After introducing the following to each other, tatarin and prinster quit the room and leave the space for the person in charge to communicate.

Master Kenda is an old man who doesn't talk much. He doesn't have too many greetings. He asks Mugen for a material list and then a breakdown of the parts design.

"Nonsense! Is this a camshaft? Is this a rocker arm? This is Which designer did this? It's nonsense - "when he took the design drawing, master Kenda frowned and patiently turned the design drawing page by page. The more he turned, the tighter his brow was. Finally, he couldn't help scolding.

In my life, I have been dealing with design drawings every day. I have seen countless drawings. In the eyes of master Kenda, the design drawings I see today are really unprofessional!

First of all, the drawing provided by Mugen is not in line with the mainstream in terms of expression. In order to facilitate the work handover between designers and craftsmen, the layout order of design drawings is very particular. What to draw on the first page and what to draw on the second page They all have a fixed order, and the order of this design is completely out of order (← just like a paper, the first page is the conclusion, and the last page is the opening)!

Secondly, there are too many "innovative designs" in the drawings!

Of course, it's not to refute innovative design. In Pandera, new ideas are encouraged. However, it's wrong to change the structure that has been proved to be perfect!

Judging the value of these materials at a glance, master Kenda can't bear to waste these precious materials.

Master Kenda is a very rule-abiding craftsman. When the original order in the plan was strongly inserted by this order, he was already dissatisfied. Now he can't bear to see that the owner of this order is still trying to use such precious materials to make parts that are bound to fail!

"The camshaft will be made like this. The previous camshaft will not close tightly if it is used more than 20000 times, and gas will enter from the outside..." Seeing that the other side slapped the table heavily, sigma rushed over and slapped the table with greater force: "moreover, the camshaft with curve shape is more beautiful!"

He's right.

"How can a curved camshaft work better than a straight camshaft?" He didn't notice who he was photographing the table with. Kenda's attention was still on this terrible drawing: "and what should a robot do if it's so good-looking? Easy to use is the ultimate goal of making robots! "

"According to the 385th theorem of dolai, the most rigorous angle is the 35 degree cycle turning of the closed smooth circle!" Sigma continued, and finally added: "robots should be beautiful, too!"

"There are only 353 theorems invented by Ms. romlabiso. Where did these 385 come from? I've never heard of -- "venerating Ms. romlabiso as a God. Master Kenda has never heard of this. He's furious!

"Write it in the fourth line on page 375 of" primary production method of intelligent robot " Sigma remembers it very well.

"Nonsense! Ms. romlabiso's book is out of print! If you have a book, show it to me! " Master Kenda's beard is blowing.

“……” Sigma is stuck: Er The book was changed out yesterday.

As a result, he could only write the content of that page silently once. The handwriting of the robot was as neat as it was printed out. In addition to the formula and text explanation, sigma even copied the pictures intact. Even the punctuation was exactly the same as the original work. Finally, sigma wrote the number 375 on the bottom right as the page mark.

Master Kenda didn't believe it at first. However, when the content of this page suddenly appeared under his eyes, his eyes were straight, and the whole person threw himself on the text of this page. He began to study it carefully, and discussed a problem with sigma from time to time. Finally

"Well, you're right. It's a curve." The master compromised.

Sigma is a scissors hand.

"I've been talking for a long time. I'm so thirsty. Come and drink too Why He took the tea cup from the assistant robot next to him. Master Kenda subconsciously handed the other cup to the opposite side. At this time, he found that it was not the human but the robot who had discussed with him for a long time.

It's a robot with half a body missing.

"Thank you." Although he didn't drink water, sigma took the cup and put the whole cup of tea in his stomach.

Kenda's tea for Sigma - when the cup enters Sigma's warehouse, sigma automatically sorts a label for it.

~ ▽  ̄

"this This... " Master Kenda stayed for a long time, and finally drank a mouthful of tea, and swallowed it in small mouthfuls, which completely suppressed his surprise.

Is this drawing made by a robot? Is it responsible for all those innovations and modifications? Master Kenda was full of doubts, but he couldn't help affirming these problems. After all, it was this robot that had just quarreled with him. All the problems he raised were solved by this robot. Not only that, the robot just asked itself many questionsIs this still a robot?

