The conversation among the farmers is going on happily.

From the conversation, Mugen and his colleagues gradually learned about the sad chicken raising history of Mr. World Tree:

at the beginning, Mr. world tree was not very tall, just ordinary tall. At that time, they were on a normal planet with normal land and gravity, and all kinds of animals and plants were thriving together on the same land.

Er Mr. World Tree's white chickens and their natural enemies live on the same land.

"At the beginning, we built the chicken farm under the tree, but at night, some grass wolves came to steal the chicken. There was no way. We finally raised the chicken on the tree." Speaking of the past, Mr. World Tree sighed: "although there are always chickens falling half dead at the beginning, they are very skinny and adapt to it."

"Then the tree grows higher and higher. The white chickens are used to living in the tree. In order to go home normally every day, their flying ability becomes stronger and stronger."

Olivia=_ =This is not the history of the world tree's sad chicken raising! This is the sad history of pearl chicken!

"And then it came to that day." Mr. World Tree's voice suddenly dropped a little.

"A terrible disaster suddenly broke out on the planet. The sky suddenly turned black, and the sun star never rose again. Then, one day, the ground suddenly trembled violently, and the sky and the earth split at the same time."

"Destroyed the planet."

Mugan and Olivia don't know what the destruction of the planet looks like, but from the tone of the world tree, they guess it must be a very terrible scene.

"When the last moment came, I became the prototype, wrapped my home in the root of the tree, and then

After many years, it's called ainilara

The description of the world tree is very simple, but it's not difficult to infer what happened in the middle of this based on the background they had learned before:

Mr. World Tree's original planet was destroyed, and he survived with his own home. Because the tree was huge enough, he became a planet alone!

"That's great!" Olivier couldn't help exclaiming.

"Fortunately, according to my inheritance and memory, the world tree that has grown to a certain extent can become the core of the planet." Mr. world tree said very humbly.

"After all these years, you are still the first to reach the top of the tree! Can you tell me what the outside world is like? " Mr. World Tree finally asked the question he always wanted to ask.

"It's 387 years of the starlight calendar..." Nodding, mugan began to answer his questions. Through one question after another, mugan gradually introduced robots such as alpha and beta into the conversation process. After all, no human brain can match the hard disk capacity of a robot, can it?

At the end of the day, the person talking to turns out to be a few robots and a world tree.

Mugan sat by and listened to them.

"So Was that disaster due to the galaxy explosion? " Mr. world tree was stunned.

That disaster not only buried the greatest emperors, but also took away the best genes of human beings. Countless civilizations developed after generations were destroyed in that disaster, and many smaller planets were buried in human history.

Like the planet where Mr. world tree was.

All the civilizations on his previous planet have been destroyed. Books, painting skills, music Everything! The planet he lived on before was a very primitive one, which was destroyed before it was discovered by human beings. Human beings didn't even know it existed.

After knowing this, Mr. world tree was silent for a long time. When he spoke again, he asked Mugen to take out all the books in his room.

"I like reading books. Here are books written by the most famous authors on our planet, paintings by the most talented painters, and scores of musicians of various genres Please help me take these out so that people don't forget the existence of fania. "

Fania is the name of Mr. World Tree's hometown.

Silently agreed to his request, the Mugen family took action, according to the guidance of the world tree, found all kinds of things he said, as more and more things were properly put into the space of ipsilon, the world tree's full home became empty.

It looks so lonely.

"It's very cold at night here. It's time for you to leave." Mr. world tree suddenly said that mugan found out that the sun star outside had begun to land.

Mr. world tree is a very good talker. With him, the mugens have a very happy day, so they are particularly reluctant to part when they leave.

Tomorrow morning, they will leave ainilara. Today is their last day in ainilara.

When saying goodbye, Mr. world tree gave a fat chicken as a parting gift (the one who swaggered in the rocking chair at the beginning)."It's the fattest one and lays a lot of eggs. It's wasted here." This is how Mr. World Tree recommends his own chicken.

"Besides, it's strong enough to take you all down." That's an irresistible reason.

As the head of the family, uncle alpha carefully grasped the gift of Mr. world tree, and then he took out his own gift.

"This is a voice controlled brain with most of the books published by the Empire in the last 400 years."

Alpha's brain looks very clumsy. It was assembled by him temporarily. Although it doesn't look beautiful, the materials used for the fuselage are the best in his collection. Mughan can see at a glance that he knows a little about Uncle alpha's coffer.

"The charging method is very convenient. You can bask in the sun for three hours every day."

"Oh! Ooh! Ooh! What a wonderful gift Mr. World Tree smiles happily.

"Mr. alpha, you are a gentle man."

Hearing his praise, alfaca gave a pause, and the blue light in the light screen flashed. He said cautiously:

"you can't see me, so there is such a misunderstanding."

