This night, stone, Yuanyuan and other three robots quietly sneak into the place where human beings are being held. He plans to release all the people who are being held. He wants to save the human who also has a brand. At the same time, he can create a chaos, so that they can take advantage of the chaos to escape.

Yes, stone intends to escape. He intends to escape back to Bailu by his own strength.

The other three robots came with him. As nanny robots, they had never done anything so exciting. Stone and they have analyzed the possible end of failure, but thinking that this can let them go home, the three robots still have no objection to the decision to do.

They all know it's a hard fight.

There is no human on the street quiet, only four robots carefully toward the direction of human detention.

They're getting closer to the holding point.

If they were human beings, their hearts would have already popped out, right?

But they are robots.

Even the nanny robot that has never done anything other than housework after turning on the machine is still very calm at this time. Even when they suddenly hit another robot at the next intersection, the four robots were still very calm.

"Hello." Due to the procedure, stone instinctively said hello to each other.

"Hello." That robot also immediately returned a good.

Stone recognized the identity of each other's Nanny Robot.

After greeting, both sides are stuck. Just when they are in the same place, another Nanny Robot comes from behind, and then another one. Originally empty streets suddenly appeared a lot of robots, but also nanny money!

Nanny machine people after greeting, together in the intersection of the deadlock.

This scene is very common in the past. Before the disaster, nanny robots are running around the streets and shopping malls. They meet very frequently. However -

this is Pandora after the robot riot! It's still a quiet night!

They are now in the end of the road only one place, that is to imprison human temporary cells. There is no doubt that the destination of these nanny robots is exactly the same!

Silent standing in place for a few seconds, there is no conversation between nanny robots, they quickly move forward according to the original plan, this time they are no longer a lonely two robots forward, but a large group of robots!

In the dark, the Nanny Robot is advancing silently, and they have a sense of killing.

Robot stone's original intention to secretly release the imprisoned human beings and create a chaos to leave has been completely shattered. So many nanny robots have come here, and their actions tonight directly led to a fierce battle.

The fierce battle between robots!

Nanny robots rush to the guarding robots as if they were dead -

their materials are not as good as military robots, and there is no decent defense program in their bodies. They can only rely on the number of people. When the nanny robots in the front row overwhelm the military robots in charge of guarding human beings, the nanny robots in the back will rush in! They quickly opened the door of the detention room and released the human beings inside, including the roar of men, the scream of women and the cry of children -

with the participation of human beings, the chaos was no longer silent.

Some robots successfully meet their owners, while others are destroyed before meeting their owners.

The four robots in stone's line are lucky. Their position is closer to the middle. After releasing several human prisoners, stone found the human male he had taken home.

Among the people crying and running out, only this one is quietly leaning against the wall. No one cares about him. Everything around seems to have nothing to do with him.

After the stone bent down and the light screen was even with him, the Stone said:

"human beings, I will go home and return to Bailu star next. Do you want to come with me?"

The man's transparent brown eyes, like glass beads, gazed at the stone quietly for a moment, with a strange smile on his lips.

(question: guess who the human male is here, please raise your paws! ^ ( ̄)  ̄) ^

stone takes this smile as his agreement with his own proposal, carrying the man on his back, and stone also joins the human escape army!

This night, the nanny robots paid a huge price: the nanny robots that went to the rescue were damaged by two thirds! However, they also achieved their goal. All the imprisoned human beings were released. They fled to Pandora's largest Arsenal, where they unlocked a large military spaceship, and finally drove the spaceship away from Pandora.

The nanny robot that rescued human beings recovered as soon as it boarded the spaceship. They either familiar with the existing conditions as well as possible for the master to deal with the wounds, or pick up the crying children gently coax If they don't have enough time to hide, they need to find something else.Before long, all the robots on the spaceship seemed to disappear.


"report, sir! The other side has finally retreated! " As the main control room opened, wager strode in, his face excited to Olivia, who was sitting in front of the main control room screen. However, as soon as he entered the main control room, he felt that the atmosphere was not right. His voice instinctively became smaller and smaller, and finally almost died.

Naturally, the man sitting in the center of the main control room is brigadier general Olivia Augustus. On his left side is lieutenant general McConnell, and on his right side is jopson. As always, Todd is standing beside brigadier general Augustus, tidying up the electronic paper on the desk.

Everyone's expression was heavy, and vogue almost dared not come in.

One of the people in the room was a professor in his student days, and the rest were his classmates. However, they had one thing in common: all the people here had higher military ranks than him.

