Olivia, it turns out, did a good job of cramming.

Under his control, Tuo lanheda entered the expected channel smoothly.

There are more than 3000 buttons on the console, and more than 700 of them are used more than 60% / min. if you want to skillfully drive such a base, you need to be quick not only in your brain, but also in your hands.

Olivia's hands quickly switch between the various keys, and back and forth, his hands almost become two virtual shadows.

Boss bunny, who used to calculate the return route in the auxiliary driver's seat, appreciated the scene and said: "look at the speed! No wonder our best drivers at that time were all single. The speed of single drivers was fast! "

"Well? Single What's the connection with hand speed? " Olivia asked with ease.

"Ha?" Now boss Bunny is stunned.

"You Do you know how to fly? " He asked tentatively, this proverb spread from a remote planet is very vivid, and over time it has become a common sign.

"Of course, the plane is so slow that it's a ghost if it can't come down." Olivia said casually, "but do you still have college shooting practice these days? Aren't elementary courses usually spaceships

Boss Bunny was a little sad. After a while, he thought of his age as a cub and began to worry about mugan. Finally, he just said, "after all, when you go back and learn how to fly, your hand speed will improve again."

Always feel that this sentence is a bit meaningful, Olivia decided to go back and ask mugan what is the training of flying.

According to boss Bunny's plan, they sailed on the road for three days, which is not the fastest speed, but the most fuel-efficient speed. They will have to save most of their fuel before they cross the gate. Olivia and boss bunny are responsible for driving and calculating the gate position, while others are responsible for patrolling and continuing to reinforce the key parts of the base. Some meteorite blocks sometimes appear on the scheduled route, and it is also their job to remove obstacles for navigation. Probably used to doing this work since childhood, Olivia was surprised to find that the hit rate of these Aboriginal soldiers was very high, and they were even with alpha and other robots!

"Bone Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most valiant soldier in the Empire, while alettaril is one of the strongest shields in the Empire. These soldiers are still young, and they will be even more surprising after receiving regular training." Seeing Olivia's surprise, boss Buni said faintly: "all the soldiers who were able to be sent to tuotuolanheda were the elites in a million."

Olivia is thoughtful.

These soldiers are really capable. They are killing more and more insects. This is not a good omen. It only means that the density of insects increases as they approach the gate!

The sense of foreboding in my heart expanded to the extreme when I was about to arrive at the destination -

"there Isn't that where the gate is? " Olivia looked at the scene in surprise.

Looking around, there are at least hundreds of strange insects in the vast space in front of tuotuolanhaida base! Those strange insects are not scattered in suspension, they obviously have a common destination, and the place where the strange insects are most concentrated is the destination designated by boss Bunny!

At this moment, the insects here are already very large. The crustaceans that looked fragile when they were young now look like the hardest alloy armor. The claws on the eight feet are extremely sharp. They look like monsters in science fiction stories!

The destination of those insects is a point. At this moment, there are already full of strange insects. The insects guarding nearby are the largest. They arch and squeeze each other, as if they want to go in.

"There It can't be where the gate is... " Rao is Olivia. Seeing the scene in front of him, his scalp is numb. His hesitation is directly reflected in the operation in his hand. He stops the action in his hand.

"Don't stop! Keep going Boss Buni's voice woke him up like a slap in the face. Olivia woke up and rushed to continue the original operation before the sudden brake of the base.

"Rush over -" boss Bunny said only one word.

With the heart thumping, Olivia quickly figured out the next plan. His fingers quickly knocked on the console to complete nearly 500 times. With the issuance of instructions, the shape of the whole Tuotuo lanheda changed greatly. The platform type mechanical base rapidly reduced its volume, with the wings folded up and the front and rear wings down. In three minutes, the Tuotuo lanheda took off Lanhaida has become a shuttle shape more suitable for defense and sprint! At the same time, other people also quickly hide in the third layer of protection under the notice of boss Buni!

When the base shield is opened again, the most defensive position is naturally the innermost control tower. Compared with this, the main control room which is pushed out in order to get a better view in flight is slightly less defensive.

