The destroyer is flying through the universe at a very high speed.

Different speed levels correspond to different dimensions. When the speed of moving objects exceeds a critical point, the destroyer is already in another dimension.

Another world that ordinary people can't imagine.

Because of being in it, mugan also saw the wonderful scene of the world with him.

He is now in a place very similar to the mecha operation room. The console inside is the console that mugan is very familiar with and has played in Uncle ipsilateran's body. Even there is a brain connector. Through the connector, mugan can share the vision of sigma at this time. However, unlike uncle ipsilateran, there are no buttons on the console . There is no key, so it can't be operated naturally.

Through Sigma's "eyes", mugan saw countless dark shadows gliding past them. They had no eyes, no nose and no mouth. They cruised among the stars like ghosts. They looked like ghosts in legend.

At the same time, he saw a very wonderful bird, let's call it a bird? Snow white, eyes are ruby color, they fly together in groups, this scene is nothing on any planet, but now they look very strange in the universe.

In the end, mugan saw the "route.".

They were dark green lines, and if the white birds hadn't attacked them, he hadn't even noticed the lines that were so thin that they were almost imperceptible.

Light spots are moving fast on the dark green line. At the moment of discovering those light spots, the very docile white birds in mugan's eyes pounce fiercely. Almost every bird picks up two or three light spots and swallows them. Mugan sees their big mouth.

They're probably calling.

But mugan couldn't hear them.

It's not only the white birds that capture those light spots. The ghost like shadows mugan saw before are obviously very interested in these light spots. They are bigger and can absorb more light spots at one time. When they hunt, their speed will increase instantaneously. Mugan has lost their trace in his eyes several times. Mugan knows that it's because they can catch more light spots The other side's speed in an instant increased to a higher speed than sigma!

Mugan never spoke.

From the time my uncle shut down his brain and decomposed his body into components of sigma, he was completely quiet.

Just as they always respect their own decisions, mugan also respects their decisions.

Even if this kind of decision makes him feel very confused.

He figured out a lot of things.

For example, uncle, they insist on detaining Sigma's buttocks and thighs and not returning them;

for example, even if the body material is changed, there is basically no change in the design drawing, the overall design drawing only has a little change, and it is all decided by sigma;

for another example Before Marshal Rosse left, uncle talked to him about it for a long time

"Target is locked, clean up task starts again." Just as mugan was quietly looking at the scene in the universe, the voice of sigma sounded again.

Then, mugan was surprised to find that sigma was also moving towards those light spots! At this moment, an idea flashed through mugan's mind, and he realized that these light spots were the yuabis who had escaped before! It was at this moment that he thought that those dark green lines were the routes!

It was the first thought in his mind that the uabis had set up so many routes in the Empire!

Then he got scared. According to this model, these uabis can't be killed at all. They can escape through the air route at any time, and then make a comeback one day!

This is the gap between the seven level civilization and the four level civilization!

However, the experience of the energy wisdom of these seven civilizations in the empire is not plain sailing. Those unknown Black Ghosts and white birds can pose a threat to them!

Mugan's guess is correct.

The Empire was invaded by the yuabis from the seventh level civilization overnight, and the Central Intelligence System of the whole star domain was paralyzed. However, in this case, they have resisted tenaciously and have won quite a lot of victories. These victories are not only gratifying, but also puzzling to many people. They Can we win the seventh level civilization?

Because of the limitation of science and technology, the imperial people can't see, so they can't know. What really helped them to stop the uabis was the energy eaters in the star domain, who ate energy bodies. These energy eaters living in the cosmic environment at a very high speed were the great heroes who really prevented the pace of the invasion of uabis!

When mugan thought about these problems in his mind, his vision was still following sigma. The white rays accurately shot into the enemy's route at a very high frequency, and a large number of light spots and the channel disappeared in an instant! In the pursuit of sigma, mugan even saw the Imperial Army!

Their movements are completely static in the eyes of mugan, who is moving at high speed.

The warship is stationary, and the rays they emit are stationary. Mugan can even see that a warship in the middle is about to be hit by the rays from the enemy!Mugan's eyes widened -

he recognized at a glance that it was Marshal Rosse's warship! Although it didn't look any different from the other warships, mugan recognized that it was the warship under the command of Marshal Rosse!

"New targets appear, number: 3328, destruction mission is about to begin." With Sigma's rigid voice, mugan saw sigma take out its weapon in the process of high-speed movement.

"Scavenger system alpha, ready."