"Come and talk." Until I see Augustus, no! The brigadier raised his chin to him, and then vogue walked over cautiously, and told everyone the news in front of him.

“…… According to the plan, commander Evan drove the mecha to encircle from the right side, and the other side was really hit. "

"The other side's mecha was more than 50% damaged, so we retreated. But our mecha was also 30% damaged. Commander Evan's right arm was broken."

"If the medical department wants to send the best medical officer to treat him, the mechanical department must complete the repair of Elvin mecha in two days." Olivia said to vogue immediately.

Before wager could be happy, Todd suddenly opened his mouth and poured cold water on everyone:

"Sir, please allow me to remind you that two of our medical officers have been exhausted, the amount of repair fluid in the fleet has already been warned, and 20 kinds of standing medicines have been used up. In addition, we don't have much machine armor material to prepare. " As Olivia's right-hand man and logistics material manager, Todd is very clear about the fleet's material reserves.

"Didn't we just pass akmeridor yesterday? Is there no supply there? " Jopson frowned.

"The two administrators on akmido are fighting for the top management right. Seeing the supply list I handed them, they said that their own planet can't be arranged by themselves, and they can't spare part of it for military supply." Todd replied.

"What about the 15 black rail batteries I applied for yesterday?" Jopson looks at him.

"I'm sorry, I've already signed your application form and rejected it." Todd said without expression.

"What!? You -- "jopson just stood up, Olivia suddenly spoke.

"Don't make a supply list. Todd, you can send someone to their warehouse to pull the supplies on the list. Don't touch the rest. Remember to pretend to be a star thief. " Olivia calmly orders Todd.

His eyes immediately moved to jopson on the other side: "after Todd left, you went directly with our people to calm down the scene and bring Yorkson and Lando over. The empire is in crisis now, and our fleet needs them more than akmido."

Yorkson and Lando are just the names of the two people with the highest authority in akmeridox. Yorkson is subordinate to the Government Council, and Lando is subordinate to the military department. As two senior officials stationed in the important supply star of the Empire all the year round, after the disaster broke out, the two people quickly gathered their own people to stabilize the public order, but at the same time they did their own things. Akmeridox is in chaos now Half of it was caused by the two men's struggle for power.

As if unaware of how frightening her words were, Olivia continued:

"isn't Elvin hurt? Let him recuperate in acemido during this period of time. His management ability is no less than the driving ability of the mecha. When recuperating, let him manage acemido well by the way. "

"Yes, sir!" Without any surprise, jopson respectfully accepted the task assigned to him by his boss.

"In the end, vogue, you're in charge of the follow-up." Olivia's last order was to vogue.

"Yes, sir." Vogue immediately understood what his boss meant.

No one thought there was anything wrong with Olivia's order. On the contrary, Admiral McConnell, who was sitting on Olivia's left, raised his eyebrows: This is Do you mean to seize power by direct force and send troops to suppress it? And pretending to be a star thief?

It was his young colleague's loyalty that surprised him a little.

These young people dare to do anything, and they all have the sharp spirit of not afraid of tigers.

However, it is this loyalty and fearless spirit that makes this young fleet, with an average age of 33, stand out from the fleet. They are "major general Olivia, congratulations."

He laughed and clapped in response.

Olivia was stunned, but he didn't get carried away by the promotion. After thanking lieutenant general McConnell, Olivia suddenly said, "military Is something wrong? What do I need to do next? "Olivia, who is ambitious and utilitarian, is very clear about the promotion system of the military headquarters, so he is also very clear that the military achievements he has accumulated are not enough to be promoted to major general. At this time, a sudden promotion can only represent one thing -

"you are really smart." Admiral McConnell clapped two more times, and then his expression became very serious: "after the good news is announced, the next is the bad news."

"Ten days ago, lieutenant general Argos disappeared when he attacked the commander of the enemy. At present, none of his troops has taken over. However, before carrying out the mission, he proposed that you should take over in case of an accident."

"Marshal Rossett accepted his proposal, but there are still doubts in the high-level military headquarters. The high-level military headquarters unanimously decided that I would be the final supervisor, and now you have passed this pass."

"Next, on behalf of the high level of the military, I give you the first order after your promotion -"

"immediately go to ROA system to take over the army under lieutenant general Argos, immediately, immediately."

Olivia stood still.

As he accepted the order, he frowned: that's really bad news

ROA, that's farther away from home.

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