There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 215: not far from home

It's... an incredible robot.

Sitting in the temporary additional rest seat behind the driver's seat, Argos thought quietly.

Just like one of the most talented students in driving, the nanny robot named "Stone" is now a very good warship driver. He not only learned how to pilot a warship, but also learned command art under the conscious or unintentional guidance of Argos.

There is no way, the world today is too chaotic! There are star thieves and refugees everywhere on the road. As soon as their warships entered people's field of vision, they attracted the attention of a large number of refugees. The refugees thought that they were rescuers sent by the military, and they followed them one after another. It was shocking, but they quickly discovered that the people driving this warship were not from the army at all. The warship that lost its shocking power suddenly became the fat in the eyes of the star thieves. Try to see if you can take this warship as your own.

As mentioned earlier, the last batch of Pandora who escaped with the robot, the old and the young, are all ordinary people. Most of them are mechanic workers who are responsible for a small link in countless mechanical factories on the planet. They neither understand high-end machinery manufacturing technology nor warship operation, and the Pandra people rarely go to school in galaxies other than this galaxy, and they don't even understand the strategic and tactical command skills taught only by military schools.

The only professional on the warship, Argos, was the Seriously Wounded again. After finding that the robot could drive the spaceship, he fell into a coma again. When he woke up in the violent turbulence, the robot named Stone had already taken the ship with him. The robots and humans pushed back the second batch of star thieves who came to attack.

"Sorry, I acted without authorization when you were in a coma." Robot Stone also apologized while driving the warship.

"..." Argos lowered his eyelids and glanced at himself: the bandages were new, obviously they had been changed.

"Please rest assured, this warship has a full range of wound medicines. Since you are the only seriously wounded person on the warship, the current reserve is sufficient for you to use. During the three days you were in a coma, I changed the medicine for you on time every day. , I've also given medicine." Seemingly noticing Argos' sight, the robot stone's head turned 180 degrees and explained very politely.

The corners of Argos' mouth froze, and he had to say that the part below the neck maintained the original movement and continued to drive the warship, only the robot with its head turned around looked a bit scary.

"Oh." The corner of his mouth twitched, but Argos didn't say a word of thanks.

As a staunch opponent of unnatural life, Argos has been very resistant to mechanical life from the beginning, especially after Marshal Rothsay was attacked and trapped in the military intelligence system a few years ago, he almost always The Metropolitan Congress proposed an amendment to the "Fifty-third Edition of the General Regulations for Interstellar Robots", proposing to add 50 articles to further restrict the development of robot intelligence, and to increase control over manufacturers of intelligent mechanical products. monitoring level.

When it comes to machine intelligence, Argos is a conservative who doesn't match his youth and appearance.

He never uses any robots, and his subordinates strictly limit the level of intelligence embedded in mechanical products, but because of this, after this disaster, Argos's army has become the least damaged army.

Argos really issued a lore order to all robots in the empire, but the release of the order was delayed due to the mission, but this lore order is still in his hands. Argos touched a piece of skin under his arm without a trace. The chip that saved the order was buried under this piece of skin at the moment. The channel for issuing the mission had not been destroyed by the enemy, so he could issue the order as soon as he could act.

Just when Argos was lost in thought, a bell suddenly rang in the control room, and after Robot Stone pressed the switch on the inner door, another robot ran in from outside.

"Hello sir, you are finally awake." The round robot first greeted Argos very politely, and then explained the purpose in a proper manner.

"We received a distress signal from a nearby civilian spaceship. There were 200 people on that spaceship. Their spaceship was robbed by star thieves before, and all the supplies were taken away. Now there is no energy, they hope to be able to Enter our warship." The round robot said, its voice is the most versatile mechanical voice on the market, and basically eight out of ten robots can speak in this voice.

After a pause, the robot added: "Half of the humans on the ship agreed to accept them, half opposed, and the number of people on both sides was just equal, so they asked me to come over and ask this gentleman's opinion."

Argos habitually raised his eyebrows, but then he felt a pain due to the wound.

For Argos, who has become accustomed to being in power and everyone obeys his own orders, now he has the decision-making power because he is the one who broke the balance of numbers. This is... a bit dramatic.

The dim screens of the two robots in the control cabin were aimed at Argos.

"What about the opinions of the robots?" Argos suddenly had a thought, and he asked the robot who came to report the news.

"...Robots are not allowed to express their opinions." The robot's dim screen flickered, and it took a while to say.

"Then go and tell me the opinions of all the robots on the ship. Remember, it is not their master's opinion, but their own." After Argos finished speaking, the round robot bowed and ran away again.

