There are 1, 2, 3 on such a big ship 128 heads of xiaomaocho.

The little furrows surrounded Mugen fluffy. They looked at mugan seriously. At first, they just looked at him from a distance. Then they probably thought mugan was not a threat. So they came closer and closer tentatively. They smelled on mugan.

A smell, the front of the cantas cub almost did not fall behind a squat!

Across the fluffy little faces, mugan seemed to understand the panic they were avoiding. With his head tilted, mugan carefully raised his arm and sniffed, then laughed awkwardly:

"that At noon today, my family ate stinky tofu. Although it stinks, it's actually delicious. "

Mugan crouched down to keep his eyes as level as possible with the youngest cub. It's a good way to reduce the sense of threat. It's probably this action that works. Next, the cubs who stepped back hesitantly come back. Then they sniffed mugan carefully.

In fact, mugan's understanding is wrong. It's not the stink of stinky tofu that makes these cubs retreat, but the rich taste of cantas on mugan!

It was an extremely powerful and robust cantas. The smell of this man showed that this man belonged to him. The cubs were scared by the warning smell and did not dare to go beyond the thunder.

But because of the smell, they feel safe at last.

It's a very powerful home in cantas, and they're not looking for the wrong place.

Once it was confirmed that mugan was one of his own, the cubs began to pull mugan's clothes with their mouths and took him to the spaceship. In the cockpit, mugan was surprised to find the dying plenguli lying on the ground. Several pieces of hair were bald on his body, revealing the blood and flesh. Under his body, there were two fragmented robots. In the driver's seat not far away sat a tall man in driver's clothing, but he had been dead for a long time.

The first few cubs immediately explained to mugan, but there was a big difference between their chirp and Ollie's accent. Mugan was confused, but it didn't affect him to know what he should do now. After looking at the figure of plenguli on the ground, he immediately went out and called sigma.

Unexpectedly, when sigma came, the cubs showed a vigilant look at the same time, and some even rushed to peck them.

“?” Two of Sigma's eyes came out of the screen, and he grabbed one of his cubs.

Mugan then pointed to pluguli on the ground and Broken robot.

Just now, he didn't understand what the kids said, but combined with their vigilance to sigma, they were probably attacked by robots on the road. The cubs have obviously brought their hatred for robots on the ground to sigma, who is also a robot.

"By the way, he's sigma. He's my brother." Grabbing a little maocho who still wanted to go up, mugan said, "he's here to help me take the pulenguli down."

After all, the cubs didn't continue to attack sigma, but they were all covetous, which made sigma a little confused.

It's up to my uncle at the critical moment.

Finding out that mugan and sigma have been out for a long time and haven't come back, Alfa comes to them. Seeing these hostile little maocho, Alfa immediately sends ipsilon to take over Sigma's position. He squats down and

"This is the stinky tofu just coming out of the oven." Alfa's hands turned into a plate of steaming stinky tofu.

"The fermented products of bean products, a traditional food originated from the ancient earth, were once presented as a tribute to the imperial family in a certain Dynasty, which was deeply loved and praised by the royal family." Holding the plate, Alfa annotated the strange food on the plate with a steady mechanical sound.

"The food itself is delicious enough, and the sweet sauce and salty sauce specially made by robot stone are unique." Then, Alfa took out two small plates with black and white sauces. He took out a small fork. Alfa forked a piece of stinky tofu, dipped it in a little black sauce, and then stretched out:

"excuse me, who wants to taste stinky tofu?"

Tweets are obviously shocked by the gas field of alpha robot!

They were stunned for a moment. Before they got up, they were dizzy by the smell of stinky tofu. Then they heard Alfa's statement that the stinky food was actually royal food. Their curiosity was at the top.

After a neat swallowing sound, a little fat chirp finally jumped up. A bite of the fork handed by the robot alpha On the stinky tofu, he chewed, and then bravely swallowed.

"Is there an indescribable feeling?" Before he could speak, uncle alpha spoke again.

“……” Slant small head to think, small fat chirp nodded."Do you want to have another piece to feel it?" Continued alpha.

Chirp Xiao Feijo nodded again.

"Please come in with me and have a taste." As he handed the plate and saucer to sigma, Alfa straightened his back and turned back. The tweets behind him hesitated and looked at mugan.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it." Mugan waved to them with a smile.

So they ran away behind alpha and sigma with ease. From a distance, the robots looked like a bunch of hairballs. They looked very happy.

"You just ate salty sauce. I suggest you try sweet sauce next." From a distance, mugan heard Alfa's voice. It seemed that he was still introducing his own food to the cantas cubs, and then the cubs would chirp, and then the distance between the robot and the cubs was obviously closer.

"Uncle is still very good. He really has a knack for cubs." Carrying the paws of pulenguli, mugan said to uncle ipsilon.

"Ha ha..." Then the robot, ipsilon, made a series of laughter with a mechanical sound.

All the cantas cubs were taken care of by Uncle alpha, and the spacecraft was accepted by the current staff of the White Dew transportation authority. After Ben, the long dead pilot, was properly settled, the remains of the robots were sent to Imperial College for inspection, and mugan himself spent the whole afternoon taking care of plenguli.

Mrs. Bayati came to see him in person. According to her opinion, his injury is only skin and flesh. What's really troublesome is that he has a genetic disease.

"Many races pursuing so-called pure blood will have this kind of problem. They will not die, but their genes will degenerate." After a sip of tea, Mrs. Bayati took a look at the stomach of plenguli. "Besides, he's overweight."

"Let him drink medicine during this time. In addition, you can cook more food for him."

Mugan nodded gratefully.

So, when plenguli woke up, he was welcomed by a bowl of bitter medicine soup, plus a bowl of dishes that smelled more terrible than medicine soup.

"Take the vegetables first and then the medicine." Mugen helped him straighten up with a smile and put a pillow behind him.

"Chirp..." Plenguli weakly asked Mugen Hello, and then ate Mugen's food.

And then

He vomited.

And then, when he drinks the medicine again, it's really amazing!

As soon as the letter of appointment came out, mugan's position on Bailu was completely established! If Olivia were here, he could probably explain it more clearly for mugan. There are three official seals on this letter of appointment, which means that this letter of appointment has passed the clear road. If the system can be used now, mugan will definitely be the youngest supreme consul of the Empire now!

Along with the letter of appointment, there is also a seal, which is only the official seal of the highest consul of each planet. Since then, every official document signed and issued by mugan will be stamped with this seal, and the legitimacy of any official document with this seal will be thoroughly recognized.

Then the content of this book was not really confused.

He finally understood why he got the letter of appointment.

The former Supreme consul of dew was found in ifadia. At the time of the accident, the consul's spaceship happened to be in space, abandoning his jurisdiction and the people in it. He chose to take refuge in ifadia with others.

After finding out what happened to him, Mr. Heather immediately ordered his death.

"I have prepared five letters for the same trusteeship letter. If Providence is destined to find you at last, if fate chooses you, please take care of them for me, the land under your feet, and other people on the land.

- Heather sironashikir "


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