After nearly 100 large-scale computers were destroyed by the other party, the experts of the Academy of Sciences finally cracked some information before the other party destroyed itself. This information was not good news for the Empire. Once it was exposed, it would cause unnecessary panic and weakness among a considerable number of people. Just when the military and political departments were arguing about whether to release this information, the political and military departments were in a dilemma The chief leader of the house of Commons, Heathcliff nashkir, decided to release the information to the public.

"These invaders are the yuabis from the seventh level civilization. According to the cosmic civilization rating recorded by the other party, our civilization rating is about between level 4 and level 5. "

When the gap between the two sides was announced, all the people waiting in front of the screen booed at the same time: they knew that the other side's technology level was more advanced than their own, but they didn't know that they were so advanced!

This How do we fight this? Just as some people worried in advance, quite a number of people panic!

At this time, nashkel continued his speech:

"the uabis are living beings in the world in the form of energetic beings, which are separated from the physical form. According to the records in the captured brain, in many advanced civilizations, human beings exist in this form. "

"They are immortal. As long as there is a carrier, the body can still be revived no matter how many times it is destroyed. To some extent, they have achieved immortality... "

If we say that the civilization level just now has made many imperialists feel the gap, then Mr. Heather's words really crushed people's fighting spirit!

Immortality? Doesn't it mean that the enemy can't be killed at all?

Fighting against this kind of enemy Is there any hope?

Many people's minds are blank.

In the midst of panic, the battle between the imperialists and the invaders continued.

From June 406, the battles between the Empire and the invaders became more and more frequent, and the two sides entered a delicate stalemate.

In July 406, the second group army of the Empire crossed with the invaders in the ROA system. Facing the strong attack of the invaders, the second group army, under the leadership of lieutenant general frafetal, strictly defended and attracted most of the enemy's firepower. At the same time, lieutenant general Argos led a small number of elite troops to sneak into the enemy's rear, and seriously damaged the enemy with the cooperation of the eighth group army Command the fleet.

In September 406, the fourth group army of the Empire defended burgada, an important energy star. At the cost of more than 3000 casualties, it won a major victory in annihilating more than 5000 enemy warships. The short duration of the battle, the large number of enemy warships and the small cost are all the records of the first and the last since the beginning of the battle! In this campaign, the eighth group army quickly came from the ROA system and helped to destroy more than 1000 enemy warships.

In October of 406, the Empire changed its tactical policy of "taking the star field as the case, dividing forces to destroy the enemy one by one". The second, third, fifth, and Eighth Army groups of the Empire, compared with the southern system, concentrated their superior forces to attack the enemy's aid forces first, and then the enemy's remaining forces. This was the first time that the Empire completely annihilated all the enemy's forces in the galaxy.




Among the frequent war reports, almost none had anything to do with lieutenant general Olivia and his Eighth Army. This brand-new group army, which was formed temporarily in the war, has finally become a powerful strategic mobile force of the Empire in countless battles. It is always ready to ambush the enemy.

At the same time, the successive victories calmed the uneasy hearts of the common people in the Empire.

“…… The reason why the invaders choose to live in the form of energy body is that their bodies are too weak! "

"It's said that the physical strength of the adult yuabis can't beat even five or six-year-old dragon cubs!"

“…… Such a weak body can't live without another way! "

More and more invaders were captured, and the mysterious veil of uabis was uncovered bit by bit.

It was at this time that Mr. Heather spoke on the screen for the second time.

“…… Yes, all the uabis live in a virtual world. Only a small number of people can go outside mechanically, and only when they occupy enough territory can they liberate all the people in the virtual world. "

"It's their choice to get rid of the bondage of the body and obtain immortality. However, when they choose this life form, they are doomed to live forever in a virtual cage!"

There was an uproar outside the screen -

"before my last speech, when I decided to publish the enemy's information, many people opposed me to do so." Mr. Heather said suddenly:

"they are worried that when I publish the enemy's information, our people will lose confidence and lose courage to fight the enemy."

"But I don't think so."

"We have the powerful body that our ancestors gave us. The blood of ancestors has been inherited to the present through genes, combination and generations. In the process of inheritance, weak genes die out, and the evolution of genes with good adaptability is more in line with the development of the times. Generation after generation, we become more and more powerful. "Mr. Heather's voice through the screen to convey to everyone's ears, his tone is not passionate, so slowly penetrated into everyone's heart. All the people in front of the screen have a feeling that they are sitting in front of this important person of the Government Affairs Council listening to the teaching.