After a while, it rang the doorbell again.

"There are a total of forty-eight robots in the outer cabin, all of which hope to receive the humans on that spaceship." The robot said honestly.

"What about you?" Argos's eyes slanted, turning to the robot stone.

"Me?" Robot Stone turned its head 180 degrees again, and said very simply, "I want them to come in."

"Why? Why do you want to accept humans from unfamiliar spaceships?" Argos raised his eyebrows again, and then felt a pain again.

"Article 13 of the Fifty-third Edition of the General Regulations for the Administration of Interstellar Robots." This time, it was rare for the two robots to speak in unison.

"Robots must help humans whose lives are in danger."

This rule is not supplemented by any conditions for the safety of robots, which shows that the makers of the regulations have considered the possibility that robots may destroy themselves for this rule.

Argos was silent.

"But don't the rules not exist? Aren't you free?" He said after a long while.

"But the rules are already in the mind." "Does freedom do what we want?" "We want to go home."

"Well, I want to go home anyway."

The two robots seemed to be overwhelmed by his sudden question. They were talking to each other. After a while of logic confusion, the two robots seemed to understand the relationship between "disappearing rules" and "freedom". All right.

"Going home is the freedom we want." The two robots looked at Argos at the same time.

So, "going home" is a choice made by the instinctive consciousness of these two robots after breaking away from the constraints of "rules"?

So, "helping human beings whose lives are in danger" is also an active judgment made by them outside the restriction and entirely due to their own consciousness?

Fifty percent of the humans on the warship hope to rescue their companions, while the other fifty percent are worried that these refugees will pose a threat to their own safety, and refuse to help them. At the same time, all consciousness is free. Did the robot choose the "Rescue" option 100%?

"Let those humans in." Argos directly stated his choice. He didn't realize that this time, he subconsciously used a word that only robots can use: "human".

"But don't let them go directly into the living compartment. There is a prison system under this type of warship, where they are temporarily locked, and their personal information is investigated and observed for a few days before allowing them to come in." Argos then issued an order. , glanced at the robot stone: "I'll leave the investigation to you, do you know how to do it?"

"Yes, I know." Robot Stone immediately bent over: "My house has a lot of livestock, and whenever new livestock come in, we will keep them in the abandoned nest for a few days before allowing them to get close to the original livestock. "

In order to increase the convincing power of his sentence, he added: "Stone, is a very good babysitter robot."

Argos was silent again.

With a wave of his hand, he ordered Stone to arrange the matter on his own, and then, as a bystander, he witnessed this magical babysitter robot settle the refugees in the spaceship in a very safe way, and then use a very clever method. , found three star thieves disguised as refugees from the refugees.

This skill is very useful! It would be nice if I had such an assistant... By the time Argos realized it, similar thoughts had already crossed his mind several times.

This kind of interrogation program that Argos admires very much comes from Robot Pi. As the robot in the family who is most interested in program updates, Pi is committed to using programs to improve his living standards. He tirelessly improves the built-in programs of all robots in the house. He didn't even spare the egg incubator that Mugen bought at home. Now that egg incubator has been improved by him into an egg hatching robot!


Refugees bring confusion, worry, panic, and…

news from afar.

Argos once thought that the expressions of all robots will never change. They have no emotions, do not understand sadness, and are not happy. They are just accumulations of metal.


One of the refugees carried an electronic poster with him. It was a big-character poster from Bai Luxing, which published Bai Luxing's exact address, as well as the photos and names of all Bai Luxing's missing persons.

That spaceship decided to take refuge in Bailu Xing after seeing this big-character poster, and the big-character poster finally fell into the hands of several robots. However, Argos noticed that the robots were not looking at the coordinates of the white dew star printed on the back of the big-character poster, which they urgently needed at this time, but the list of missing persons on the front.

Robots behave very strangely.

They were like stuck, just watching.

Just when Argos thought that several robots were malfunctioning and couldn't help asking, Robot Stone finally raised his head.

Putting the big-character poster in Argos's hand respectfully, the stone pointed to a certain page in the densely packed list and said, "This is me, this is Yuanyuan, this is Xiao Hei, and... No. 21."

The robots among the densely packed human avatars are particularly eye-catching. Just like the information about the missing humans next to them, their photos, names, genders of speaking voices... are listed one by one and placed equally next to the human information.

"We've been worried that our masters don't want us anymore, and seeing this list... we're so happy."

"Really, really happy."

Then, Argos saw a very cute smiley face symbol appear on the dim screen of the robot stone.


It turns out that this is how the robot is happy.

Argos stared at that symbol for a long time.

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