Things didn't go according to plan. Admiral Peinan broke a whole set of tea sets when he was alone.

In the case of serious injury, alruf successfully gained command by virtue of his rank and prestige. Yes, but it was not smooth from the beginning.

While fleeing ifadia, the supply ships of the army of alruf were blown up more than half! As soon as he took over, Admiral Peinan immediately realized that what he had received was a mess. Fortunately, heaven did not kill him, and soon they met a wave of Well, almost perfect fleet of refugees: although they are on the run, they are not in a panic, there are no troublemakers, and there are no big people. They are basically ordinary people. Most importantly, they have a lot of goods on board.

This is the solution to his urgent matter!

It didn't take him long to get to know this information, because this team had done this work before, and the personnel statistics table was so beautiful that even he wanted to praise it.

This is a very docile sheep - admiral Penan thought.

The only imperfection of this team is the number of people

There are too many refugees.

As Argos analyzed, lieutenant general Penan wanted to receive not only the precious materials and fleet, but also the suitable refugees. However, there were too many refugees.

Then he immediately thought of a way, which did work at the beginning, but soon some spearheads came out and messed up all this. The refugees on the ship were no longer as obedient as they were at the beginning, and lieutenant general Penan had to give up what he had done at the beginning.

But it's only temporary, and he still has a way to go.

When he heard the name of the fleet, the destination was Bai Xing.

In recent years, Imperial College has become more and more famous. It's obviously a comprehensive college. What's it like to participate in the competition between military colleges? If you want to participate, what do you want to do when you are ahead of other old military academies?

The most important thing is that the Academy at the bottom of Imperial College is the dorano military academy.

Since lieutenant general Peinan was promoted to President, the situation of Doran's military academy seems to have gone down all the way, especially with the comparison of dizong, an ordinary college. Now people's evaluation of Doran's military academy is getting lower and lower. The year before last, Doran's military academy reduced its score line for the first time. Last year, more than 10% of graduates were unable to get employed for the first time, Although with their own means for these no one to arrange the receiving unit of graduates, but this is just whitewash peace.

If we can't do anything decent, Doran alpha may have to change the president this year. At the beginning of the year, Admiral Penan heard some secret news.

When he had no way to do his best, the disaster broke out and he refused to take refuge at the military academy in the next galaxy. He took the students of Doran alpha to join the fleet of alruf and tried to take refuge in ifadia. He was desperate to find that when ifadia was captured by the enemy, they only escaped one-third of the fleet, big In order to protect students, a group of soldiers have become cannon fodder, and the heaviest supply ships have been reduced by more than half.

These people's doing this has achieved great success, but it also makes the rest of the people in a more difficult situation: most of the people who escape are students studying in military academies, a small number are senior officers, and the last remaining are middle-level officers and low-level soldiers, and the real war depends on these people!

After taking over, Admiral Peinan had a headache for several days and couldn't sleep.

Although he has gained command in name, his opinions can not be banned as the commander who has been formally decorated. All his instructions need the consent of others to be carried out.

So admiral Penan's wish to change course to another planet was rejected as soon as it was said.

"Just go to Bailu star. I heard that it's the safest place at present." Mrs. Delia, alruf's mother, wiped her eyes with a handkerchief, and voted against it coldly.

As soon as she said this, Admiral Penan didn't have to say anything else.

After all, the woman's surname before marriage was Su Mei -

lieutenant general Peinan froze and looked at a young man sitting next to him - this young man was with Mrs. Delia. Lieutenant general Peinan knew his surname was Su Mei, and it seemed that he belonged to Su Mei's plutocrats Immediate members.

Now there are only two people on the special warship standing at his feet who are civilians without any military rank. One is former Ms. Sumei, and the other is Mr. Sumei.

At the beginning of his escape, it was these two people who he treated most carefully, but now they are the first to stand up and not support him.

"Bailu star is a very barren planet. Apart from several departments of dizong, other colleges are all art majors. Now when a large number of people go to Bailu star to take refuge, the planet will sooner or later --" he tries to struggle and looks at the young man again.

However——"Just go to Bailu star. At this time, there is no place safer than there." The pale young man once again firmly refused lieutenant general Peinan.

In that terrible dream, Bailu star was the first place to fall.

Nobody could have imagined that the robot named sigma was hidden so deep. After losing the system monitoring, he immediately took control of all the mechanical objects on the star, and then blocked the star. In order to fight against him, the star used the extreme weapon "constarro". It was only after the explosion that people realized that the emperor / country attached great importance to the top colleges, Especially to White Dew star unexpectedly so take seriously!