"Even in the seventh level civilization, the uabis are very powerful. It is said that they are invincible, and all the places where warships arrive will become their territory."

"However, such a powerful uabis did not go well with us."

"We have defeated them and will continue to do so."

"It may be true that one day there will be compatriots among us in mechanical form, but those compatriots will never be these uabis."

"Maybe we will die in the struggle, but there will always be people who survive, inherit our will and continue to fight. What the enemy will never die is their life, and what we will never die is the will to defeat the other side!"

"We will fight the invaders to the end."

Mr. Heather on the screen holds his fist tightly! And off the screen, countless imperialists clenched their fists.

"Empire will win!" What Mr. Heather didn't say came out from the countless imperial population outside the screen -

Heather Xili stood up and walked out of the room.

The slogan "the Empire will win" is overwhelming. From the streets outside, we can see the excitement of the people outside.

His purpose was achieved.

The enemy's information must be disclosed to the public, and it is better to be disclosed by the government than to shake the morale of the army by secretly spreading all kinds of information among the people in the future. However, after the disclosure, several victories must be won in order to restore the people's confidence. In this matter, sisseli and Rosser have the same idea, so the former was completed by sisseli, and the latter was arranged by Rosser.

Walking out of the room, Heather Xi Li saw Rosie, who was talking to his subordinates in the yard. She stopped and nodded to him.

But Rosie just waved to him, then turned his head and continued to talk to his subordinates.

Although neither of them spoke, they understood the meaning of each other's eyes.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

It's like a long time ago, when they were cubs, when they played together.

After long legs stepped out, Heather Xili stepped over Rosse, and then another group of people came and surrounded him. All kinds of work quickly drowned him.

At the same time -

"chirp, chirp!" Influenced by the roar of the people on the street, the colorful little fat chirps chirped together.

"What are they talking about?" Mugan couldn't fully understand the language of these children, so he had to look at Olivia as if for help.

"They're saying - the Empire will win." Grabbing a cub that jumps on her lap, Olivia pinches the cub's mouth.

"Ha ha - they really understand what adults are saying ~" he smiles and watches Olivia interact with a group of cubs. Mugan sees a cub jump on his knee and "chirp chirp". He not only says it, but also fans his wings like a demonstration.

"Well! The Empire will win Looking at the serious looking cub, mugan repeated.

So, in the next few days, mugan was surrounded by a group of maotuan. A group of "chirp chirp" little maotuan were so patriotic that mugan was not good at attacking their enthusiasm, so he had to accompany them to talk over and over again. Olivia got to know her and lay on her side, with her mouth slightly raised, watching mugan interact with a group of cantas cubs.

During the war, this was their rare time together.

Both mugan and Olivia cherish this short time.

"Mugan, it's hard for you." After staring at mugan for a long time, Olivia suddenly said.

"Why?" With a yellow down baby in his hand, mugan turned and froze.

"Thank you." Olivia was serious.

Due to the responsibility of the strategic mobile team, Olivia led the eighth group army is the hardest, and they need the heaviest supplies. In order to achieve the best defeat effect, Olivia spared no effort to use all kinds of resources in the battle, and these resources are all prepared by mugan.

The more he wastes, the more difficult it will be for Mugen to supply. In order to balance this pressure, the heavier the censure he will face from other army groups. As a new young official of the Government Council, Mugen must be under great pressure.

But mugan never said it.

Olivia will start again tomorrow. He has read the list of materials sent by him. It's full.

Mugan was ready in the morning.

Olivia focused on mugan, his vision was too direct, mugan was a little embarrassed by him, but although embarrassed, mugan never escaped.“…… You're welcome, because... "

All of a sudden Olivia raised his fist on the street, and murmur said, "like those who are determined to win!"

With that, mugan put his fist to his mouth and laughed at Olivia.

So Olivia laughed, too.

Mugen looks at Olivia with a red face. Olivia looks at Mugen with a strong pull. A sweet smell in the air is fermenting, and then

"Chirp, chirp!"

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!"



The killer of romance is always children. When the atmosphere is just right, a group of cubs will become one again! After "Empire must win", they learned a new slogan: "Olivia must win!"

The cubs in the learning stage like to repeat the latest sentences, so this night, Olivia and mugan are drowned in a large area of "Olivia will win" chirp and fall asleep.

In his sleep, mugan vaguely felt that Olivia seemed to have said something to him. Unfortunately, he was too sleepy to hear or understand at that time. When he woke up the next day, Olivia had gone out again.

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