A large number of refugees from all directions toward the direction of the legendary White Dew star. Even though the road is full of dangers, there are still quite a few refugees who finally arrive at Bailu.

Of course, these refugees fled to Bailu star with the mentality of being safe from now on, but when there are more people, it is inevitable that they will have different intentions. Mugan had met refugees who were trying to capture Bailu star. The other side came prepared with heavy weapons, hijacked the Bailu people who led their way in the process of being resettled, and attempted to launch a riot!

But their uprising was ruthlessly suppressed before it started.

"How can there be no military protection in the place where the best children of the whole empire study and where the best professors of the whole empire cultivate the future talents of the Empire?"

Led by President Aode, the presidents of the five top colleges invited unimaginable heavy weapons from the college at the same time! The huge black catheter came out from the original hiding place, the white light came up from the root of the catheter, and the white cold light shot out from the caliber of the catheter. When it hit a fixed height in the sky, it suddenly divided into several rays. All the cold light emitted from the catheter interweaved into a dense network of light in the air. All the people standing on the ground were surprised to find that it was normal The sky is covered with white net light column in a moment! At this moment, if someone looks at Bailu star from space, they will be surprised to find that Bailu star is like a huge white light bulb. The light of this "light bulb" is too dazzling. After gazing at it for a long time, there is a tingling feeling of burning in both eyes.

"It's the Empire's top all-in-one weapon at the moment - the constarro defense system." President Aode quietly explained to Mugen: "integrating attack and defense, this system can intercept all kinds of firepower attacks inside and outside the optical network, and attack any designated area inside and outside the optical network. When the system determines that the external invasion has caused irreversible damage to the objects within the protection range of the optical network, the costaro defense system will automatically open the self destruct system to destroy the internal and external fire of the optical network All targets within the scope of the program. "

Black eyes to the pale face of Dean AUD, mugan swallowed.

He and he never knew that such a terrible weapon was hidden in the place where he grew up!

Dean aud continued, "have you studied the distribution of five colleges? Several colleges are scattered, aren't they? This is precisely for the layout of the defense system. The transmitting ports of the defense system must be distributed at the designated positions, so that the optical network can smoothly interweave into an effective defense network. "

"Oh..." Then, Dean Aode suddenly laughed. For the first time in many years, mugan saw him smile so obviously. I don't know why. Seeing his smile, mugan suddenly felt very dangerous.

Sure enough -

"the catheter of five colleges is just a transmitter. This set of device must also have a starting device. Mugan, do you know where the trigger of the constarro defense system on white dew is? "

Then, Dean Aode laughed again:

"the most important starter is in aidori commercial street."

"Boss Tony is the last key holder."

Mugen was stunned.

"Was it a surprise?" Dean od stopped laughing. He turned to mugan.

After scratching his hair and looking at the dense white net in the sky, mugan said frankly: "it's a bit unexpected, but I don't think it's a surprise. "

Costaro, the full name of Tony's boss.

Aiduoli commercial street is a very famous place. There are many old shops here, with a lot of customers every day. Many new merchants want to set up a shop here.

Before the arrival of the mugens, there was always a spare shop on the idoli commercial street. The shop was cursed. It was clearly in a good position. However, it was not long before any business was done. The owner of the shop was always changing. It could not be fixed to sell groceries today and fruits tomorrow. There was no shop owner who could compete with the idoli commercial street When they leave, they can't even say their neighbors' names. Of course, they can't let their neighbors remember their names.

Until the mugens moved here.

In the evening, all the tall robots of cantalos knocked on the door of the commercial street.

"Hello, is this Mr. toledoni constello? Can you buy the rest of your empty shop? "

This is the strangest buyer toledoni constarro has ever met. But at that time he was not interested in them because no one would stay here long.

Then, the young man of the family happily said good morning to boss Tony when he passed by the next day. He introduced his name and remembered the name of boss toledoni constarro;

then, the next day, the third day

There are steamed buns from the youth's family in the shop of toledoni constarro. They travel together and get together

This big family of eight robots and two humans has finally become a member of aidori commercial street.

Looking at the tall and straight young man in front of him, Dean Aode moved back to his sight. He took out a card from his pocket and handed it to mugan.Mugan was puzzled to take the card, and Dean Aode's calm voice sounded again: "this is the key. Before, there was no commander in this system, so it was controlled by six people, including me. Now that you have been formally appointed by the Empire, and now it is in the mode of emergency war, then the control of this system is officially entrusted to you from our hands, Rest assured, this is the result of our joint discussion, not my decision. "

Mugan looks at him in surprise.