The white rays from the muzzle of the gun suddenly came from nothing, and it was hard to detect the glare from the sight. Due to the excessive glare, mugan instinctively closed his eyes when the rays were emitted. When he opened his eyes again, the world was in peace.

All the enemies in front of the Imperial Army have disappeared, and only countless light spots are rushing to the route.

Then -

there was another light cannon, and that section of the route disappeared.

Ignoring the imperial army still standing still, sigma quickly chased the enemy on the remaining routes.

Sitting in Sigma's body, mugan saw many familiar people. He subconsciously looked for the shadow of the Eighth Army here. Mugan saw the first to the seventh army, but he didn't see the figure of the Eighth Army until the end! He carefully looked at every warship in the Eighth Army, but he couldn't find the white clouds.

They're crossing one star field after another with great speed.

The thin channel finally converges from all directions. Sigma leaps forward and flies in parallel above the channel, increasing its speed again. Then, mugan sees a door.

At the end of countless routes, mugan saw a door.


At the moment when the thought just flashed through his mind, sigma had already taken him to the door.

There, mugan saw an unexpected person.

"Ollie?" Looking at the white clouds at the end of the route, mugan read Olivia's name in disbelief.

In fact, the white clouds in front of him now are very different from what they used to be! I'm afraid no one would associate this huge frightful warship with the white cloud blossoming ship, which looked more like a transport ship before. However, mugan recognized him at a glance!

No matter how the appearance changes, the sign of the small cloud on the surface of the spaceship is always there. Mugan can see it at a glance!

At the moment when Mugen arrived, the white clouds had already made a full blow towards the end of the enemy's route -

where the ray arrived, the enemy's route collapsed layer upon layer, and Mugen clearly saw the whole process of the enemy's being defeated.

That's Olivia! It's Olivia's whack at the enemy!

From a long distance, mugan seemed to see the cruelty on Olivia's face.

However, he immediately saw a scene that made him lose his mind: the power of the collapse of the whole route was too great, and the energy body in death burst out with great energy, which formed a terrible storm and swept back to Olivia -

"no -" mugan cried out.

However, sigma did not seem to see this scene in general.

"There are 87 targets left, and the pursuit plan will continue."

His voice was cold, without any emotion. The only target in his eyes was those who he judged to be "enemies".

Ollie It's going to be submerged

When Olivia was about to be drowned by the hot white light, mugan's brain seemed to be drowned by the white light.

At this time, he did not find that the white light at this time was not "seen" by him with the help of Sigma's eyes. This white light is reflected in his brain!

Then -

he moved.

The Six Sigma in exterminator form flashed out.

At this moment, mugan did not find that he had completely controlled the destroyer mecha. At this moment, he turned at will, and he completely dominated all the actions of the destroyer!

He's not a light. He's faster than light.

He seems to be too fast because he's invisible.

Before white light arrived at Baiyun Duoduo, he forced Baiyun Duoduo out of the scope of white light.

Mugan and the white clouds passed by the white light of death.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw that all the stars in the range of white light disappeared, and the huge space suddenly became empty.


Fortunately, I caught up!

Mugan sighs. He can't wait to go in and see Olivia.

He thought so, and then he did the same.

Skillfully from the connecting warehouse of Baiyun Duoduo, he went in.

There was no one inside the white clouds. Mugan found Olivia in the core cockpit in the southwest corner.At that moment, mugan clearly felt his heart tightening force!

"Ollie..." Whispering Olivia's name in his mouth, he walked over gently and bent down to help her up. Uncovering the bandage that had been dyed red by blood, his lips were pursed into a straight line. Then he found the medicine box and used the last remaining bandage to firmly fix Olivia's wound. When he reached out his right hand and wanted to touch Olivia's face for the last time, he noticed that it was not his hand that had just been used to bandage Olivia's wound, but a pair of machines Armed man!

Left hand red, right hand silver, this This is the hand of sigma!!!

A heavy pain in the head, small control room, mugan pain bent down.

As a result of a moment of stimulation, he took over the control of the mecha. When he realized this, his brain was no longer enough to support the high-speed operation of just now!

"There are 87 targets left, and the pursuit plan will continue." The icy voice of sigma rings again.

Mugan watched sigma fly out of the white clouds. Behind them was Ollie, who was seriously injured and comatose. With the speed of sigma getting faster and faster, the distance between them became farther and farther

The white spaceship, the white cloud after white, was quietly suspended in the star field where there was no one and no star.

It looks like it's the only planet here.

Olivia was sleeping quietly.

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