Save money, save fuel is for this moment, Olivia will instantly base speed to the highest! The whole base is like a virtual shadow, powerful enough to shoot at the most dense spot——Bang! Bang! Bang Bang -

although I can't hear it, the impact of countless heavy objects hitting the base seems to be reflected in Olivia's mind.

He could almost imagine the scene when the ugly insects were knocked away by the base.

"Can the shell of the base withstand the impact of these guys?" Asked Olivia aloud.

"Don't worry! I've calculated that the reinforced outer shield can withstand 1000 such impacts! " Boss Bunny answered him out loud.

"More than 1000 times?" Asked Olivia aloud.

"More than 1000 times, the outermost protective layer will crack off!" Boss Buni said that with his reply, the system sent a high-risk warning:

"danger warning, the first level protective layer of the base has broken, please repair personnel to carry out maintenance as soon as possible."

Boss Bunny is stupid.

"It's OK, there are still three layers of protection!" He comforted Olivia.

In order to deal with the impact when crossing the gate, he used the material unloaded by ustasha to reinforce the new fourth protective layer on the outside. He didn't want to see that this protective layer was cracked by insects before entering the gate.

"Danger warning, the first level protective layer of the base has been broken, please maintain it as soon as possible."

The same high-risk warning sounded again.

"No one is going out. Retreat to the control tower. I'll lift the last two shields in a minute." He quickly said a word in the messenger, and Olivia's eyes stopped briefly on a red button.

That's the power button.

However, the use of conventional fuel is not, but the base of the dead light cannon!

Tuolanhaida is equipped with a large number of heavy dead light cannons. Some time ago, Olivia and boss Bunny checked the situation of these dead light cannons together. Together with the soldiers on the base, they loaded all the dead light cannons into the launchers refitted to the rear of the base. When necessary, there are a total of 1120 dead light cannons. Once these dead light cannons are launched together, they will be produced It is equivalent to 300 times the auxiliary power generated by conventional fuel, which is the ultimate "disengagement force" of the base.

However, the cost of using dead light cannons is very high. Boss Bunny does not recommend Olivia to use them when it is not necessary.

Constant high-risk warnings are ringing in the main control room.

Due to the fragmentation of the fourth layer of protective cover, a large number of insects climbed to the third layer of protective cover. These lower insects without brain began to unconsciously drill holes in the protective cover. Their strength was so great that they began to crumble when they watched the third layer of protective cover.

When they built these shields, they didn't expect what happened in front of them. They miscalculated.

Olivia thought, now is the "necessary time.".

He and boss Bunny looked at each other and saw each other nodding to him. Olivia immediately ordered everyone to hide in the control tower. After confirming that everyone had completed the order, he pressed the fire button heavily.


Bang -


300 times the conventional thrust force is extremely terrible, the entire mechanical base to ordinary people unbearable speed fly forward. In the fierce friction, all the insects on the base melted. After losing the protection of the insects, the third protective cover also quickly worn away and disappeared, and then the second protective cover

Fast forward force beyond the range of human can bear, the people on the base have fainted. Fortunately, they have been hiding in the control tower, which is the safest place for the base.

Boss Bunny passed out, too.

Olivia didn't faint when everyone on the base was in a coma.

He had a bad headache and vomited a minute later. His body was very uncomfortable, but he kept his consciousness.

This is the strength of Scandinavia, but Olivia didn't realize it at this time.

There was no time to praise the strong body given by his race. He just supported his mind and checked the data of the base, and then checked the damage of the base.

Base damage rate as high as 75%!

The damage rate of first-class protective cover is 20%!

Damage location It's outside the control tower?!

Olivia is stunned -

isn't that where mugan and his family are hiding?

Sky -

Olivia turned on the monitor in the control tower in a hurry. However, there were no disastrous scenes caused by the damage of the protective cover in his imagination. He only saw more than 20 people lying there.

Although they didn't move, the monitor's sign test device showed that they were all alive.

Just fainted.

Olivia was stunned for a moment. Just when he didn't understand what was going on, suddenly, he saw sigma.

