he only had time to say:

"remember to take the medicine!"

Then the door fell heavily between them.

Then, through the thick sound insulation wall, there came Todd's heartbreaking roar next door.

Everyone who lives close to Olivia is his confidant. These confidants choose the medical officer who Olivia thinks is good at dressing his wound. Then, the roar never stops!

Although still in the battlefield, although the wound is still very painful, although the roar around is very hard to hear, but -

Olivia's mouth slightly tilted up.

However, there are subtle differences in the way mugan treats the wound:

other people get one box of medicine, but they get two boxes of medicine by themselves!!!

Other people's bandage only three times, but their own bandage is six times!!!

In conclusion, mugan is best for himself.

Olivia was finally satisfied.

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