Others look peaceful and beautiful inside the gate is extremely dangerous!

As early as the beginning of being pulled by gravity, ipsilon immediately firmly held the mecha that mugan was driving. The two mechas were pulled into the unknown space by the gravity of Stargate. Mugan was able to keep awake as much as possible at the beginning. However, the high-speed rotation was beyond his mental endurance, and mugan finally fainted.

In the process of rotation, Sigma's hands are firmly fixed on mugan's head from beginning to end to ensure that mugan's damage during the whole process is minimized.

Sigma protects mugan in the mecha, while ipsilon protects the whole mecha mugan drives.

Although ipsilon is well protected, Sigma can still see part of the scene through the observation window of the mecha: he can see countless luminous vortices.

Holding mugan tightly, sigma curiously looks at the big and small vortices. He quickly speeds up the image processing speed of the screen. After the number of frames per second is increased by 10000 times, the vortices finally take on their original appearance. It turns out that these are not vortices at all, but light spots! Because they rotate too fast, these light spots present the wonderful scene of luminous whirlpool in the visual speed range of human series.

How beautiful!

Sigma thought quietly.

He "remembered" what he had seen with alfa many years ago when they crossed the meteorite belt together.

At that time, alfa was responsible for piloting ipsilateran, while ipsilateran was responsible for carrying everyone to escape. Countless meteorites glided past them, and the spacecraft almost ran out of energy -

what the journey was like in the minds of other robots and sigma was not clear, but he thought those meteorites were very beautiful.

It's like the light spots are beautiful now.

Sigma poked mugan in an attempt to wake him up and share the beautiful scenery with him. However, after poked mugan for a long time, he didn't mean to wake up. Sigma decided to take a picture of the scene and wait for mugan to wake up.

Although he is a robot, sigma is a robot who has taken photography lessons. Together with human brothers, Sigma has thoroughly studied all kinds of aesthetic and artistic forms of human beings. Although he is as artistic as mugan, he is at least much better than ordinary robots in terms of processing methods.

After shooting the pictures you want to shoot from various angles, sigma noticed that those light spots are not light spots, but holes.

Now their space is a long passage, and those "light spots" are the entrances and exits embedded in this passage!

"Ah..." Sigma deviated, and then put his photos on the sharing platform of the home robot to share.

"What is this?" At this critical juncture, there is still leisure to put photos in the family album. Alfa's attitude is very friendly now!

"This is the static scene around us now. Mugan is in a coma. I'll take a picture and wait for him to wake up." Sigma answers honestly.

If he only answered honestly, he asked curiously: "it's said that when people are old, they can't see clearly. Are you old, alpha? Are you dazzled? Do robots have eyes

“……” Alpha was silent.

Of course, he is not old, and robots do not have the problem of dazzling eyes. However, the image processing systems of different robots are different: Sigma's image processing system is a whole generation more advanced than other letter robots, so the world in Sigma's eyes is sometimes different from them. At this moment, sigma sees the exits one by one, and even if alpha sets the number of processing frames to the maximum, what he sees is only the misty white overlapping space.

"We can't continue to rotate in the gate. Long term rotation will wear the metal shell of ipsilon." Alpha immediately gave the order to Sigma: "sigma, now, quickly find out Olivia's exit from these exits."

"Yes, sir." Sigma accepted the task.

He once again increased the image processing speed of the light screen. At the moment of successful change, the world in his eyes was much different from before -

if he saw white holes slowly rotating around them before, then the scene he saw now is completely static.

He saw a lot of worms.

is as like as two peas in the machine.

Sigma even saw that these "worms" were slowly devouring something in the space.

The insects came in through a hole in the wall of the passage.

When sigma looked at the holes in the distance, he found that the exits were not only those with white light, but also many of them were very dim. They were hidden in the white light. If he hadn't increased the highlight processing speed, he would not have noticed!

Sigma has adjusted the image processing speed of Youguang screen to the highest!

Before the shadow of the scene so also very clear show in front of his "eyes"!He saw a lot of debris.

These debris rotate at a high speed in space. For a long time, they have been rubbing and consuming with ipsilateran fuselage. The main culprit is these free debris!

Suddenly -

sigma moved.

The arm that controls the mecha grabs quickly in the air. The fingers of the mecha shatter and grasp something at the same time. Sigma carefully directs the mecha to open the manipulator in a safe position. There is a circular signal egg lying quietly in the center of the palm with three broken fingers.

"It's Ollie's signal egg." He is very sure that the signal egg has been opened, in the high-speed rotation of debris, sigma incredible captured the signal egg sent out!

In this way, Olivia sent out two signal eggs when she left the gate. These two eggs were found by sigma. The two signal eggs pointed the way for them. Under the guidance of sigma, ipsilateran speeded up and broke away from the inherent gravity of the tunnel inside the gate. They rushed out -

the next second, the mugens were suspended in the universe.