With a piece of yellow metal in hand, sigma is obviously repairing the damaged shield.The color of the metal plate in his hand is so familiar, has Mengmeng contributed himself?

As he turned around, Olivia noticed that sigma's right arm was gone.

Then Olivia noticed that there were several big naked heads rolling down on the floor of the room.

It's alpha. They

Only the head is preserved, the body is gone

In the familiar picture, Olivia suddenly understood what had just happened here: the protective cover outside the control tower was broken, alpha, and they filled the hole with their own bodies.

The same thing has been done more than once, and now Sigma is skilled.

After a final inspection and confirmation that all the repairs were completed, Olivia saw Sigma approach the surveillance camera and solemnly make an OK gesture with her left hand.

"Ha ha -" Olivia laughed.

Just about to have a word with him, Olivia's smile suddenly froze on her face.

In front of me, a paw suddenly appeared.

First, a paw suddenly appeared on the glass in front of the console, and then quickly, the second paw appeared, driving the half pulled body. Under Olivia's pale gaze, the owner of the paw finally pulled his whole body on the glass.

"My God..." Olivia murmured softly, and all kinds of ideas were spinning in her mind. However, before he could come up with a perfect solution, the insect could not help it. Its sharp claw bent into a hook, and the next second, it chiseled heavily on the glass in front of Olivia -

this piece of glass is not ordinary glass, but directly adjacent to the innermost protective cover! Once it broke, Alfa's just filling work was in vain -

Olivia watched the insect lightly smash a cobweb like crack on the glass with its claw.

One more hit and the paw finally came in.

The last shield was broken after all.

When the shield was broken, Olivia quickly picked up boss bunny in the auxiliary driver's seat, threw him out of the door and quickly raised the protective door of the main control room.

The main function of this front indestructible protective door is to prevent the main control room from being attacked from inside the base, which is another layer of protection for the base drivers. Now Olivia has raised it not to protect himself, but to protect others behind the main control room!

At the moment when the giant insect is about to enter the main control room, Olivia quickly becomes the prototype and pushes the insect out!

Don't let it in!

Don't let it in anyway!

At this moment, Olivia was left with the idea.

Olivia, who is in his twenties, is in the critical period of transition from a baby to a sub adult. His appearance is still hairy, but his size is ten times that of a baby! He is getting closer to the sub adult cantas. He has claws on his two wing bones. These claws are not obvious when he is young, and they are hidden in the middle of feathers. However, by this time, these claws have become very strong. When the young's feathers have faded and the wing sheaths have grown, these claws will grow sharp nails that can cut the hardest metal.

At this time, Olivia firmly grasped the strange insect's claw with this pair of claws. When her mouth opened, her sharp teeth penetrated into the insect's shell deeply!

The giant chicken fights fiercely with the strange insect. He uses his teeth and claws as weapons to attack the part of the strange insect deeply adsorbed on the base shell. However, the giant insect, which is twice his size, is not easy to be provoked. Although it is slow, it has great strength. During the interval of the chicken's attack, the insect constantly entangles the chicken's claws with its claws, which is hard to be provoked The picture made him lose his balance, and this move brought more fierce attack from the chicken

It's just like the scene of the battle of the universe monsters in the cartoon is faithfully recorded in the camera by Tuotuo lanhaida's monitor 14.

But it won't last long.

The liquid in the insect's body drips out from the wound, not surging out, but floating in the air like a small coagulated pool of water.

It's normal because it's in space.

Without the protection of artificial atmosphere and protective cover, the environment outside the main control room is already space environment. Olivia is now completely exposed to space!

How long can humans survive in space without protective clothing?

It is said that the limit is three minutes.

Olivia felt her blood vessels bulging, as if she were blowing. Her whole body became numb and swollen, and she began to have a severe headache.

He knew that this was the inevitable reaction caused by lack of pressure and oxygen. After a while, he would be more painful. Without protective clothing, intense radiation would directly come to him.

I don't know if I can hold on for a long time. Olivia is just more fierce. The position behind the main control room is mugan. He can't let this worm in!