Kenda subconsciously took a look at the assistant robot behind him, and then took a look at sigma opposite him.

"Next, the rocker arm..." Without waiting for him to think deeply, sigma immediately put the next question in front of him, and the two "people" immediately entered the second round of quarrel.

From beginning to end, mugan looked at them with a smile.

In fact, sigma is the person who studies robots most deeply in the family. After all, all robots in the family are complete. He is the only one who has no buttocks and thighs. He pays close attention to how to get more beautiful buttocks and thighs every day. Ms. dolai gave them many books about mechanical manufacturing, in which sigma had "read" all the books about robot research. In addition, sigma was also keen to go to dizong's robot manufacturing department to listen in. Of course, because he was not a student of this major, he could not ask questions. Once there was a problem, he could only study by himself and himself, and he could not learn from his own knowledge For those who get answers in the field of knowledge, Sigma will ask on the Internet and in the neighborhood. If not, mugan will go to find professor dizong. Besides, he can't take the exam, so mugan doesn't know what level he has learned.

It was not until the robots at home were worn out and needed to be replaced, and sigma volunteered to draw the drawings that mugan felt that he had done a good job. Seeing the way he discussed with master Kenda, mugan suddenly appreciated master Kenda.

Mugan may not realize what this means at all: a robot, in addition to the knowledge that human beings have instilled in him, begins to actively learn other knowledge, and the contents of his hard disk are growing actively

Maybe he realized that, but mugan didn't think it was wrong.

The final result of the argument between sigma and Kenda master is one person and half: some changes to sigma convinced Kenda master, while some changes were rejected by Kenda master. There are many differences between practical operation and theory. Kenda master convinced Sigma with many examples.

Both sides are very satisfied. The next step is the specific allocation.

Due to the difference between the two most precious metals, Sigma's design may have to be rearranged. However, in order to save time, Kenda said that he could first make other parts that do not need these two metals.

It's very late, and master Kenda left them for dinner.

For this point, mugan didn't think much. Until they came out, tatalin took a big breath, exaggerated breath:

"the last one who was left by master Kenda was Lord nashkel! I got master Kenda's dinner invitation, mugan. You're amazing Tatarin was very happy and said that he must show off in his circle of friends today.

"Ha ha." Mugan could only smile, then gently touched Sigma's head: "it's all thanks to sigma."

Up to the dinner table, the master was still discussing with sigma about the modification of the design drawings. It was a pity that sigma didn't have to eat, but the master certainly didn't have enough.

Send them back to the hotel again, and tatarin and prinster leave with satisfaction.

Without enough Fabia and Mika, Mengmeng says she can do it cheaper.

Robot xiaoa also said that he couldn't use the materials that were very tall, but ordinary metal was good ~

just when the family gave way to each other, sigma suddenly took out a square metal from his stomach and put it on the bed.

At the first sight of the metal, mugan was startled: Fabia?

When he saw the second eye of the metal, mugan's eyelids jumped: wait a minute - how does the shape of the metal look more and more like A book?

Mugan turned on the TV in a hurry Part of the statue of Ms. romlabiso is missing, and the missing part is the wordless book in the hands of the statue... "

At this time, the news showed a high-definition picture of the lost book of Fabia. As like as two peas, he quickly compared the missing objects in the photo with the metal pieces lying on his bed.

looked like a fish!

"We lack Fabia. Ms. dolai has many fabias. I went to change them last night." Sigma explained it briefly.

With only half of his body, sigma is looking up to speak to mugan. The light screen flickers regularly. He looks like a child waiting for praise.

"A total of 22 kg, cute butt and little a dad's chest can use enough Fabia." Sigma was very happy. He turned his head and motioned that mugan could touch his head to praise him.

However, sigma is finally waiting for the merciless mechanical sound of alpha.

"Sigma, put on your ass; little a, after he's done, spank him 30 times."

Sigma was stunned -

"why? Why Sigma? " He tried to resist.

"Excuse me, what is the definition of human beings in the newspapers and news?" Alfa's voice was as cold as ever.

"It's theft."

"But I traded my book for it.""Did the owner of the statue agree? Without the owner's permission, unilateral exchange is still theft. "

"Sigma, just don't want to use Fabia in kappa's body..."

