"Next, Ollie, you have to take good care of yourself!" He tied a bow on the inside of Olivia's injured arm, mugan told him very seriously.

"Gee!" Next to the small white ball is also very serious with the wind Ji.

Taking a careful look at mugan's face, Olivia nodded very cleverly.

I'm afraid Olivia has other hidden wounds. This time, Mugen didn't ask him any more. He went up and down to check Olivia. Fortunately, Olivia's left arm was seriously injured, and all the others were bruised. Mugen chewed some leaves to paste him, and even the bandage was useless.

Olivia, who was covered in green paste, could not move any more - there was no way to move, and the paste fell off. Orz

"Ollie, you have a birthmark on your butt!" But mugan made a new discovery. When he took a bath with Olivia before, Ollie was a prototype with so many hairs that mugan didn't find this at all.

Olivia's face turned red.

With his head down, he slowly lifted his trousers up.

There is a birthmark on the upper part of her left buttock near her waist, which looks a bit like a hat. The birthmark is not big. When she found it, it was only one centimeter square. It was a bit awkward. Olivia hadn't seen it for a long time and almost forgot about it.

But a long time ago, after he was able to transform human form, he studied his birthmark very carefully.

He often goes to the library to read newspapers, trying to find a notice similar to his own characteristics from the search section. He thinks that if one day someone can find himself with this birthmark, he will take himself home.

Mugan's words remind Olivia of something she had forgotten for a long time. With his head down, he thought of the darkness of a long time ago. A room full of bad smell forever

Mugan misunderstood his appearance.

Ollie, I don't think you're being seen bashful?

"Actually I have a birthmark on my ass, too! " After thinking about it, mugan turned around and pulled down his pants: a round pale blue birthmark was printed on mugan's right hip.

That's what Olivia saw when she looked up.

"Brush", he quickly put Mugen's pants also up!

Mugan's ass It was much whiter than the rest of his body - although his trousers were lifted up in time, the scene just now was deeply impressed in Olivia's heart. Seeing his hand still on Mugen's trouser waist, he moved it away in a hurry.

He looked up and saw that mughan was looking at himself with his big eyes open. Although his expression didn't seem to matter, his cheek was a little red.

Olivia turned her mouth slightly towards him.

And then mugan laughed.

There was a little bit of embarrassment just now, which was naturally broken.

^_ ^

mugan also curiously examined Olivia's new wings. This pair of wings is not very big. The tip of the wings is just down to Olivia's hip. The whole wing is white, but it is not the down of birds, but the down of Olivia's prototype.

"The wings What's going on? " As a non deformable earth man, mugan is a little difficult to understand this phenomenon.

"I'm not sure." There are no elders of the same race around, so it's easy to meet a fellow (→ Mr. Heather), but Mr. Heather never mentioned wings to him.

Mr. Heather is not to blame for this.

The day after Olivia was investigated, all the information about Olivia was sent to heatheri. It records all the information about Olivia after she was thrown into the orphanage. The cub was not yet eighteen - Heather Xili, who knew about it, was stunned for a minute. In his long life, there has never been a successful cub at this age!

Although Mr. o'lear's head is so thin in his eyes, it's just why he's so thin. Normal cubs turn into shape between the age of 28 and 31. It's only after that that that the human form grows wings. Olivia is taken good care of now, and it's decided that he won't develop in advance - Heather Xili didn't tell him too much about the future. This is also convenient. Olivia will ask for help in time when she has problems. Therefore, he will go out of his way He left Olivia and mugan their own contact information, which is very considerate. He also left them a contact information of a Scandinavian doctor.

In short, for various reasons, mugan and Olivia are a little confused now.

"Ollie, didn't you keep saying it was sour and itchy under your shoulders the other two days? At that time, we thought that you practiced too much during the day. Now think about it, isn't it a sign of wings? " Mugan thought of giving Ollie the oil every night.

"It must be! Today, when I was climbing the tree, I felt a terrible pain in my shoulder. It must be because my wings are going to grow out! " Nodding, Olivia was about to continue, when he saw mugan looking at himself with disapproval on his face, so he shrank back with a guilty heart."Is it still painful?" Mugan touched the base of the wings.

Olivia shivered at mugan's touch - the new wings were still sensitive. Then, he tried to flap his wings. For the newly added organs, his control was still weak, but he was happy when he flapped.

"It's said that the human form of cantas has wings. Before, I was worried that I had genetic defects, so I didn't have wings, so I couldn't fly. I'm relieved." Olivia breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly became confident: "when I can master these wings, I will be able to fly!"