As time went by, the fierce battle between the two sides became white hot. The big chicken, who had been valiant, was injured all over now, and the plump hair also fell off. Once the hair that had resisted a lot of radiation fell off, the radiation would directly irradiate Olivia's skin.But his opponent had more equipment: the giant bug had eight feet, seven of which were bitten off by Olivia, and all its majestic crustaceans had been pried off. Now it looked like a naked meat bug!

Using her last strength, Olivia hit the giant insect heavily -

the giant insect fell into the vortex of countless light spots in the tunnel without any sound.

Olivia, who is completely free of force, turns into a human in an instant and slides down the hole that was chiseled out by the insect foot.

Olivia, who was in human form, was bleeding all over and looked more embarrassed than when she was in the prototype.

However, Olivia did not feel any pain at all.

He was beginning to lose consciousness.

At this time, there is no oxygen in the main control room, and the pressure is abnormal. It is not suitable for human action.

Olivia, however, could not leave.

Lying motionless on the ground under the console, no one could help him.

The door that had just been raised isolated all the people who could help him.

I really want to sleep


there is still one work to be done.

I'm going to send mugan back.

Little a's father is waiting at home

Be sure to get up and open the console


With a long bloodstain on the console, Olivia fell into darkness.

Hazy, he felt that someone had caught him.

"Ollie, there's a red box under my bed. The contents are yours." Someone said that in his ear.

And then

And then there's no then.

Olivia lost all consciousness.


it was boss bunny who opened the door from the outside, dragged Olivia in and closed it.

Olivia wakes up quietly behind the door while fighting the monster to death.

"Old people always feel less." Even fainting wakes up faster than most people.

The training of the top drivers of the former empire when they were young was not in vain.

The protective door outside the main control room may be difficult for others to open, but it's very simple for boss bunny.

It took a long time to be in a coma outside, but it didn't take long to wake up and enter the password to open the door.

Yes, boss Bunny came in with a password.

He not only knows the password of the main control room of this antique base hundreds of years ago, but also can activate the navigator authority of this base.

Little Ollie, you did a great job! You have completed 99% of the task of "going home successfully". Let me help you with the rest.

When the familiar control key appeared in front of him, boss Bunny bent his mouth slightly, and then quickly entered a series of instructions on the console.

Under the operation of boss Buni, the base that was allowed to advance suddenly spins violently. When the speed increases to the specified speed, everything around the tunnel slows down. The light spot around the tunnel is still a light spot, but one of the light spots becomes very clear, as if attracted by a stream of attraction. Tuotuolanhaida can't help being pulled to the entrance Let's go.

Hands down, boss Bunny fell into the driver's seat.

In the operation just now, the glass in front of the console fell off one by one, and boss Bunny was completely exposed to the space environment.

He's sick.

But his heart was very happy.

Closer and closer to the gate, he could see the starry sky outside the gate clearly.

How beautiful the starry sky is!

He was obsessed with the vast starry sky he could only see above his head when he was young. He entered the military academy and became a pilot.

As a pilot, he flew a spaceship, piloted a warship, and was finally selected as a base navigator.

He is so excellent that he has no doubt that he is a man born for the starry sky.

Then, he got the base tailored for himself, Tuotuo lanheda - the name of the base was named by him, the above operating system and authority authentication all came from him, and all the soldiers stationed above were selected by himself!

What a glorious thing!

However -

the glory came to an abrupt end.

A month before he set sail, he was announced by the hospital that he could not work as a navigator.

He stopped, but the task couldn't stop. Tuo lanheda set sail according to the scheduled plan. Everything remained unchanged except that the pilot was replaced by his deputy.

Then, Toto lanheda disappeared.

I can't sail with you, but at least I can bring you back.

"We're going home." At the moment when Tuotuo lanheda broke out of the door, Bunny - bulfat Lane said the last sentence of his long life.Because of the vacuum, no one knows his last words.

Until death, his eyes are open, the Empire's brilliant starry sky reflected in his gray eyes, incomparably quiet, beautiful and gorgeous.

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