President Aode then laughed again: "sanctions and protection, the final decision-making power is in your hands."

Looking at the thin card in his hand, mugan's expression was first confused, then firm, and finally he calmly put away this extremely important card.

With the deterrence of such a high-end military force, the resettlement of the refugees went very smoothly.

During this period, there were still some unhappiness. For example, when many refugees found that the robot responsible for logging in was actually a robot, they expressed great opposition to it, but the opposition was invalid. If they want to enter the protection area of White Dew, they must accept the fact that they live with the robot every day from now on. Before they can produce enough food and clothing for their daily life, every grain of bailuxing's green rice, every cup of milk and every grid of energy they enjoy They are all produced by the joint efforts of bailuxing robot and local people.

Mugan severely punished the people who had rioted before.

For mugan, it's probably the first time he's ever done something "hated" and he's a bit down in the dumps.

That night, mugan and sigma lie in the middle of the little fat chirp of the warm wave.

After finding that there was no objection, these little guys took the initiative to turn their stomachs in their satisfied positions after dinner.

"Today, there are 20 cubs peeing on sigma." The two brothers shared the experience of the day.

“…… They like you. Don't many beasts use their own smell to mark things they like? " Mugan had no choice but to give sigma a reason.

Then, just at this time, mugan felt a heat flow in his belly. When he felt bad, he opened the quilt and saw that his eyes were aligned with a pair of big round eyes inside.

"Chirp..." Xiao Mao, who had done something wrong, chirped weakly. His eyes were a little scared and a little uneasy.

"He likes you. He peed on you." Sigma decided immediately.

Holding his two little wings, he picked up little maocho and looked at him dejected. Mugen suddenly laughed.

"Bo --" a, mugan very loud kiss in the baby's head.

"I like you, too."

At this moment, mugan's bad mood caused by the "sanctions" disappeared, and his heart regained its firmness.

Sanctions and protection, mugan finally began to understand the meaning of the words of President Aode.

Looking at sigma, who is trying to wipe the baby's ass seriously, and touching the other babies who are still snoring in the quilt, mugan has finally completed the transformation of mood and psychology from the protected to the protected.

That night, mugan and sigma didn't sleep a page. Together, they drafted two hundred regulations on refugee resettlement, human and robot.

In the end, 50 of these preliminary provisions were retained, which became the criterion for Bailu to accept refugees, and laid a solid foundation for Bailu to become the largest and most stable rear base of the Empire.

Thanks to the night of discussion with my elder brother, sigma also drafted 300 codes of conduct the next day to restrain the increasingly disobedient children in the family.

Because most of the constraint objects are too young, only one of these behavior rules is implemented.

These treaties It has laid the foundation for Sigma to become the largest kindergarten director of bailuxing A relatively solid foundation.

^ ( ̄) ^

* * *

it was unexpected for Olivia that Bailu became a paradise for all refugees.

"It's said that the supreme consul of Bailu star is very young now. It seems that his name is Mugen. This is also a talent in the war." In the conference room, a new major whispered.

Although the means of communication are blocked, but as long as there are people, there is always a way to spread all kinds of distant news.

"But the name mugan is so strange. It sounds like some kind of bad food." He also expressed his views. As a newcomer to Olivia's small team from Argos, he tried to chat with his colleagues as much as possible to promote his feelings.

However, the topic he started this time is obviously not quite right.

"Shh --" another senior colonel sitting beside him pointed at him.

"Monsieur Augustus's fiancee is Morgan!" This is a young officer who has been following Olivia since he was in the Academy. He knows a lot more about the housework of the officer than other colleagues who joined the army only after they joined the army."Ah?" The newcomer was stunned.

The next second, he saw that major general Augustus, who was sitting at the far end of the long table, actually laughed at him.

"Mugan is really the name of a plant, and it's not very delicious." The young and beautiful major general with golden hair said slowly, and his eyes moved to a pot of ornamental plants on the table, where a pot of Mugen grass was planted: "however, its vitality is stronger than that of all plants, and it is a life-saving food at the critical moment."

After sailing in space for a long time, all the potted plants in the spaceship died, leaving only the Mugen potted plants Olivia brought from her home. Although their leaves are yellow, they are very strong.

After chatting with her subordinates, Olivia announced the formal start of the meeting.

The issue is very clear: they don't have enough firepower. What should they do?

Olivia moved her eyes to a dark dot on the map.

There is a black castle, the nest of the Empire's largest arms black market, and there is a very vague existence in the territory of the Empire.

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