Olivia's arrival brought not only a large number of troops, but also a larger number of refugees.

Due to the huge population base, a large number of refugees are still staying outside the atmosphere of White Dew, anxiously waiting to be resettled.

Olivia only had a good night's sleep. The next day, as soon as she got out of her bedroom, she was surrounded by the officers who had been waiting for him all morning. These officers are the commanders of the current legions, and now almost every Legion has a large number of people to be resettled: the resettlement of refugees, the resettlement of the army, and a large number of seriously wounded people were sent to hospitals in Bailu yesterday, but the lightly wounded are still not available They had no choice but to go up to Olivia.

Before Olivia could open his mouth, mugan came out behind him with his coat on.

In the face of all the officers staring at him, mugan just laughed and said:

"let's talk in another place."

He asked the officers and soldiers to come to his dining room and sit down. While the officers were seated, sigma just put the delicious pancakes on the long dining table. Meanwhile, robot xiaoa also came with two huge trays. When the tray was placed on the dining table, all the officers smelled the milk smell that they had not seen for a long time!

Just when they thought it was over, another slender robot put all kinds of jam on the table, and a huge robot put three large plates of fruit on the table At last, a robot came over and put a bunch of flowers in the vase in the middle of the table.

Very fresh flowers, petals and even crystal dew.

The scene is not strange to every officer. For the Imperials, it is a very common family breakfast scene. No matter what race they are, the breakfast of the Imperials basically needs pancakes and drinks. Jam is essential. If conditions permit, there should be flowers. This is a traditional dining scene. However, when the war broke out, this scene became everyone's dream.

Many officers stood still, tears filling their eyes.

At this time, mugan stood on tiptoe and helped Olivia straighten out the collar of her military uniform without any trace, then said to Olivia with a smile:

"why don't we have breakfast first?"

Olivia nodded, took a look at mugan, and then sat down at the top of the long table. After confirming that mugan was sitting in the seat opposite him, he announced in a concise way:

"have dinner."

As if waiting for his words, after Olivia spoke, everyone's hands grabbed all kinds of food, and the dining table became a chaotic battlefield.

During their meal, mugan introduced to them all kinds of food they were eating. He introduced them in great detail, starting from the unit where they were cultivated, to the energy and nutritional value of this food, and finally focused on the main producing areas and current reserves of this food.

Mugan's voice was very steady from beginning to end. Slowly, everyone's eyes focused on his face.

Eating the long lost natural food in their mouths and listening to mugan's detailed introduction in their ears, the original annoyance of the officers who had been in a state of anxiety disappeared a little bit, especially when they heard mugan's introduction of the huge number of various grain reserves in Bailu at the end, everyone was shocked! Then there's ecstasy!

“…… At present, the five colleges including Imperial College are the main production units of bailuxing. Under the leadership of Professor mulansha, Professor of life reproduction Department of Imperial College, we have successfully improved all the crop seeds and land. The current grain reserves are enough for everyone to eat for six years. As early as the beginning of the production plan, we have considered a large number of crops We need not worry too much about the food reserves after the refugees are collected. "

However, mugan's surprise continues -

" In addition, the first group of refugees who arrived in Bailu were the top mechanical masters of Pandora, including master Kenda. In eight months, they completed the design of eleven new warships, three of which have been put into mass production, and the other eight have only samples, but this is due to the lack of production personnel to match the masters' works.... "

“…… Don't worry about this! There are many skilled workers in pendra among the refugees we brought this time!!! According to our statistics, most of them used to work in the major machinery factories in pendra! " Just as mugan explained his difficulties in detail, an officer stood up happily.

"Oh! That would be great! This group of people should be given priority to stay in bailuxing. " Mugan smiles gratefully.

Heart thumping, the officer took a look at Olivia, and then quickly sat down, sitting down again, his heart suddenly settled.