"I'm a robot."

No one has ever praised him with "gentleness", and -

robots are not human beings.

In imperial law, robots are not people.

"To me, you are human."

Considering that a tree can't see, it creates a voice controlled brain. Considering that a tree can't move, it uses the solar energy charging method to obtain energy. For the world tree, it must be a very careful and gentle person. And -

"you must be a gentle and careful person to raise two such excellent teenagers."

By the unexpected praise, the Mugen's robot zizika shell.

On the surface, as if nothing had happened, they secretly recorded the sentences the world tree had just said.

"Finally, can you help me post a message in the largest circulation newspaper of the Empire?" About to leave, Mr. world tree suddenly said a word.

"Certainly, please." Alpha, they had already left the house. After hearing this, they turned around.

"Dora, please don't be angry." Mr. world tree said word by word. After finishing this sentence, he paused: "and..."

"Sorry, let's divorce."

"Just these two words, please help me to publish in the newspaper." Mr. world tree is finished.

"What about the signature? What's the signature, please After making a record and checking it carefully, alpha finally confirmed it to the world tree.

"Signed Please write Winnie With these words, Mr. world tree was silent again. After a long time, he said goodbye to Mugen and others very gently.


I don't know if the tree people's voice is like this, far and near, as if every leaf is shaking, saying goodbye to Mugen and others.

"Goodbye! We'll be in the papers when we get back! " Solemnly made a promise, Mugen and others jumped from the top of the tree.

They landed rapidly, and then they couldn't get off at a certain position. The fat chicken presented by Mr. World Tree played a key role here. When everyone couldn't get off, it could keep on landing. Relying on this chicken, they finally returned to their 2668 floor residence.

It was very late for them to return to the hotel, but the neighbors of edoli didn't sleep. They were waiting on the roof outside the room. When mugan and his party were caught by a white bird and flew down, everyone's eyes burst out with surprise!

"Call mother-in-law Maria and tell them to stop climbing. Mugan, they're back!" To help mugan land smoothly, boss Tony quickly greets the others behind him.

"Why?" Olivia was stunned.

"Knowing that you fell down, we were divided into two groups. One group was waiting for you here, and the other group jumped down to look for you!" Seeing his incomprehension, Tony's boss explained to him.

"Granny Maria is the lowest. Let her come back quickly." Mugan and they came back, and the mother-in-law Maria, who didn't come back, became another worry for Tony's boss.

Nowadays, the team leader is really responsible ~

"all the neighbors in edoli are good people." Standing beside Olivia, mugan whispered.

With a slight sidelook, Olivia nodded.

Olivia didn't believe in good people at all.

He never met him.

However, from now on, this concept has quietly changed.

"All right, all right! It's the business of adults to wait for people. Children should not sleep too late. They will not grow tall. " After Mrs. Bayati checked their bodies and confirmed that nothing was wrong, boss Tony drove them to bed.

So Olivia, mugan. Sigma, together with a fat white chicken, they were sent to the bedroom.Olivia took a hot bath carefully and came out after wiping her hair for an hour. By the time he came out, mugan had fallen asleep facing the ceiling. Sigma was lying on the same pillow with him and turned it off.

The light in the bedroom was on.

It's a light for herself - Olivia smiles and turns it down.

As he dries his hair carelessly, Olivia takes off the quilt and lies in. He turns off the light. As he prepares to go to bed, mugan on the bed next to him suddenly talks.

"Ollie, I suddenly remember." Mugan said it in a low voice.

"Well? What do you remember? " Olivia's answer was also muted.

"Winnie And Dora, Ollie, we saw these two names in the tree when we were climbing the tree today. " Although the spelling is different, the pronunciation should be these two.

Olivia thought of it all at once:

"Winnie" Dora The words in the middle are not clear. "

"It should be like or love..."

"That sentence, should be the tattoo of Mr. world tree?" Mugan continued to whisper.


"What he wants to publish in the newspaper..."

"This is already a planet with him as the center. So many people live on his body, he can't leave here any more." Olivia figured it out.

Even if there are people who want to see, even if they want to leave, but -

give up their wishes, he chose to stay in place for others.

The hearts of the two teenagers were suddenly a little heavy.

"When I become a big man, I will try to get all the people on this planet to immigrate." In the end, Olivia vowed that this was the only solution he could think of.

"Ollie, you have to be a big man!" Mugan whispered encouragement.

"Well! It's on me. "

So, one day in the future, when the reporter asked Olivia how she decided to volunteer, Olivia told her last conversation with mugan this evening.

"Your Excellency Olivia is a very compassionate man, who has had such a great ideal since his youth!" It eventually made the headlines that day.

Then, seeing this report, summeg was a fool.

History, and the history he knows, is totally different.

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