"Certainly!" Mugen cheered him up. After clapping, Mugen took out a bottle of herbal oil from his backpack: "wings can grow out. Maybe it's related to this herbal oil. It's an ancient safflower oil extracted from my hometown plants by my uncle!"

"It must be! You paint me more, more. " After flapping his wings, Olivia no longer disliked the oil. It tasted great. He spread his wings and motioned mugan to oil his wings.

Mugan naturally follows the good.

So, the two little guys who knew little about the evolution of cantas finished the discussion, and then embarked on a new growth path of cantas.

However, it can not be said that they are completely wrong. In the process of growth, cantas cubs need the caress of adult cantas. Adult cantas can check the body of cubs through this caress, and at the same time, it can help cubs to evolve their body. Lick the feathers that need to be metabolized to promote the growth of new feathers and even scales. Especially in the critical period of the young's development of the coleoptile, adult cantas pays more attention to the young. At this time, caress has other functions - the gentle pressure generated during caress can help the young grow the coleoptile better, and help them grow wings faster when they are in human form.

These days, because Olivia always said that his wings hurt when he came home, and he felt sorry that he practiced so hard every day (and he didn't fly), mugan and sigma naturally took great efforts to massage him. These two people are very strong, and together, they are no different from the tongue of adult Scandinavia. Instead, they are the inspiration signal for Olivia to evolve human wings ahead of time.

It's just a mistake. Mugan massaged Olivia for a long time. He felt almost done, so he decided to stop. But the little white ball next to him saw that mugan had just massaged Olivia's wings. He jumped on mugan's leg and let mugan knead it for a long time.

Smilingly, mugan rubbed all the remaining oil on the wing of the little white bird. Screw up the oil bottle and mugan stands up.

As the sun stars are rising, the surrounding environment is a little brighter than just now.

Mugan decided to try climbing the world tree.

Here is the root of the world tree. This big tree, which has been growing for many years, is very strong. Standing at the foot of the tree, Mugen feels like an ant.

There are leaves at the foot, and there is no soil at all. However, the vegetation here is very vigorous. Although the height is not consistent with the size, it should be a species from the leaf.

Although he was very curious about the surrounding environment, mugan thought about Olivia after all. He didn't know how worried they were, so he decided to find a way to climb the tree first.

Catching the green moss on the tree, he began to try to climb up.

In fact, mugan has no climbing skills. Although he just patted his chest and told Ollie that he is an ape man and good at climbing trees, he has not climbed several trees. There are no living trees for him to climb on the desolate star. When he arrives at bailuxing, the plants are not for people to climb. It's easy to have a tree in the yard, but it's only wrist thick. Mugen is very careful watering.

He relies on nothing more than good physical strength and natural agility.

It's OK to climb on it before. The gravity is very small. It doesn't take much effort to climb up, but it's totally different here: now the gravity of the place they are in is similar to that of other places! The green moss on the tree is very slippery, and there is no place to stay. Mugen can't support it after climbing 100 meters. He falls down from the tree after a mistake.

waved his hand to Olivia, who wanted to catch himself under the tree. He adjusted his posture in the air, and made a few leveraging on the thick leaves.

"No, it's too slippery." Climbing out of the leaves, mugan said dejectedly.

"It's OK. There's me. If I practice again, I may be able to fly up Unable to see his dejected face, Olivia comforted him immediately.

Just as they were cheering each other up, suddenly there was a sound from the sky.

This is the first time that they have heard a voice other than the two since they fell down -

mugan and Olivia immediately looked up:

the top of their head was covered with green leaves. It didn't look any different from just now, but the voice really came from above.

They waited a little longer with their necks up.

A small black spot suddenly appeared in their sight through the leaves. As the two people opened their eyes wider and wider, the small black spot gradually became bigger and bigger, and became a big black spot, and then——Boo!

It hit the leaves in front of them.

A minute later, mugan and Olivia were stunned to see a small white ball climbing out of the pile of leaves with a green leaf on its head.

"Ji -" the little white ball called at them.

"Ah?" The two men were as like as two peas in the eye. They thought they could not see it. They looked back at it: there was a little white ball on both sides of their backpack, and they were both puzzled.

"(⊙ o ⊙) ah Stunned, mugan and Olivia raised their heads again. In the next hour, there was a constant sound in the sky, and dozens of small white balls fell from the sky. Not long after, they were surrounded by small white balls.

"What's going on?" Hugging the little white ball that first fell with them, mugan looked like a question mark.

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