Seeing that other people were still looking at him, mugan continued: "in terms of weapons, you don't have to worry. Master toledoni constarro, the Empire's leading weapons master, is in Bailu, and the refugees of black star also come to Bailu with their precious stocks. Because Bailu lacks combat talents, these weapons are hardly used... ""Don't worry about that! My army is full of combat talents! " Before he could finish speaking, another officer stood up excitedly, but before he finished speaking, several other army commanders also scrambled to stand up.

All people want to express is just one meaning: I hope mugan will distribute weapons tightly to them!

"Please rest assured that we will do our best to do the logistics work. After breakfast, please go to the aidoli commercial street outside, where is now the office of the Government Affairs Council in bailuxing. There are corresponding office names pasted outside each shop. The Government Affairs Council will have special personnel there to count your problems. We will make the most appropriate arrangements for you."

"By the way, I forget to introduce myself. I'm mugan, the current supreme consul of bailuxing. I'm glad to see you alive. I hope we can have a good cooperation in the future."

Sitting in the middle of a group of senior military officials, the only member of the Government Affairs Council, Mu gen, said with a smile.

Officers: sorry! Mardan! It turns out that this boy is the government affairs department!

However, it's too late to entangle with each other's identity at this time. If we abandon each other's identity, the other party has made all kinds of preparations, and They came out of the same bedroom with major general Olivia

Blink, a little tangled, everyone's narrow vision in mugan and Olivia around, and then Olivia looked at a smile, we all speed up the meal, when the first person grabbed a pancake and ran out, everyone ran out.

In this way, with the arrival of a large number of people from the military headquarters, the powerless Mugen completely preserved the corresponding rights for the Government Affairs Council. In the following days, people from the military and the Government Affairs Council successively arrived at bailuxing. According to the different division of labor, all of them immediately confirmed their positions at the beginning of their arrival. For a long time, they took aidori commercial street as an example Center, Bailu star became the political center and military center of the whole empire.

In particular, the small courtyard of the Mugen family, an ordinary courtyard, became a famous scenic spot of the Empire many years later.

Nearly five hundred years after the death of Louis I, the government house and the military headquarters began to work in the same place again, and the political power and military power of the country began to move closer to and concentrate on one person again. Scholars of later generations generally believed that it was in this courtyard that the Emperor of the Empire once again took up his own scepter.

At this moment, the future emperor of the empire is not the goal. At the beginning, he pointed to the scepter. His goal is to climb to the highest position in the military headquarters, and then protect his family as much as possible. In his heart, he may have had a dream of becoming a marshal of the military headquarters in the future. However, he thinks that it will be decades before it can be realized.

At this time, Olivia did not think that he would become an emperor. He only had his own courtyard, his own robot and mugan in his eyes.

"Ollie, do whatever you want. I'll make all the preparations. Uncle alfa and I will help you prepare everything." The young man with black hair and black eyes stood beside Olivia with a straight back. It was he who handed Olivia the way to get the scepter.

On the third day after arriving at Bailu, Olivia was appointed commander-in-chief of the imperial first group army by Marshal Rosse, and was promoted to lieutenant general on the same day.

The youngest general of the Empire was born.

On the same day, mugan was also appointed as the first secretary and chief consul of ziyanghua galaxy by Lord nashker, and was given the right to promote subordinate officials independently and preside over the plenary meeting of the Government Council on behalf of nashker under special circumstances. On the day of taking office, Mugen immediately promoted all the staff who were in charge of the affairs of bailuxing to their official posts, and rightfully let them keep the right to continue to act in their original posts. At the same time, despite the opposition of some government officials, Mugen officially issued work permits to all the robots who had formal work in bailuxing, and all the robots with work permits could continue to work He continued to serve the Empire in his post and had the right not to be destroyed by human beings for any reason.

As if to compete with the measures of the Government Affairs Council, the Ministry of military also recruited all refugees after the issuance of this policy. For the first time, the target of recruitment included robots.

The Nanny Robot stone of the Mugen family has officially become the first robot in human history to join the army voluntarily.

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