There are only ten sets of extreme attack and defense weapon "konstro" successfully used by the whole Empire / country, but one set was placed in Bailu star -

after the huge self destruction attack, the whole ziyanghua galaxy was destroyed. It even spread to two neighboring galaxies, but the robot named sigma survived.

Although it was dilapidated, it survived.

And then --

sumega shuddered!

The advent of those robots is a mistake -

however, some of the things in the dream are quite different from the actual situation.

He looked at things again and again in vain, sometimes fast forward, sometimes slow forward, and thought for countless times that it might be just a dream. However, every time he just thought so, the next second he would see the characters in the dream. When the people he had never seen or heard before appeared in front of him, the reality would tell him that it was not a dream.

Successfully left pandra with enough equipment before another disaster, and then He became a member of the disaster persecution.

"We have to go to Bailu, where there are only ten sets of weapons in the whole empire - constarro." Tightening her lips, after a while, sumega said one of the reasons why she insisted on going there.

"What?" Mrs. Delia and lieutenant general Penan were surprised!

"Dizong I mean, how can bailuxing have such high-end weapons? " Admiral Penan's lips trembled.

"The extreme weapons of dorano law school are also under construction. The reason why they proposed to seek refuge at the Military Academy of Grande is that they also have a set of constarro on their side." Looking at the man, sumega laughed sarcastically.

"But if you don't listen, you still have to ask alruf to go to ifadia for help. I said at that time that something must have happened to ifadia."

"Yes! yes! You did say that at that time... " Excited to stand up, Mrs. Delia tightly grasped summeg's hands.

Admiral Peinan's face was very blue - now they are in a dilemma.

For the first time, Admiral Peinan fell one after another.

Instead of giving instructions, he just ordered the whole fleet to move quickly along the original planned route. However, being honest doesn't mean everything will be smooth:

the terrible intruder finally appeared in the starry sky outside ifadia.

When the unusual looking fleet first appeared in front of the refugees, most of them didn't realize their identity.

As the number of ships on the other side is not large, some star robbers who are not afraid of death immediately try to rob. However, they immediately find that they have done something wrong. The other side's guns are all on. After a flash, they can't say what weapons they used. The star robbers are all knocked down?!

The refugees on the sidelines were first stunned, then delighted.

They got close to it!

Admiral Penan also wanted to pass. However, as soon as he saw the warships, sumega's face was defeated. He yelled at his orders, not to say, but to retreat -

admiral Penan wanted to persuade the other party, but soon it was unnecessary: in the channel ahead, the refugee spaceship, which had been rushing towards the fleet, in the blink of an eye, had no idea ……

It's all broken floats?

It's an intruder - at this moment, Admiral Penan finally understood why sumega was so scared!

At the critical moment of his life and death, his biggest weakness was exposed in the following time:

he first wanted to resist, and in a moment, he even had the idea of using the refugee fleet as a shield to resist for a while, but his moral sense and some other standards delayed his behavior. After the best time to retreat passed, he found that he had been locked by the other side One by one, the edge of the spacecraft exploded in the distance, quietly turned into debris and floated in the universe. Seeing all this, Penan saw everyone in the command room looking at him.

Wait! Why are you looking at me like this? Waiting to see my joke?

And so on -

his mind is blank.

At this time, not far away, the signal light of a warship suddenly flickered regularly. Someone immediately noticed that it was a passage and translated it immediately.

"I, Argos, the supreme commander of the imperial / police / guard / army, hereby announce that the temporary commander of lieutenant general Roland deped will be terminated, and the imperial / National Police / guard / team will reserve the responsibility of investigating lieutenant general alruf grigli's incompetence. From now on, all fleets will take command here."Without any keepsake or any real person, all the flustered warships and spaceships had the backbone in an instant just by the words transmitted by a signal light.

The officer who was responsible for driving at present was told that after typing this passage, Argos looked a little pale.

Just now, he has been supported to watch the situation outside. Standing for a long time is still a great burden for him. After a deep breath, he moved his cold eyes to the driver who had just finished the signal.

"You, continue to drive, but from now on, the command will be given to my assistant robot stone, and you will signal all the things he wants you to do to outsiders."

After that, Argos sat down with the help of Yuanyuan and No. 21. Xiaohei was lying on his knees. Although his body was stiff, his hair was warm. Argos slowly touched Xiaohei's fur.

He's calm.

But the people around are not calm at all!

Especially the people in the driver's seat!

"But But It's a robot Pointing to the face of the robot stone, the driver trembles.

"Be obedient." Argos only said these two words.

After a while, he heard several very low obedience voices.

The last "obey" is the mellow mechanical sound, which is the sound of stone.

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