Not long after he landed, Mengmeng also jumped down with alpha, and the other robots were asked by alpha to stay in place to guard the connection.

"It's so dark that I can't see anything. Fortunately, I brought this with me!"

With his left hand holding uncle, and his right hand taking out an old-fashioned flashlight from his pants pocket, mugan finally saw the scene around him with the help of light.

"This is an empty room."

What he said is right: it's really an empty room. There are no furnishings in it. Only a few boxes are thrown on the ground casually. The boxes are all open, and two of them are empty. The empty boxes are littered with some clothes.

Olivia bent down and reached for the box. Just as he picked up one of the clothes, it broke to ashes!

He choked on the dust and sneezed.

"These clothes look very new, but they are actually very old!" Mugan squatted down beside the box, afraid of breaking the clothes. He didn't dare to reach out to touch the boxes. He aimed the flashlight at the clothes. He provided lighting service for Olivia.

"These are the brands of hundreds of years ago. The manufacturers have closed down." Unlike mugan, who was born without wearing a few human clothes, Olivia still knows how to distinguish brands: "they break when touched, and they have been put away for hundreds of years."

"What an outmoded style." Olivia went through all the clothes inside and finally came to this conclusion.

Patting the dust in his hands, he noticed the corner behind Mugen when he stood up again.

"There's a door there."

Olivia turned her head along the door and noticed that her eyes were behind the door.

Two people have the heart to go to the door. They nodded to each other, and Olivia reached for the door handle -

unexpectedly, the door opened as soon as it was pushed.

"It was destroyed before." Beckoning mugan to look at the broken lock, Olivia pushes the door open.

It was dark outside, and mugan's flashlight became the only light source in the darkness. With the flashlight as like as two peas, they saw that the corridor was originally a long corridor, and the outer edge of the corridor was surrounded by wooden railings. Across the distance of ten meters, there was a similar structure corridor. Beneath the blank space of the two corridors, there was a large middle hall. The light source of the flashlight was not strong enough. What Mu Mu could not see clearly was what the following were.

But they finally know where they are now.

"We are on the third floor now! This ship is so big: bigger than uncle ipsilon! It's bigger than kanmeng! " Mugen, a small bumpkin who grew up in the countryside, had seen two spaceships when he grew up in such a big Communist Party. No wonder he could only use these two ships as reference objects.

"It's not very big. The special cruise ship is much bigger than this one: at least ten floors, which can carry 100000 people to roam in the universe at the same time! Inside the facilities are particularly complete, all models of game machines in the universe have! You can't think of it, you can't play it Olivia immediately cited a larger ship as an example.

Of course, the main advantages of that spaceship are safety, comfort, and unparalleled entertainment. The game console is just a small aspect, but Olivia has remembered that.

"Wow! So powerful? Ollie, have you ever sat down? " Mugan was immediately attracted by the huge spaceship he was talking about. He casually asked a question, and Olivia's head drooped.

"I haven't sat Tickets are too expensive. The money for tickets can give Meng Meng another layer of ass. besides, people don't sell tickets to minors... "

"Well Is there super cute on that ship? "

"No Ah? Is there still this game? I've never heard of it

"I have. Let's play together when we get back."

"Good!" So Olivia was rejoicing.

The laughter of the teenagers reverberated in the dark, with a faint echo, which spread layer upon layer in the dark cabin of the spaceship, with a faint chill at the end.

The flashlight in mugan's hand was antique after all. The power was limited. After half an hour, the flashlight flashed and then went out completely.

Olivia froze.

He hated the dark.

But he is different from mugan after all. He has a natural racial advantage. Olivia can see a lot of things even in the dark. He soon sees mugan beside him.

Seeing mugan's moment, Olivia didn't know what was going on, so she relaxed.

With good night vision, Olivia noticed that mugan's face became very pale: Yes! Mugan must be scared, too!

I knew it! How can he not be afraid when he is afraid?

With this thought, Olivia's shrinking courage suddenly grew stronger. He decided to say something to relax them."This spaceship is also very big and looks very advanced. Generally, the people who take this spaceship are rich. There should be a lot of valuable things on board. Shall we look for treasure? Maybe there will be antiques! Let's go this way! "

Mugan was also very interested in his proposal, so the two men swam around the rooms.

One room after another, each room is basically the same: it's a scene after being robbed, there's nothing valuable, and the rest is rubbish that can be broken by touching.

"It seems that this ship has been patronized many times, and nothing valuable has been left." Olivia is bored kicking a thing under her feet. It should be a metal product. It's rare that it hasn't broken down for so long.

"We can leave now." With that, Olivia kicked the thing at her feet forward.

There was a clanging sound on the ground. At last, it hit other obstacles and the sound stopped.

Olivia looked up and saw that there was a mirror over there.

It's a half person high dressing mirror. I don't know what material it is made of. It looks like it's well preserved.

Looking at the mirror and mugan who came to him, Olivia suddenly had a bad smile on her lips.

"I suddenly remember a story Meng Meng told me before.

Once upon a time, there was a man who was bored. He was guessing in front of the mirror. Guess what? "

Mugan did not answer.

So Olivia had to go on.

"And he lost."

Olivia waited for mugan to be startled. Before, Mengmeng used this story as a bedside story I scared him to death when I told him!

He waited and waited.

Suddenly, Olivia's bad smile froze.

The cold sweat floated up from his back and stared at the mirror in front of him. He suddenly realized something he should have realized:

he and mugan were standing in front of the mirror, how now

Is he the only one standing in the mirror?

Olivia's pupils are constricted!

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