Mugan and boss Bunny wake up too. They wake up with vomiting!

Fortunately, these days they most often eat a variety of nutrients, which are the most easily absorbed by the human body. They retch a few times, but they don't vomit anything.

Both of them were well protected by the robots, except that they were a little dizzy, and they were not hurt at all.

Alfa carefully examined the family's physical condition, and finally confirmed that there was no injury except for ipsilon's thigh.

"It's not my thigh that's worn, it's Sigma's buttocks and thighs. Boss Bunny wrapped these two pieces of extra metal around my thighs." Ipsilon explained, and alpha's last misgivings were dispelled.

"All right, we'll pass without any damage." Alpha corrected the results of his examination.

Sigma Their buttocks and thighs grow to others, always feel or come back how to do? Online waiting, very urgent.

Mugan can only lightly touch Sigma's head.

After entering the starry sky, all the coordinate test results of ipsilateran are all question marks. It's obvious: this galaxy obviously doesn't belong to any of the known territories of the Empire.

There are no coordinates here on the astrogram.

But it doesn't matter any more. What's important is: now, on ipsilateran's star map, not far from their own light spot, there are two other light spots!

Alpha has placed special positioning devices on all of his family, including Olivia and Mengmeng!

The two light spots that appear here at this moment must be them!

In order to save fuel, mugan and sigma leave the original mecha and move to ipsilateran. The original mecha is attached to ipsilateran and led by him.

Olivia, who has been searching for nearly a year, is already in the same starry sky with herself - watching nervously and excitedly that the light spot representing herself is getting closer to the light spot representing Ollie, and mugan's eyes are shining like obsidian.


five dinosaurs were shot down from the sky by Aboriginal soldiers.

Olivia identified them one by one from the identification plates on their necks. However, they were always in a coma. There was a therapeutic apparatus on the tuolanheda, but it was an antique model, which could only accommodate human volume. They could not use the machine when they were prototypes.

Knowing that these dinosaurs were soldiers rather than food, the dinosaurs on the base were obviously a little disappointed. However, Olivia also told them the news of the accident at yustasha base. I don't know what happened at yustasha. However, Lieutenant General Michel Ott, who escaped in the form of oxygen capsules, knew that it would not be a good thing. The specific situation would only wait for them Wake up to find out.

Finally, Xiaotao and other cubs discovered the cause of their coma.

The reason why they were in a coma was that they were too dirty and they had worms on them. That's what the cubs said.

For those who can't be transformed into human beings, they are so good, delicious and delicious! But "officer" (Xiao Tao has known that this word stands for the eldest brother since he was a child) said that they could not eat. As a future private soldier, Xiao Tao said that he would abide by any instructions issued by the officer, but he could not eat Is it OK to lick?

So every day when Xiaotao ate Mugen grass, he would squat beside the general and lick him a few mouthfuls, which was the right side dish.

When Xiao Tao licks the wound, he licks a worm out of the wound.

Fleshy, with horny hard armour, fleshy limbs have eight claws.

Xiaotao couldn't help eating one at that time.

Crack! Dragon meat!

Xiaotao finally caught four insects from the general's wound, ate one by himself, and the rest were taken back by him to share with his comrades in arms.Olivia carefully studied the insect that Xiao Tao brought back. After studying for a long time, she didn't recognize the identity of the insect. After the lieutenant general, they found the insect in several other sleepy soldiers. It's impossible to determine whether the insect is a new parasite. Olivia can only let the people on tuolanhaida work together to catch the insect on them.

This kind of insect is much more delicious than that kind of insect that only eats metal. It's delicious to peel off the hard shell and eat it raw. Not to mention the peaches, even Olivia thinks that this kind of insect is the most delicious food she has eaten during this period.

For a moment, the people on tuotuolanhaida were very interested in salvaging the victims of the yustasha base. Every few days, there are only one person floating in the oxygen cabin.

Although we can't eat the people who are brought up, the insects on these people are also delicious! So the victims of the yustasha base became Olivia's food gathering ground.

The disaster recipe provided by the chef of No.3 canteen seems to be able to add another item.

The soldiers on tuolanhaida are responsible for the salvage. No matter how much is salvaged, they will surely put one head to Olivia's room. This is a way to show respect to the officer.

Olivia thought of many images of herself and mugan seeing each other after a long separation.

No matter what kind of reunion is, Olivia's imagination is full of emotion and tears.

These reunions definitely don't include the following:

on Olivia's dining table, in a barely cleaned iron plate, mu Xiaogen, who looks very beautiful naked, and Olivia have been reunited for a long time.

Looking at mugan unconscious on the plate, Olivia's fork for catching insects froze in the air.


However, mugan and his party who sailed along the signal to the vicinity of tuolanheda were beaten down and caught by the soldiers on the base.

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