"What you did, however, is no different from the human beings who unilaterally removed kappa's body without his consent."

"It's a crime."

Cold mechanical sound word by word.

Sigma was stunned.

Without saying a word, he put on his buttocks, and then climbed onto the thigh of robot xiaoa. Under the eyes of the family, sigma was beaten 30 times.

After all this, sigma went to the toilet.

There is only one place for humans to hide in the big bed.

Mugan catches up with him and squeezes into the toilet with him before sigma locks the door.

The two brothers sat on the toilet cover for a long time, but sigma didn't speak, and mugan didn't have any words to comfort him, until sigma gently grasped his brother's shirt with a mechanical hand:

mugan gently put his shoulder, and then sigma rolled his whole body over.

If sigma were human, mugan thought his arms would be wet at this moment.

Wet, Sigma's tears.

But Sigma is a robot, and he won't cry.

Like dad spanking him, he doesn't hurt.

No pain, but the desire to cry;

no tears, but so sad.

Mugan clasped Sigma's arm.

"Did you change Ms. dolai's book" primary production method of intelligent robot " Sigma will not take other people's things casually. He will buy things. If he has no money, he will exchange them. When he heard the word "exchange" just mentioned by sigma, mugan immediately knew that sigma must have exchanged his collection for that piece of Fabia.

"Well." Sigma road.

"Isn't that your favorite collection? It's the first time you've received a gift from outside your family with your name on it. " Mugan asked him.

When she left with MS. dolai, she gave them many books. Basically, every book had a signature. She also told them that if they didn't have money, they would exchange them with signature books. Even if they were paid to help Baiyun dolao, sigma cherished these books very much, especially the "primary production method of intelligent robot". At the request of sigma, Ms. dolai And it's written for sigma.

Sigma has always cherished this book.

To be exact, he cherished any collection in his stomach, just as he cherished the tomatoes and rotten eggs thrown at him on the way to escape.

In the eyes of human beings, things with different values come from human kindness in the eyes of sigma.

"Well, sigma loves it." Sigma is a bit of a brain.

"Then why change out?"

"Because sigma was willful yesterday, sigma didn't want to use kappa's body, and we didn't want to change it because sigma didn't want to use kappa's body and didn't have our own body." Sigma said, then no longer speak, to his usual shutdown time, he habitually shut down to sleep.

Mugen sat on the toilet lid for a while, holding him out for a long time.

Robot small a helped him open the bed, mugan gently put Sigma into it.

Sigma won't lie. Since he said he was trading, he must have left the corresponding exchange in the original place. However, mugan felt a little strange that this book was not mentioned in the news all the time.

After thinking for a while, mugan dials Mr. Heather's messenger.

The next day, there was new progress.

“…… New progress has been made in the case of the statue of Ms. romlabiso. It's not a theft that everyone had imagined before. It's a great anonymous gift! "

"No name, no profit. This mysterious man / woman has returned Pandera's book" primary production method of intelligent robot ", which Pandera has been searching for for for centuries! So far, all the works of this mechanical master born in Pandera have been collected. The government of Pandera will immediately prepare the carving of this book. It is expected that in four months, you can see the finished book on the statue of Ms. romlabiso! "

And then there's a lot of coverage.

Because the value of this book is too high, no one believes that the ultimate purpose of the book holder's exchange is actually for a little Fabia.

Journalists defined the incident as a "selfless donation.".

As the only book with the signature of Ms. romlapiso, the title page of the new statue book was clearly engraved with the signature of Ms. romlapiso. Meanwhile, the name of the book giver was preserved.

"To the lovely sigma, may the God of wisdom bless you forever -- dolai Z romlabio"The mysterious name Sigma has been handed down forever as part of the statue.

Since then, people have been grateful to this mysterious man named Sigma for many times when she benefits from her wisdom.

Because people don't know who returned the last book, they all appreciate the recipient "Sigma" on the title page as a donor, except one person.

When he saw the name of sigma, Su Meg's face was very pale.

Forced to leave the Imperial military academy, he embarked on a different path from his dream, and Olivia seemed to be separated from the track of his previous life

Whenever he thought that the fate of the world had changed, God always let him find some established things.

What happens at a certain time is called "fate".

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